December 2013 Moms

Bump Acting Funny...Or Just Me?

So this morning I have had these things happen....

1 my avatar just went poof!

It tells me there is 33 new comments on a thread, there was really only 1. 

I reload and it shows all the little yellow flags gone...even when there is new comments. 

WTF Bump, I am at work and have to stay awake don't be messing with me this a.m. 

Re: Bump Acting Funny...Or Just Me?

  • No idea, but the Bump does weird stuff once in a while!  Your avatar is definitely different now.  Sometimes when I'm on mobile it "forgets" that I'm signed in and shows things differently, so I have to refresh or sign in again.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I had to change my avatar, because it kept giving me a generic bump one that was stupid and it wouldn't re-show my old photo. It was being wonky for me all day yesterday. But today no far. 
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