

jamilahalstonjamilahalston member
edited January 2015 in Preemies
hey guys. When did you start introducing toys and bouncers and swings into your preemies life... Well actually when did they start liking them?

Re: Suggestions?

  • Before her due date, I just tried to keep it dark and warm. I sang and read quietly.  She needed to be propped due to reflux, so I'd put in her the boppy, or the vibrating chair that is technically a "bouncer" right away.  We did not have a swing, but if it was soothing and made her happy, I would have used it right away. We used the rock n play and rocked her right away. They use a mamaroo in the NICU.  I started reading to her around her due date and showed her the pictures, which she enjoyed.  I dangled toys, but she was not that into didn't seem to stress her out tho.  It was probably around 4-5 months (2-3 adjusted) that she reached for toys and before that she would watch them.  Hiccups are an indication that it is over-stimulating.  
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