Hi All,
I've been lurking on the bump for a while now and have been working throughout my pregnancy off and on as a substitute teacher. We totally need the money, but as I get closer to my due date I seriously consider being a stay at a home mom at least for the first few months. I'm considering asking my husband to get a second job so hopefully we can make ends meet. But with both of us working not that great part-time jobs, I just don't know how we'll make it when the costs of a new baby and daycare are added. In my area, daycare for small babies is more expensive and I think that me working would mean my entire check and then some going to someone else to take care of my child.
If anyone doesn't mind responding... How do you manage?
Re: FTM Thinking of Staying Home...
eclaire 9.10.06 diggy 6.2.11
OP is married. The financial burden for their family's expenses is just as much her husband's responsibility as it hers. They should both be working two p/t jobs, if possible, if neither can find f/t work, and money is that tight.
I worked full time during my first pregnancy, I was not suggesting she couldn't work. You called her selfish for having the audacity to suggest her H could step it up a bit, but I see nothing selfish about it.
What line of work does your husband do? Can he go full time...? Or can he work an opposite schedule than you do so that you don't require childcare?