February 2014 Moms

GIF your day

spicysurrospicysurro member
edited January 2015 in February 2014 Moms
We haven't had one of these in a bit so here we go:

Last night I was like:
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because the thought of moving makes me like this for myself
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but like this towards Ex-H
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So today I'm feeling
Sleepy Dog and Kid photo Sleepy.gif
And once again looking at apartments like
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and some of them its like
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so I procrastinated and made an amazing lasagna
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and now I'm like this
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Thanks for listening! How is everyone else's day going?
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Re: GIF your day

  • spicysurrospicysurro member
    edited January 2015
    and it looks like none of them posted... now I'm sad.
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  • It shows up in the preview but as soon as I press post they don't show.  :((
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  • Loading the player...
  • trial attempt. I know how to post them and they are in the preview but once I post they are gone so lets see...

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  • Okay fixed it! 
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  • as soon as i got to work i was like

    and then after 4 hours of working on the SAME account i finally finished it

    then i came home from work and deal with the bf who caught LOs cold (after he said several times he did NOT want to get sick)
    and i was all

    finally now that dinner is done with and cleaned up, laundry is in the dryer, and lo is sound asleep...


  • innanni said:
    I love that this thread was posted , but don't have time for gif tonight. Maybe tomorrow, today was shitty though, gifs might help, but too tired
    Hope tomorrow is better! (((hugs)))
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