July 2015 Moms

Sunday Randoms

What's on your mind today?
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Re: Sunday Randoms

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  • Lmao! I'll keep you posted on their reactions, @SlurpeeLove‌
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  • Good luck today @LadyAnnibal‌! I hope it goes much better than you anticipate!

    I went from needing 10 hours of sleep a night, to not being able to sleep 6 before I'm wide awake in the last 2 days. It's 430 am and I've already given up on falling back to sleep, and caught up on my social media... Idk what to do with myself.
  • Good luck @ladyannibal I hope all goes well for you!  I hate announcing that I'm pregnant to anyone in person it's just so awkward but once it's over I think "why the heck was I nervous?"

    Today I have a ton of reorganization I could get done, I should take the Facebook announcement pic of my kids to announce the new baby, I have laundry to fold and have to grocery shop but I really just want to sit like a lump on the couch.  I'm hoping I gain some motivation soon!
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  • My husband and I had dinner at my in-law's house on Friday night for my SIL'S bday. Yesterday my MIL came down with the stomach flu so badly that she ended up in the ER because she passed out; my husband started up with it last night. Any guess as to what time it'll hit me? I moved downstairs on the couch as soon as he started to get sick last night around 3, but I'm guessing that the damage is done.
  • I think I might starting to be on the upswing from this head cold from hell. I'm almost afraid to type that for fear of completely jinxing it. 

    Busy day today, but that should be helpful. :) Twins last swimming 'lesson' (admittedly a stretch to call it that for 2yos), and then we're getting together with some friends afterwards for a late pizza lunch. By the time the girls get home, they are EXHAUSTED and nap exceptionally well (but, I too, am usually shot by then). 

    Other than that, t-minus 2 days to cerclage surgery, and assuming that goes well, we'll likely announce to the "world" on Friday. Although, it'll be slightly anti-climatic by then -- most of work knows, my family knows -- most of my close friends know. But, still fun, just the same. :)
    TTC Since 11/10 due to Unexplained IF 
    4 Rounds of Clomid, 2 Rounds of Femara + IUI, 2 rounds of IUI+ Injectables (Bravelle + Menopur) = First BFP! TWIN GIRLS!

    November 2, 2012 - Claire (2lbs 8.9oz) and Paige (2lbs 10oz) arrive at 29w3d due to PTL and pPROM at 28w5d 
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  • My dd threw up for the first time. She seems ok now thank goodness. Dh is cleaning it up because I started gagging. #moty
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  • Today I'm announcing my pregnancy to my family and I'd much rather crawl under a rock and die. I just want my pregnancy to stay between me and my SO but I know that isn't plausible. I just hate all the negative gossip that is gonna come with this announcement.

    I'm 22 and I feel like a 4 year old that has to tell mom I wet the bed.

    Good luck. I told my parents and extended family yesterday and they were all thrilled. Even my dad who is pretty stoic let out a smile at the thought of being a grandpa
  • We moved into our house on thanksgiving day and STILL don't have blinds hung in all the windows.  There are 4 more left, but today we have to go to home depot to pick up the other 3 that I ordered... putting them up is such a PITA.  DH is going to murder me.

    Also.... GO PACK! :)
  • @mrsklm09‌ what a rough day! But how exciting! :)

    Pregnancy Ticker
  • My mother doesn't want grandkids haha. I've mentioned it before even getting pregnant and her thing is, "I've got 12 kids, I'm in no rush to have grandkids." Granted, my brother is only a year old but I'm not asking her to baby sit. I just want her to be approving.

    I'm sure when I mail my bio dad the announcement photo he'll finally be relieved that I'm not a lesbian, as that has been his fear since I was 9 lol.

    Maybe just emphasize to your mom then how you are an independent adult who can take care of your own baby.
  • @LadyAnnibal‌ , GL and hopefully it won't be as bad as you think! My mom and dad were both adamant about NOT wanting grandkids as well. I didn't really care, I figured they'd come around like they always do - and it took until Friday for my dad to finally refer to the baby as HIS grandchild and not "my wife's grandkids if it makes it out"...tough love maybe?

    Just be happy for yourself, and don't let them ruin it!
  • @LadyAnnibal Good luck and hopefully their reactions will be postive.

    DD came into our room around 8 and snuggled with us for 10mins before asking for a show. So she's watching something on DH's phone while he snores away and I'm laying here bumping. Lazy Sunday mornings rock. I've got some laundry and cleaning to do but other than that we are just bumming around the house today while DH is at work.
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    July '15 January Siggy Challenge: Snow Fails/Fun

  • Going to attempt to attend church today. I haven't been since being pregnant, to much MS and it's also the only time I get the place to my self! But this will be out last time at our current church since we are moving 30 miles south to a new area. Then home
    To pack more for the big move.
  • @LadyAnnibal‌ Good luck today telling your family!

    DD was up a lot last night so we're all pretty tired here today. I'm hoping her sleep regression ends soon.
  • Good luck @LadyAnnibal‌

    DD is sick again. Runny nose and a slight fever. She started daycare in December and missed a week because she got sick. Now she is sick again. :( I feel so bad for her. She is miserable and I feel like there is nothing I can do for her.

    Any mama's with daycare experience... did your kids get sick a lot when they first started?
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  • Enjoying the laziness this morning before I have to take the dogs to the groomers. Super excited that it's finally "warm" out (20°F). Finally gonna get to spend some quality time with my horse, even though I don't get to ride anymore. Hope he's not mad at me...
  • I'm starting to think if we have a girl she will be nameless forever. I can't think of anything I love. Boy names are so much easier.

    I agree. I have a girl middle name but no good first names.
  • I'm starting to think if we have a girl she will be nameless forever. I can't think of anything I love. Boy names are so much easier.

    I'm the opposite. I can't think of many boy names that I love. But girl names are easier for me lol.
    Lol. Want to share girl names?
  • @wineandcake‌ I find the opposite to be true! I have about 10 girl names, and 0 boy names picked out.

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  • I could easily name 10 boys. I like a girl name for about a week and then I'm 100% over it. We have a middle name but no first name, poor kid might just end up being Baby Girl Last Name
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  • H finished up his work outage last night and is home! I am dying for a chicken salad from Primanti Bros. I made my request known last night. Fx he takes us out for lunch or dinner today!

    Good Luck @LadyAnnibal‌!

    I didn't realize you were from Pittsburgh. You are bringing back memories!
  • SamiReevesSamiReeves member
    edited January 2015
    We have a girl and boy name picked out. I absolutely hate the girl name..Sarah Monica Michelle Last name. Boy is Elijah Ray Last name. He's all for biblical names. Okay, I get that. But he's got 6 other kids. Bethanie, Timothy, Matthew,Mary, David ,and Destiny. Sarah was my great grandmother's name but it was also his fiance of six year's name. I don't like it, I don't want it. Monica is his sisters name and Michelle is my middle name, which I hate because it came from my horrible birth mom. So I'm just hoping this baby has a penis and I can use Elijah.
    Sorry if that's hard to read. I just woke up. Haha.
  • I have no names picked out. I like a few girl names and have no idea what to name this LO if it's a boy. Most boy names have been ruined for me because I worked mostly with boys and have more guy friends then girl friends (we don't want to repeat names that our friends have).
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

    BabyFruit Ticker

    July '15 January Siggy Challenge: Snow Fails/Fun

  • @SJ7108‌, yes, DD seemed to get every bug that passed thru her day care when she first started and was sniffly all winter! But it gets better. Now she is 3.5 and doesn't get sick very often. They say it's good to get it out of the way young or otherwise they'll catch everything when they start kindergarten. But it always hurt to see my little baby sick.

    Since DD is still recovering from croup we have been up since 5:15 but stayed home from church today. I've been in crazy cleaning mode, boxing up Christmas decorations, putting DD's outgrown clothes in bins, etc. Now I'm exhausted and nauseous. (The nausea is constant but I don't notice it as much while frantically busy.) And I need to go in to the office for a few hours today because I have a big deadline tomorrow. Boo.

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  • SJ7108 said:
    Good luck @LadyAnnibal‌ DD is sick again. Runny nose and a slight fever. She started daycare in December and missed a week because she got sick. Now she is sick again. :( I feel so bad for her. She is miserable and I feel like there is nothing I can do for her. Any mama's with daycare experience... did your kids get sick a lot when they first started?
    DD was at least partially sick (i.e., constant runny nose) for most of the winter last year at age 1.  This year we've barely had a sniffle so far (knock on wood!) - hoping sickness now will mean less when it's time for kindergarten!
  • Good luck @LadyAnnibal‌
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                           BFP#1- April 24th. M/c-April 30th. BFP#2-September 11th. EDD: May 25th. 
                                      It's a girl!!! (: Madison arrived on May 19th at 6:35 am (:
                                                               * July '15 January siggy challenge.*
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