
It's time for a re-do

@BumpCarley‌ @BumpMay‌

I understand there are new rules in effect and respect that. However, many users are upset that others were banned before we were notified of the new rules.

Maybe as a ceasefire, reinstate all who were banned and give them a chance to participate under the latest guidelines. Aren't we all innocent until proven guilty?

Just my opinion for what it's worth.


3rd pregnancy -- 1st baby -- praying for a rainbow

#1 EDD 5/2014 -- MMC 10weeks ~~ #2 EDD 10/2014 -- Our baby girl, born sleeping 17weeks ~~ #3 EDD 8/2015

Re: It's time for a re-do

  • Yeah so yes, the new guidelines were mocked to shit but everyone was fully prepared to keep it moving under them. 

    Good intentions and all that, but that's not what any of this is about.  At all.  

  • Am I reading this on my screen correctly that they renamed Parenting. ....BumpHQ? What the actual fuck?!
  • Loading the player...
  • Am I reading this on my screen correctly that they renamed Parenting. ....BumpHQ? What the actual fuck?!
    They are moving post.  
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