Well this thread hasn't been getting much use lately. I hope it's because everyone is having an AMAZING YEAR.
Spontaneous pregnancy #1
DD1 July 31, 2011
Trying for #2 since Oct 11
732973 Clomid Cycles
2 IUIs
3 Fresh IVFs= 1 Ectopic treated with MTX
Spontaneous pregnancy #2= Ectopic #2= lost left tube
Spontaneous pregnancy #3= DD2 January 29, 2016
Spontaneous pregnancy #4= Ectopic #3
Spontaneous pregnancy #5= Baby #3 is a BOY!!!
I have never wanted to get a period more than I do right now. Uterus, get your motherfucking shit together and start sloughing. I'm getting really sick of your tempermental bullshit. If they cancel my cycle because of your lazy ass, I'm going to be pissed.
Spontaneous pregnancy #1
DD1 July 31, 2011
Trying for #2 since Oct 11
Spontaneous pregnancy #2= Ectopic #2= lost left tube
Spontaneous pregnancy #3= DD2 January 29, 2016
Spontaneous pregnancy #4= Ectopic #3
Spontaneous pregnancy #5= Baby #3 is a BOY!!!
I don't blame you at all for not even wanting to get up to pee- what a complete mind-eff your ute is right now. It has to take all of your energy trying to will that smug little bitch to clean house.
Thank you BCPs for bringing my acne back and making me feel nauseated. FU.
TTC #3 since June 2013
BFP #1 7/21/2013--EDD 3/30/14--D&C 9/24/13
BFP #2 1/28/14--MC 2/7/14
IUI #1 5mg Femara + trigger = BFN
IUI #2 5mg Femara + trigger = BFN
IUI #3 5mg Femara + trigger = BFN
BFP #7 (beyond surprised again!) 4/26/16. EDD 1/5/17. beautiful betas!!!! and then near-fatal hemorrhagic corpus luteum. turns out baby was ectopic after all; another lap 5/6 (@24dpo).
the universe can fuck off.
"You are overly paranoid and delusional that every one is out to get you." -lastsliverofhope
Fuck you laundry, dishes, vacuum, dust, and bathrooms. Clean your GD selves.
I'm also going to send out an eff you to @fuzzbumble's ute, the bitch.
Also, if my BIL doesn't stop making remarks about what we do with our money and my job I will have to punch him.
DX: Severe MFI 9/1/11
Because of Undescended testicle at birth
IVF #1 October BFN; 5 snowbabies
FET: November/December 2011
ET: 12/7/11; Beta 1: 12/16/11: 66 Beta 2: 12/19/11: 212! 1st ultrasound 1/3/12! Graduated 1/10/12: heartbeat 160
SAIF Always Welcome
Me: 36 DH: 33 DD:2
PCOS diagnosis February, 2011
Clomid - 50 mg + Met June & July 2011 - BFN
Clomid - 100 mg + Met September 2011 - BFN
Clomid - 150 mg + Met Oct & Nov 2011 - +OPK - BFN
HSG - clear S/A - normal
IUI #1 - Clomid 150 mg/Ovidrel/Met - February, 2012 - BFN
IUI #2 - Clomid 150 mg/Ovidrel/Met - March, 2012 - BFP!!! EDD 11/29/12
Daughter born on 11/6/12
TTC #2 since 5/14
9/14 - D&C / Hysteroscopy
11/14 - Met / Clomid 100 mg - BFN
12/14 - Met / Clomid 100 mg / Ovidrel / Acupuncture - BFN
1/15 - Met / Clomid 100 mg / Ovidrel - IUI #1 - ???
Spontaneous pregnancy #1
DD1 July 31, 2011
Trying for #2 since Oct 11
Spontaneous pregnancy #2= Ectopic #2= lost left tube
Spontaneous pregnancy #3= DD2 January 29, 2016
Spontaneous pregnancy #4= Ectopic #3
Spontaneous pregnancy #5= Baby #3 is a BOY!!!
BFP #7 (beyond surprised again!) 4/26/16. EDD 1/5/17. beautiful betas!!!! and then near-fatal hemorrhagic corpus luteum. turns out baby was ectopic after all; another lap 5/6 (@24dpo).
the universe can fuck off.
"You are overly paranoid and delusional that every one is out to get you." -lastsliverofhope
Insomnia I hate you!!!
Me(27)+ DH(30) Married since Sept.2007
BFP #1 DD born 6/1/2009 (no complications)
TTC #2 March 2011
BFP# 2 after 4 rounds of clomid (blighted ovum)12/11
BFP# 3 w help of clomid 2/12 DS born 10/24/2012
Stopped preventing when DS was 6 months old (4/13), really started TTC 10/13
Started clomid July 2014, 3 failed rounds of clomid w OB (low pro on CD 21) sent to RE
HSG and blood work all good
round 1: clomid and trigger shot~BFN
round 2: clomid, trigger and IUI~BFN
round 3: clomid, trigger and IUI +4 booster HCG~NOPE
On a break!!! Til April/May
round 4:clomid, trigger (missed IUI window) NO fricking way BFP