May 2014 Moms

Infant Motrin for teething

I have several friends and family who swear by this for teething relief. I have used it and it works one dose a day and my cranky teether turns back into her pleasant baby self. However I try not to give it to often and am concerned about using it a few days in a row. Thoughts, opinions, sound medical advice?? (Also since I have been m.I.a. for several months I apologize in advance if this topic has been previously discussed ad nauseam.)

Re: Infant Motrin for teething

  • JennyinheavenJennyinheaven member
    edited January 2015
    I only give it to her once a day , usually, seems to do the trick. I'm more concerned about giving it to her for a bunch of days in a row when her teething is really bugging her
  • We try to only give it at night when dealing with teething. So just the one dose for while he sleeps since that's when he seems to be most affected anyway. We will use it a few days in a row. If I feel like he doesn't need it, we won't give it. We also try teething tablets here and there - I don't like to use them a lot but during the day, if he seems to be in too much pain, we will do that.
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  • +1 for using Motrin at night and only one dose a day IF she needs it. I prefer Motrin over the Tylenol since it lasts longer and seems to work better. 

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    TTC: 8/13; BFP: 9/11/13; EDD: 5/15/14
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  • Thanks ladies, going to stock up then on my trip to BRU this afternoon.
  • Honestly I would go with Advil instead. Easier on their stomachs. We have both but I prefer to use the Advil with teething.
  • I specifically asked about this exact thing at her 6 month appt. The pedi said as long as you don't exceed dosing guidelines and are giving for symptoms, there's no limit to how many days in a row you can use.
  • becole42 said:

    THD7580 said:

    Honestly I would go with Advil instead. Easier on their stomachs. We have both but I prefer to use the Advil with teething.

    Motrin and Advil are the same thing?
    I read this as Advil over tylenol (whatever brand- ibuprofen).

    That's what I read, too. But it's the other way around, isn't it? Advil/Motrin/ibuprofen is an NSAID which can irritate the stomach, while tylenol doesn't affect the stomach.
  • bunannie said:

    make sure they are upright, let them open their mouth for the medicine, and only do little squirts at a time, not all at once. 

    After months of daily fighting on this (DD is a reflux baby on zantac), we have an arrangement worked out. DD has to see the bottle and syringe so she knows what's coming. Then with her laying down, I let her help bring the tip to her mouth. If she pushes it away, I wait with it maybe six inches from her mouth and say "let me know when you're ready". Usually takes 1-2 push aways before she holds it into her mouth. Then as @bunannie‌ said, just giving a small bit at a time with pauses for swallowing.
  • My dr said we can use Motrin now but I was hesitant because it can upset my stomach if I haven't eaten.
    Are you giving for discomfort or because baby has a fever with the teething. DD's temp hit 102.8 today and I freaked. Tylonol brought it down quickly though. She's drooling like never before so I'm thinking that she's getting more teeth rather than having a bug. Any of you getting major fevers with teething? Sorry if there is a teething thread! I didn't see one and keep forgetting to check.
    Also DD would eat grape Tylonol alldayerryday. She loves that stuff
  • anyone have tricks on getting LO to take the medicine?
    DS acts like he's getting tortured and chokes and/or spits it all out.
    I've never attempted to give meds any other way than mixed in with a bottle. Never phases him. 
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  • It has already been addressed, but I'll second that I prefer acetaminophen for babies. Only time I'd use ibuprofen is if the acetaminophen was not doing an adequate job lowering a temperature, at which point I'd alternate each every 3 hours (ibu every 6 hours and apap every 6 hours, alternating each one every 3 hours so that it was like 12a- ibu, 3a - apap, 6a-ibu, 9a-apap, etc). I only had to do that once with DS1 but he was right around a year at the time. 

    As for getting kids to take medicine, it depends on the medicine:

    prednisolone -- chocolate chaser or chocolate on the bottom of the dosing spoon
    azithromycin -- copulate if I know, that poop nasty; someone said that the frozen concentrate juice in a spoon with the medicine helps; I can't vouch for that
    ranitidine -- find a pharmacy with grape flavoring and get them to flavor it

    everything else -- a little at a time, not at the back of the throat, drizzle it down the cheek; all else fails, find those dosing nipples (they have them as pacifiers I think)

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