So, I saw this on Facebook yesterday and it just made me SO MAD. I'm actually still pretty pissed. I googled this Steve Reichert guy just to see who he was (his page is a public figure page, which is why I didn't edit out his name) and he's some military dude ( But he's totally OK with pedophilia. I mean, the woman he posted a link about is a predator. She is a teacher who has been having sex (and has been caught having sex) with BOYS under 17. PEDOPHILE. But I mean, because of the double standard, it's totally OK for young boys to sleep with older women, right? I mean, men go to PRISON for that kind of behavior, but this guy is telling these BOYS to keep their mouths "full of muff" and to not to "fuck up a great thing". WHAT THE FUCK?
Who is this guy?! Is he even a parent? Let's pretend he is. Let's say he's got one boy and one girl. The boy is in a non-consensual relationship (16 or under) with his teacher and the girl is in a non-consensual relationship (16 or under) with her teacher. Would he be congratulating and praising his son's situation while at the same time persecuting and getting outraged about his daughter's situation? Both situations are involving a predator and children under the age of 16, how is there even a fucking difference? This "man" is disgusting.
What are your thoughts?
Re: livid
Throwing leaves
And i read the article. Shes still being allowed out into society to preform more acts of sexual abuse. This is so diagiating on so many levels.