As you might remember, our nanny watches our 3 year old, our 1 year old, and the neighbor's 1year old. (By the way, we decided not to have her do the maid's work).
Anyway, currently she drives the 3 year old to preschool with the two 1 year old's in the car, and picks him up with the other kids in the car too. Next summer, the neighbor will have another baby. Our car is an SUV, not a minivan.
We are considering a new preschool where a different friend's 3 year old will go. She has a nanny too and a new baby. Following me?
Could I offer my friend's nanny some money to give rides to my 3 year old, so my nanny doesn't have to leave the house with 3 other kids under 2 years old, in addition to the preschooler. The benefit to my friend would be (1) additional money would make her nanny happy (2) the nanny could drop friend's baby to play with our two babies while drop offs and pick ups are happening.
Good idea or not? How much to pay for such a service? Any other solutions?
My TTC History:
2009: missed miscarriage #1 at 9 weeks (trisomy 16)
2010: Infertility
2011: Diagnosis and treatment (low sperm count, anastrozole for DH, clomid for me + IUI)
2012: Baby #1
2014: Baby #2
October 2015: missed miscarriage #2 at 11 weeks (trisomy 22)
March 2016 BFP#5, due November 2016.
My Charts since 2009
Re: Pay for rides to preschool? How much?
ETA: and thanks for the info!
2010: Infertility
October 2015: missed miscarriage #2 at 11 weeks (trisomy 22)
2010: Infertility
October 2015: missed miscarriage #2 at 11 weeks (trisomy 22)
2010: Infertility
October 2015: missed miscarriage #2 at 11 weeks (trisomy 22)
If she were a SAHM I'd probably offer $10/day, but since it's just some extra money while she's already working, you could try $5
2010: Infertility
October 2015: missed miscarriage #2 at 11 weeks (trisomy 22)
May be worth asking - does the new preschool have a drop off line? We switched MDOs when DD2 was born because one had a drop off line and it saved my mom from having to unpack a three month old to pick up the three year old. If it does, I would leave things alone.
And with the kids, don't you want the nanny to be able to leave the house with them? Extra seating might be good regardless, and a minivan might not be the only option (we fit our 5 kids into a Buick Enclave).
There is a drop off line, but for pick ups you have to go inside.
2010: Infertility
October 2015: missed miscarriage #2 at 11 weeks (trisomy 22)