A seems to know and correctly identify and like the color blue.
He points and says blue to blue things, and anytime we pull out construction paper he wants the blue sheet.
If she doesn't like something she's eating, she'll take it out of her mouth and put it in the corner of her kiddie table she has designated as table scraps. Certainly makes it easier for me to clean up later.
I am surprised by some of the words he knows. Like "lawnmower". That one surprised me because he hadn't played with his toy lawnmower in weeks, and started asking for it at lunch one day.
I am also surprised at how much he likes to clean. Not just playing with a broom anymore, but really cleaning. He will go to another room to find a towel or rag to wipe up something, and always complains when things are "amess". He will get out all of my potholders from the drawer to play with, and put them all back when he is done.
LO loves looking at pictures of herself on my iPhone. One day, she grabbed it from me and started swiping through the pictures. She was specifically looking for videos. She'd swipe until she sees one and hits the play button. When it's done playing, she'd swipe again to find the next video to play. I was all
Pretty much everything she does amazes me. When we were just learning/reading what it would be like to have a child with Ds we actually had to stop since most of the books we read made it seem like they will not learn anything and that it is just this horrible thing to be burdened with. We decided to just see where DD goes with what we teach her. She surprises me everyday with new things. While she may not be doing any of the things mentioned above that is OK because she is just being herself and enjoying life.
DD has started insisting on walking upright up and down stairs while holding on to the railing. She was doing the butt scoot to go down and crawling up but now she's too big for that
F15 Siggy Challenge: What You're Looking Forward to Most After Baby Arrives: BELLY SLEEPING!
While we were on vacation, Addie quickly learned how to take which path to the correct elevator and how to find our room. Grammy is directionally impaired, so it was the running joke that Addie could get back to the room, but Grammy not so much.
LO is really good at keeping rhythm with things. He'll pat his leg or something else in time to whatever is playing and he's very very consistent about it. He rarely misses a beat. Also, I put him on a piano bench for the first time last week (he has no one to watch and see how they play since we don't have one anymore) and he opened up a hymnal that was on it, sat down and sat straight, and started moving his hands on the keys playing very gently like he's been doing it forever. And he never looked down at his fingers, he kept his attention on the music and every now and then he'd reach up to make the pages turn. It was so freaking cute.
He's also really good at sticking things into small openings. His hand to eye coordination makes me jealous, to be honest Lol
He's incredibly observant. He doesn't have a lot of real words (you can figure out what he's saying from time to time) but he watches with great interest and intently while you do something and can usually pick it up within the first couple tries. Which isn't always a good thing, but still, it's impressive.
His ability to understand what we are saying surprises me everyday. If you ask him to get his shoes, he runs and grabs them, if you ask for his boots, he gets those instead.
I'll go through a pile of books asking if he wants to read them and he shakes his head no until you get to the right one.
The other night he wanted outside, to the point he brought me his coat and snow pants. I was shovelling snow and he had to help,so I gave him a little shovel and he started shovelling like he had been doing it all his life.
Like Leah, he can navigate an iPhone like nobody's business. He knows how to go directly to the kid apps. I continue to be amazed at his puzzle/shape sorting skills, he's doing chunky puzzles for ages 3+ with ease.
He imitates everything he sees and has a crazy memory too. My friend bought him the Melissa & Doug pizza making set when she was visiting a month ago and she was showing him how to put the pepperoni in his eye sockets. She came over two days ago (after not seeing her for a month) and the first thing he did was get out the pizza and try to put this pepperonis on her eyes.
Me: 35 H: 35 Married: 4/5/13 "You know that place between sleep and awake, that place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I will always love you. That's where I'll be waiting." ~Peter Pan
BFP #1: 11/12/12 EDD 7/25/13 Baby boy: 7/27/13 BFP #2: 10/29/17 MMC dx @ 9 weeks BFP #3: 2/2/18 MC 2/7/18 BFP #4: 3/2/18 MC 3/9/18 RPL testing and hysteroscopy: all normal BFP #5: 4/1/18 MMC dx @ 14 weeks ----> genetically normal girl Hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue 9/28 BFP #6 11/5/18 EDD 7/20/19 Rainbow baby girl born 7/23/19 BFP #7 12/8/2021 EDD 8/22/2022
We have color & number magnets/felt boards. Alex will match colors, & order the numbers all the way up to 10 all by himself. He also knows how to put his shoes & socks on by himself.
Charlotte's such a chatter box...but the funniest thing she does is go "pee ew, pee ews" every time my husband farts. It seriously makes my day every single day...
Ohhh I forgot DH's favorite trick of hers is that she can whistle! She did it accidentally one day and we laughed about it and encouraged it and she can now do it on command just as loud as DH and I! She will often walk around the house whistling, it's hilarious.
F15 Siggy Challenge: What You're Looking Forward to Most After Baby Arrives: BELLY SLEEPING!
E had her 18 month check up today and it was so cute to see her and the pedi interact with each other. Her doctor asked her questions about what she likes and doesn't like to eat, her favorite toy, whether or not she likes day care....and she answered everything. It was too cute. She seemed like such a big girl.
And actually, she is a big girl. 31.5 pounds, 35 1/4 inches tall. :-O
This thread is so nice, uk. I'm so proud of all of our babies.
She was looking at her hands during lunch, then rolled up her fingers and put the knuckles together, straightened her pointer fingers, touched the tips together and said "triangle". (Sounds more like "twiangle" but I knew what she meant).
My jaw was on the floor! I grabbed the phone to record and caught her trying to make a square. She said "kware". I asked her to make the triangle and she said "gweat" (great). Then shifted gears and asked to get down to "wun an wun". :x
One of her new fun things is telling us (and all of her toys) "uuh job" (good job)!" and clapping whenever we do something for her.
@adeb9562 so sorry for your losses, pets are family. Ian isn't much of a talker either he's got about 10 words, and several animal sounds. The pedi wasn't very concerned at his 18 mos doctor visit.
I am amazed every day at the things this little guy does. He has started using the little potty now and I am surprised, DD didn't show much of an interest in it till closer to 2. He also has some sweet dance moves too, he is always doing his arms every where we go where there's music playing, it's so cute.
My kid knows all his shapes, can count up to 10 and can point out and name any letter that you ask him to on a random sign or paper. We call it reading to mommy time lol
Re: what are you surprised your lo knows/does?
F15 Siggy Challenge: What You're Looking Forward to Most After Baby Arrives: BELLY SLEEPING!
BFP#1: 11.22.2012 EDD: 7.22.2013 DS Born 7.24.2013
BFP#2: 11.26.2014 EDD: 7.25.2015 *chemical confirmed 12.08.14*
Fab Life of K
He imitates everything he sees and has a crazy memory too. My friend bought him the Melissa & Doug pizza making set when she was visiting a month ago and she was showing him how to put the pepperoni in his eye sockets. She came over two days ago (after not seeing her for a month) and the first thing he did was get out the pizza and try to put this pepperonis on her eyes.
Married: 4/5/13
"You know that place between sleep and awake,
that place where you can still remember dreaming?
That's where I will always love you.
That's where I'll be waiting."
~Peter Pan
BFP #2: 10/29/17 MMC dx @ 9 weeks
BFP #3: 2/2/18 MC 2/7/18
BFP #4: 3/2/18 MC 3/9/18
RPL testing and hysteroscopy: all normal
BFP #5: 4/1/18 MMC dx @ 14 weeks ----> genetically normal girl
Hysteroscopy to remove scar tissue 9/28
BFP #6 11/5/18 EDD 7/20/19 Rainbow baby girl born 7/23/19
BFP #7 12/8/2021 EDD 8/22/2022
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
F15 Siggy Challenge: What You're Looking Forward to Most After Baby Arrives: BELLY SLEEPING!
Both the "knife/scalpel" association & wanting to be like Daddy opening boxes. :x
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards:
She was looking at her hands during lunch, then rolled up her fingers and put the knuckles together, straightened her pointer fingers, touched the tips together and said "triangle". (Sounds more like "twiangle" but I knew what she meant).
My jaw was on the floor! I grabbed the phone to record and caught her trying to make a square. She said "kware". I asked her to make the triangle and she said "gweat" (great). Then shifted gears and asked to get down to "wun an wun". :x
One of her new fun things is telling us (and all of her toys) "uuh job" (good job)!" and clapping whenever we do something for her.
Seriously so much fun.
@adeb9562 so sorry for your losses, pets are family. Ian isn't much of a talker either he's got about 10 words, and several animal sounds. The pedi wasn't very concerned at his 18 mos doctor visit.
I am amazed every day at the things this little guy does. He has started using the little potty now and I am surprised, DD didn't show much of an interest in it till closer to 2. He also has some sweet dance moves too, he is always doing his arms every where we go where there's music playing, it's so cute.