September 2015 Moms

bikram yoga while pregnant?

jyoga87jyoga87 member
edited January 2015 in September 2015 Moms
I just found out I'm 5 wks pregnant and I've been doing bikram yoga 3-4x/wk. I just read that hot yoga can cause neural tube deficits at this point in the pregnancy due to overheating, so I'm kind of freaking out about potential damage I may have done. I plan on not doing it until it is safe, if it is safe ..I have read that it is safe after 12 weeks as long as u take precautions to drink water, be cautious about overworking your body and not being by the heater or humidifier. I'm a first time mom. I'm wondering if there any other hot yogies out there and if you have done hot yoga while pregnant ?
Me (27) & Hubby (40): 1/22/11
EDD of 1st: 9/11/15
PhD grad date: 6/1/16

Re: bikram yoga while pregnant?

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    I won't be doing any hot yoga during my pregnancy. I just don't want to risk it. I've been going pretty regularly for years, but I've switched it for a regular gym and will look into prenatal yoga when I'll reach 12 weeks.
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    I'm going to switch to a prenatal class too. I've definitely seen very pregnant yogis in regular hot classes but since my studio has a prenatal class I think I'll feel safer sticking to that.
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    My doctor told me to stop Bikram yoga as soon as I found out. But I will be practicing regular yoga at my gym!
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    Bikrams wife has a pregnancy video and info on their site. There are a lot of modifications in the poses. Some say it's ok and some say no way. Check out the site and see how u feel. :)
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    hotmess26 said:
    Bikrams wife has a pregnancy video and info on their site. There are a lot of modifications in the poses. Some say it's ok and some say no way. Check out the site and see how u feel. :)
    The risk has nothing to do with the poses. It has everything to do with the ambient temperatures.

    OP - Switch to regular/prenatal yoga and you'll be good.
    together since '03 / married since '14 / started TTC Dec '14 / Holy shit! BFP 12/28/14!
    Sept '15 Siggy Challenge - Happy Dance!
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    I love hot yoga and have been doing it regularly for about a year and a half ...but my doctor said not to anymore-and yes, it's the temperature.

    I'm still practicing flow and jivamukti though-may give yin a try as well as that's a bit more relaxing...

    I'm at 6 weeks and did my fav flow class Yesterday with some modifications advised by my teacher. I was bummed though as there were many cool poses and binds I wanted to try but...not allowed...ah well ;)
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    I am an avid Hot Yoga girl too. I did regular yoga through my other pregnancies and felt fine with modifications but it was all done in a normal temperature room. I am still attending warm flow classes and I am 6 weeks along.... but I don't even find the room hot at all. It's more like a regular room with no air conditioning. 
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    Glad I saw this. I did my 1st hot class in November and since school is done I was going to get into it more regularly. This Friday was going to be my 1st class but not after reading this. Thx lovies
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    A pregnant lady ought to follow drinking a lot of water amid the day. This will help diminish the inclination to go to regular pee during the evening, and will give you an agreeable rest. On the off chance that you've been investigating workout choices that are both agreeable and gainful for you and child, per-birth yoga may be a good fit for you.
    Get more healthy pregnancy tips and positive yoga benefits :
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    I quit hot yoga while I was trying to get pregnant at the advice of my Dr and acupunturist. Just wanted to say I've been doing prenatal and gentler yoga classes my entire pregnancy and it's been SO beneficial I really recommend it to anyone expecting!
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