finally caught up! its been a heck of a day between work, LO and the bf both being sick. ugh
hugs to @katybriggs@dex@avswolf sending good vibes and thoughts along your ways for your reasons
@paulhealth I'm sending labor inducing thoughts your way!
this whole TOS thing is ridiculous.LOL @codypup for mother russia. and i can't remember who's aid President Snow but i almost spit out my water bc i laughed so hard!
I'm freaking out because i only have instagrams for a lot of you ladies and I'm scared f14 is going to spontaneously combust. i hope not. but if it does, don't forget about me :-c
oh!!! i POAS sunday and it was negative. i was both relieved and sad.
so I'm having a glass of wine, yet i'm scared bc my period still hasn't gotten here and I'm like what if it was too early to tell even though I'm like a week late.
UGH! nursing has totally thrown off AF and its freaking me out.
Re: Tuesday Randoms
I'm just seeing a pm you sent me in November.
Usually that's if it lingers for a few days and starts to impact sleep or behavior in more than a minor way for me.