February 2014 Moms


spicysurrospicysurro member
edited January 2015 in February 2014 Moms
Here is my predicament. Ex-H and I signed a lease to my current place I'm renting. We signed for two years, once my divorce was final I wrote the landlords and told them what had happened and that its too much to afford on my own. They agreed to let me out of my lease at a year, which will be in June. The school I am currently attending is an hour and 15 minutes away. I found a daycare I love here although A has not started going since there isn't a slot open yet. I am shadowing at a Veterinary Clinic here but unsure if they will hire me due to not being able to have enough hours until A is in daycare. Also her pediatrician is here, which I love. SO here are my options.
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WWF14D? 58 votes

Move closer to school and find new Ped, DC, and hope someone will hire you at a clinic.
36% 21 votes
Stay close to everything and commute to school.
63% 37 votes

Re: WWF14D?

  • I haven't voted yet...how long are you in school for?
  • Is there anywhere you can move that's in-between where you are now and the school?
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  • @rachaelmary I just started to I have at least a year and a half.

    @djtippietoes No there is really no halfway mark. Its either here or there. I live in TN so there is a lot of country in between places. 
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  • I'd do some research on pedis and dcp's near school to cover all your bases. I hate long commutes.
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  • How many days a week is school?  Are you full time?  If full time, I would not want that long commute every day.
    I would be full time if A was in a daycare. I could try and manage 2 or 3 days a week since most classes are offered Tuesday and Thursday or Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Ideally id like to just do one or the other.
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  • From your post it sounds like you want to stay where you are, but my first thought was the same as TLex's - you don't want to be that far from your DD in daycare on a regular basis.  Long commutes are soul-sucking IMO.  I would definitely move closer to school.
    BFP #1 9/2010 (lost our baby at 21 weeks) BFP #2 8/2011 (ectopic pregnancy) BFP #3 10/2011 (chemical pregnancy) BFP #4 12/2011 (Abigail born 8/15/12) BFP #5 5/2013 (Griffin born 1/23/14 with heart defects, now repaired!)

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  • sdlaura said:
    From your post it sounds like you want to stay where you are, but my first thought was the same as TLex's - you don't want to be that far from your DD in daycare on a regular basis.  Long commutes are soul-sucking IMO.  I would definitely move closer to school.
    I really have no preference,  at this point moving alone sounds like death, I have moved every year for the past 5 years and I'm just tired and over moving.
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  • I really have no ties except Avas pediatrician and her daycare. My mom is here but doesnt offer much help and our relationship isn't the best. I have no real friends here and Im kinda on my own. I guess a new area is intimidating but theres not a ton here to keep me. Just moving is daunting and maybe I see it as closer will be easier... agh who knows.
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  • i voted for the move closer to school. check out the pedis and DCs and see what your options are. moving sucks. i was moving every year like you up until 2 years ago. it sucks. but, you may find you love it closer to school and that you'll have more time to be with LO or even just to be able to work more without that commute. 

    good luck with whatever you choose. its not an easy choice to make, were here to be your sounding board if you need it.


  • I think I wouldn't like being that far away from DD during the day. We currently live about 30 minutes from where I work, and I had to find a daycare/sitter that is in the town where I work instead of where we live. There was a daycare we were looking at, but since I am the more flexible parent (I can leave whenever I need to, DH can't), we decided daycare close to my work was best. Plus, the town I work in is also the location of our pediatrician and hospitals.

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