
How long after section did you allow visitors?

How long after your c-section surgery was done did you allow visitors?
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Re: How long after section did you allow visitors?

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    My section started at 9 and I was back in my room at about 1030ish I guess? My mom and sister were in my room to meet me (H was with baby and brought her to me when I got in the room. My dad came in after my mom gave him the go ahead and I was settled. My inlaws were in the room shortly thereafter. Next time I will ask that the inlaws do not come until the following day, but we don't have the best of relationships.
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    This time around my DD5 and DS3 will be visiting the afternoon of the surgery with my Mom. My surgery should be around 9:30 as long as there are no emergencies before us. Hoping most people come the next day or the day after. DH has a brother with 3 kids and a stepson. They will be visiting 2 days after the surgery. That is the visit I am least looking forward to.
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    My c/s have all been early AM, and I don't mind people coming 1 PM or so. Once I get settled into my room and DH and I spend a bit of time with baby.



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    Thanks for your responses!
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    I had immediate family in my room pretty much as soon as I got done with surgery which was very early in the morning.  DD was kept in my room during our whole stay.  Everyone was so excited to meet her and BD, grandparents and my sister were all there for her first bath.  A few of my friends came up to see her late in the afternoon.  It didn't bother me having family around but it's really your personal choice.
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    DS was born late at night. We wanted DD to meet him as soon as possible so we had visitors the next morning - roughly 12 hours from birth.
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    I allowed visits the next day. Personal choice though a d these are just closest friends -- I don't like visitors actually if they aren't just BFFs. My dad was unable to visit at that time bec he was sick. ILs are fr a one-hr plane ride level so they just visited once we got home.
    This time BFF will come over as well. She is taking DD while DH and I are in the hospital. Dad will likely come visit the night of as i will most likely have a morning RCS. Other close friends -- just expecting two -- can come the day aftrr

    i love you, my little mooncake mahal kita
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    I had morning sections with just grandparents & kids the first night, and even that we played by ear and saId we would make sure all wss well fIrst.

    We had most visitors day 2 or 3. this time (section on 1/8) the weather was really bad so we didn't have any visitors the first day and that was nice, too. for me, absolutely no way I would want visitors immediately or even early afternoon. my hospital doesn't even allow visitors in the first 2 hours.

    You may be sick from anesthesia or have trouble getting your temp up and you will be trying to feed the baby. nurses will be checking on you s lot send changing bedding and pads often in the first few hours. I was also very groggy from pain and nausea meds and general fatigue.
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    My son was born via c-section at 2:26 pm and my Mom and husband were in the recovery room with us. About half an hour later when we were moved to our permanent room, my MIL and my dad came to visit. My son was in the room with me. Around 5:30, we had 4 visitors: my son's godparents, my husband's best friend, and an old family friend.
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    With my first son he was born at 11am so I let close family come in after I went into recovery but with my secduled csection next month its later in the afternoon. Only close family will come see the baby once were in our regular room. I want it just to be my husband and son in the recovery room so we can bond.
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    My mom, aunt and grandma came in right after I was wheeled out of recovery (3am after a 28 hour labor and emergency c-section). However, the only reason that I let them in, was because my grandmother was leaving to go back to her state at 5am that day. She had a layover in our state and decided to stay for 15 days, waiting for our kid to be born. When I was overdue, she needed to get back home. It is her first great-grandkid, and as much as I didn't want ANYONE there....I worried about her maybe going back home, something happening to her, and her never meeting her great-grandkid. So I caved. If it wasn't for the fact that she was leaving, nobody would have been invited in until I was ready for visitors. And that would have been a play by ear type thing....
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    With DD, my parents and BFF were waiting in the waiting room and since I was the only c/s recovery, they let them pop in for a quick visit to the recovery room. I was in my PP room by 5 and a bunch of family showed up by 6.

    This time, I'm scheduled for 7 am and hoping to be in a PP room by noon. DD is being brought to the hospital by my parents around 3 so once she gets to spend some one on one time with me/ us/ her new brother, then we will let my parents/ anyone else visit... I assume by 4/5ish that day.
    T & J 5.9.09
    MMC 2.12.11 @ 8w
    PVM 5.8.12
    GWM 3.17.15
    RPM 2.21.19

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    I will let my parents & kids visit in the afternoon, when DD1 is out of school (the c/s is scheduled for 8). I don't like a lot of visitors in the hospital so kids & parents are it for me. I have never been in for more than 48 hours and once I am home I invite any and everyone who would like to meet baby to visit (with notice).

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    Hours later, by my choice.  The plan had already been in place to give me time alone with baby and DH before visitors. 

    highly recommend it.

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    1 hour (required by the hospital).

    It was my mom, sister and my 2 boys.  We had more visitors a few hours after that.

    ~after 34 cycles we finally got our 2nd little bundle of joy~
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    The following day.  We wanted a day to ourselves first.
    Me: 35 DH: 30 TTC since 1/2010 DX: 6/15/2011: MFI IVF with ICSI

    IVF #1: Sept 2011: Beta 10/10- BFP!! 1st u/s 10/31/11 1 blighted ovum, 1 embryo 2nd u/s 11/14/11 stopped growing, no h/b D/C 11/17/11

    IVF #2: FET 5/4/12 : Beta 5/16/12 BFN

    IVF #3: ET 7/6/12 : 7/18 Beta #1 BFP at 246, 7/20 Beta #2 at 713, 7/27 Beta #3 at 9068. 1st u/s 8/7 with one lovely hb.
    Mabel is here! 2/17/13!
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    My daughter was born in the evening and all my visitors came the following afternoon.
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    Honestly I had an emergency c section at 6pm after a 3 day long failed induction. My mom, dad, and step mom all visited quick after she was born. And then the following 2 days we had a bunch of people who visited.....and I regret it!!! I love everyone but I was in so much pain that I wish no one really came. Plus I had a private room and it was super small and it was horribly warm in there. I'm a Debbie downer, I know lol. But when I'm in pain I don't like people.

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    DH and I: Dating: 08/2008, Engaged: 02/2012, and Married: 03/13!
    Adopted our Pup: 08/2011

    DD born on 12/03/2014, Emma!
    (TTC #1 (and only!): 12/25/13, BFP: 03/31/14, EDD: 12/05/14, Gender, girl: 07/16/14)



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    Pretty much immediately. My dad was in the waiting room when I had my surgery and my step sister was in the OR with me. As soon as I was settled in recovery they came in.
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    this time i want a bit more time before visitors come because i want that time with my husband and big boy and baby first.. but I am glad this was posted bc now I have to think about how I want to handle it!

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    MY DS was an emergency c-section and my grandma was with him until I got out of recovery. It took them 3 hrs to get my temps back up. When I got back to my PP room, not even 30 minutes later  everyone was there. It kind of upset me because I wanted some alone time with baby and I was tired and still a little nauseous. 

    With this next baby, it will be made a rule that no one can visit for the first 24 hrs because DH and I want the bonding experience that I didn't get the first time around. 

    Like all the PPs said, it is a very personal choice. 
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    my parents came about 12 hours after my daughter was born. my grandparents came the next day.My brother and his wife came two days later. DH two sisters came on the third day, without their families.
    went home on the fourth dayand limited visitors after that
    for the triplets, my parents came about 20hours later and my husband's parents came when they were 2 weeks old. My grandparents came in they were two or three weeks as well. They came home At between 6 & 8 weeks, in early to mid May, and we had 0 visitors until June and then we're very picky about it.
    its whatever you want to make of it.. I prefer to not have The circus


    No periods due to 17 years of ballet and distance running after college.  Zero response to 2 months of Clomid, little response to Letrozole.  IUI left with 9 cysts = too many viable eggs due to age.  On to IVF.  Low dose of all meds still produced 37 mature eggs 12.6.11.  Froze due to overstimulation.  

    FET #1.1 1.22.12 BFN.   FET #1.2 2.22.12=GRACE! (and a vanishing twin).  

    Grace Katherine born 10.25.12 @ 36w6w 6#14oz 19.5".
    FET #1.3 3.2013 BFN FET#1.4 4.2013 BFN. Never tried a fresh transfer.  Let's try, despite 10 still frozen.  
    ER 6.26.13 27 mature eggs, slight overstim. ET   7.1.13 ectopic, FET 2.1  9.10.14   TRIPLETS!!  

    Boys born 3.18.14 @ 29w5d.  Andrew Jack 3#6oz 16", Grant Robert 3#9oz 16", Charles Phillip 3#7oz 17".

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    With my first - Inlaws about 4 hours after the birth. Dd wasn't in the room yet as that was an emergency delivery!
    With the second it was an 8am delivery and they barged in while dh, dd2 and i were sleeping around 2pm- which doesn't sound bad but dh had only 3 hours sleep as he was finishing up work the night before and it made for a really grumpy dh and with my hormones I was very upset. Other dear friends visited around 6pm - they were wanted
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