Hello all. We follow this board since M was born 8 weeks early and has some eye issues, and A.J. has larynogmalacia and some other small things.
M, 24 months, recently completed her developmental assessment that she gets because she was a preemie. There was a lot of screaming...she was just really mad that they hid the bracelets, etc. She scored above her age on all the tests, which surprised me since she refused to do most of it. Apparently screaming at the developmental assessment qualifies us for Early On because they said she would not be ready for school if she didn't respond better to testing. She does fine in group settings like music class, but does have tantrums when it is time to leave and doesn't always act very well on the first day of new activities, when she doesn't know what to expect. They mentioned anxiety, and I wondering what your experience has been with children who have anxiety and if we should be doing anything besides working with E.O.
Re: Tell me about anxiety in 2 year-olds
Honestly if the only reason they are thinking anxiety is because she refused to take a test I wouldn't be that concerned. In kindergarten my oldest son refused to take a test, he clearly knew the answers and he has no anxiety or shyness whatsoever. The person giving the test was someone he didn't know and he just refused to talk to her. His regular teacher then gave the test to him and he did fine. At that age who knows why they do or don't do certain things!
I agree with auntie - generally related to something else. In DS's case our best guess is sensory integration issue.
Social stories do help for anxiety related to not knowing what to expect.