
Precious Penguins Check In Jan 8, 2015

emmuffyemmuffy member
edited January 2015 in Infertility

Welcome to the January 2015 Precious Penguins Check-In!!!  Check-ins will be every Monday & Thursday. Your check-in leaders are @SweetieShellieH (Monday) and @emmuffy (Thursday).<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />


This is a check-in for those who are doing IVF/IVM or FET with an ER/ET scheduled for January. If you are interested in joining, please fill us in on your cycle below.  Please include what cycle number this is for you, where you are in the process, when you expect to start stims, when you're planning on retrieval and transfer, and when your beta day is!  Also, please update us along the way!


For those that don't have it yet, here is the link to our badge


Below is our list so far. Everyone is welcome, so please let us know if you would like to be added




BFN (((HUGS)))




@tweetyknicks IVF#1 FET#1


Between ER & ET



@.Mrs.Matt. IVF #1

@apitts2 IVF#2

@BlueJell0 IVF#1

@browncoatjr IVF#1

@cokiebear IVF#3

@jro1602 IVF#1

@Kbrooke06 IVF#1

@Kcheese IVF#1

@kford81 IVF#1

@K1111K IVF#2

@kristin1k IVF#1

@NariaDreaming IVF #1.2 (fx for <60 follies this time!!)

@RG1979 IVF#3

@sewfie IVF#1

@ShortStuff IVF#1

@SmootiePie IVF#1

@vballbaby IVF#1


Prep (BCP/Lupron/EP)


@afsalinas IVF#1 FET#1

@bkam IVF#1

@Buttmonkey34 IVF#2 FET#1

@doves654 IVF#1 FET#1

@Dyork IVF#1

@emmuffy IVF#2

@Fluffydamn IVF# ??

@GoBucksOH IVF#1

@Jetta83306 IVF#3 1st w/ DE (Donor is Stimming)

@LilyHarper IVF#1 FET#1

@kels1977 IVF#1

@lemonliz IVF#1

@maddychan IVF#1

@Mysh IVF#2

@shadidynyc IVF#1 FET#1

@Spring78 IVF#2

@tifga IVF#1 FET#2

@tumbleweed123 IVF#3

@Twinkie0612 IVF#4 FET#1 w/ OE

@zeynsom IVF#2 FET#1



Waiting to Cycle (No prep)

@crazycatlady4 IVF#1 FET#1

 @Discouraged31 IVF #1 FET#1

@kfb829 IVF#1

@MamaKakes611 IVF#3

@tbj1 IVF#2

@wcasar IVF #1 FET#1


Cycle Delayed / Cancelled


@BootsOrHearts IVF#1 FET#1 moving to February

@crazycatlady4 IVF#1 FET#1 - FET Early February

@Daashuriaa IVF#2 FET#1 - Moving to February

@fizzashaudhary IVF#3 FET#1 - RI Protocol for 2 months

@lilycakes78 IVF#1 FET#1 moving to February

@SundayBrunch IVF#1  Moving to February

@saysjess IVF#1 Moving to February


QOTD: If you could only eat breakfast foods or dinner foods, which would you choose?


Official diagnosis: Unexplained IF. I am 32. I have low ovarian reserve (low AMH), and poor egg quality. I've also been diagnosed with mild glandular developmental arrest (lining problems, detected with EFT).

We are using open ID donor sperm. IUIs #1-7=BFN. IVF September 2014 antagonist protocol, 8R,5M,3F, 5 day transfer of 1 morula = BFN. IVF#2 planned for January 2015 (antagonist protocol + HGH).

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Re: Precious Penguins Check In Jan 8, 2015

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  • Looks like January is getting busy for more of us as we get further into this process! Had my baseline U/S yesterday. All looks good so I started stims this morning. They had me decrease Lupron from 10 units to 5, and I take those in evenings. Follistim is 225 units for 4 days, then 200 the next 4. I go back for next U/S on 1/15. I don't feel any side effects yet other than my continuous headache I've had since starting Lupron. As much as my head hurts, I sure hope that's the extent of the side effects, although I'm sure there will be more. :| Qotd: definitely dinner! I am gluten intolerant and don't like eggs so breakfast is tough for me
  • Hello!

    Just left my first u/s after starting injections. I have 4 follies that are at 11, one is 6. This is what my doc was expecting since I have a low reserve. Estrogen is at 445 so I'm not starting cetrotide yet. Next u/s is on Sunday.

    I'm on mobile so.its hard to tag, but so excited for the ER @RG1979‌ !! GL!

    ****Siggy Warning*****

    Our Story

    Me: 26 DH: 33

    Married April 2014, TTC since May 2014 (but unprotected for over 4 years prior)

    First RE visit Aug 2014

    Me: low AMH (1.2) DH: SA was great!

    IVF#1 with ICSI and FET: ended BCP 12/28. Started stimming 1/4. 225mg Bravelle+150mg Menopur+100mgClomid

    ER 1/17: 10R/ 8M/ 8F. PGD test showed 7 normal.

    ET: 2/17, Transferred 2 day 5 blasts

    BFP 2/24!

  • shadiddynycshadiddynyc member
    edited January 2015
    Hey, hey, hey.. @dove654 fx for your lining thickening.
    @Buttmonkey34‌ you should be fine with 6 yrs experience, you'll able to find something else once you start looking.

    I went in for b/w & u/s on Tuesday & everything was good. Lupron was lowered to .05 & I started on Estrace 2x per day. Going back in for lining check on 1/23 & scheduled for FET on 1/29 if everything looks good. Hopefully this time there won't be any set backs.
    QOTD: I'm gonna have to go with dinner, there's more of a variety & I'm greedy =P~
  • vballbabyvballbaby member
    edited January 2015
    Hi Penguins! Feeling incredibly icky from either the Doxy or the injects, probably both, massive headache today as well. My belly is so bloated and I always seem to have more discomfort on my right side. Living in sweats as even yoga pants hurt.  Tomorrow I go for another scan and I'm hoping and praying that those laggard follies have caught up. Will update tomorrow. I'm also looking forward to my acupuncture appt. tomorrow to relax and feel good. Good luck to the ladies with ER's coming up quick! I'm guessing mine will be Mon or Tues. Going for the gold and I have this secret hope that they will find one or two extra's hiding in there.
    Edit QOTD: I love breakfast! Over easy eggs mixed with breakfast potatoes is my fave! (I have the opposite of an aversion of foods touching, LOL).
    Me 42, DH 33, TTC for about a year naturally (but no protection for 4 yrs). Together 6 yrs, married June 2014.
    CD 3, FSH of 15, E2 67, AMH 0.43, LH 6.2, normal HSG test
    DH good count but low volume, 87% motility, 1% morphology
    IUI#1 - Nov 2014, 100 mg clomid and HCG, 2 large follies 20 & 16mm (7 follies total). BFN
    IVF# 1 Jan 2014, 225 Gonal F, 225 Menopur, Ganirelix, 4R/3M/1F w/ICSI - PUPO!

  • So much exciting news on here! I love to see everyone progressing!

    @Buttmonkey34 I'm sorry to hear about your job, but I'm glad you have a good outlook on it.

    Our story:
    TTC since 4/13
    Me: 35
    Husband: 45 
    Issues: Moderate MFI, tubal factor, fertilization problems
    10/13 - we find out my husband has MFI, which has since been addressed and mostly remedied. Hate our RE. 
    12/13 - finally find an RE we love.
    1/14-5/14 - using Letrizole
    6/14 - 1st IUI with Clomid, BFN
    7/14 - 2nd IUI with Clomid,  BFN
    7/14 - Insurance reverses decision and agrees to cover HSG, we learn I have tubal factor
    11/14 - IVF #1 = BFN
    1/15/15 - FET with our one frozen embryo scheduled.

  • @emmuffy I'm not PUPO yet, my FET is in a week! ;). I'm going to be in and out (we've got a family wedding this weekend) but hi everyone! Really looking forward to having to sneak off to take my endometrin starting on Saturday. Fun times. Otherwise, all is well here. QOTD: I would have to say dinner mainly because of variety, but...I can't imagine eating some dinner food at breakfast.
  • @buttmonkey34 ((hugs)) I'm sorry, I can't imagine worrying about your job during this process! Hopefully everything works out fine.

    Seems like we are all making some serious progress! I have my 3rd scan tomorrow, hoping for some measurements. Every day that I've had to go in, we've had terrible weather. 6 to 12 inches has been predicted overnight, but I'm happy that DH and I can both work from home, so he can drive me to the appt! At least that takes some of the pressure off?

    I'm trying not to think about my swelling ovaries, and I'm surprised at how uneventful this all feels. I thought it would be difficult to hide this from my coworkers, but it has been pretty easy so far!

    Best of luck to everyone this week!

    QOTD: Considering that we had breakfast for dinner tonight, I'll go with breakfast :)

    Married in 2006, TTC since Dec 2012
    Unexplained IF, Hypothyroidism

    IUI's 1 - 3: Femara + Ovidrel = BFN
    IUI's 4 - 5: Femara + Gonal F + Ovidrel = BFN

    IVF Jan 2015. 21R/18F/15 still growing on day 2
    Transferred two beautiful embies on day 2, beta 1/29

  • Hi Ladies...

    Just wanted to check in.  We're on hold still waiting for insurance.  First time was 10 days, last time was barely 48 hours.... So you know, we're just on their watch.

    I'm having one of "those" days.  I got a call from one of my college BFF's last night.  She's 5 months pregnant.  Another of my college BFF's is 6 months.  High school friend is 7 months.  No one wants to say anything to me, all had "a difficult time telling me", and no one wants to invite me to showers, etc.  I'm not usually one to get down on things like this- but for some reason (perhaps between the BCP and my period for the last 2 weeks) I'm just a hormonal mess.  I love that people are so "concerned" but life has to go on- whether I like it or not.  Ugh.  Sorry for the rant - it is just so hard. 

    Hopefully better news at our next check-in.  Looking like lots of follies out there :)
    Our TTC Story
    I will ALWAYS believe that "everything happens for a reason".
    Me: 30, Lupus/Fibromyalgia, Fragile X Carrier, Low Egg Reserve - Potential early menopause
    Hubby: 31, No issues

    Process began 11/7/13
    Initial Tests - 4 polyps in uterus
    Polypectomy 1/2014
    March 2014 - Abnormally Low Vitamin D, Hypothyroidism Discovered
    September 2014 - Insurance Denied  -  October 8th, 2014 - Insurance Reversed! :)
    IVF #1 - Began 10/24/2014
    ER - 6 embryos, lost 2, 4 able to be biopsied
    ET - Canceled - 4 Embryos (1 boy, 3 girls) - 3 affected with Fragile X, 1 girl too weak to transfer

    Egg Pull Try #1/IVF 2 - Began 11/30/14 - ER produced 3 FROSTIES!
    Egg Pull Try #2/IVF 3 - Began 1/20/15

  • Evening ladies :smile: Started my new dose of Synthroid Tuesday. Still taking my Estrace 3x a day. AF is still kicking around. Really hoping she'll be gone in the morning, since she started last Friday. Usually she's around for 5 days, and I'm at a week already. I keep thinking how can my lining build up when I'm still shedding the old one?? I don't know if that'll delay my FET by a few days :( I hope not because I'll probably cry.
    *** If you want to know where I (and soo many others) have gone, click here ***
  • @tifga‌ good luck!!
    *** If you want to know where I (and soo many others) have gone, click here ***
  • @K1111K Right now I am using plain greek yogurt to add some protein. I have been exploring protein powders, however most contain soy or are chocolate flavored. I love chocolate, but I don't want chocolate powered in my fruit smoothie. As a vegetarian it has been a little challenging to increase my protein intake while eliminating soy.

    Today's smoothie is banana, frozen cherries, frozen strawberries, power greens (mix of spinach, baby kale, and others), a little sunflower butter and greek yogurt.  You can also use different seeds to add in protein. There are tons of smoothie recipes online, but I usually stick with a random mix of the frozen fruit and greens I can get at Costco.

    Also, we have a blendtex and I think a good blender makes all the difference. No chunky bits!!!

    Our TTC Journey

    2003 to 2007: Irregular painful periods and 2 ruptured ovarian cyst

    2007: Laparoscopic surgery (diagnosed with stage 1 endometriosis)

    2007 to July 2014: On continuous birth control to stop cycle (avoid pain and decrease regrowth of endometrial tissue)

    April 2014 RE appointment to prep for TTC

    April 2014 HSG (normal) and SA (normal)

    July 2014 stopped birth control and started BBT Charting, OPK, PNV, etc.

    Completed 6 cycles of TTC naturally then decided to more forward because of the pain

    December 2014 RE appointment to plan next steps

    Moving onto IVF #1 antagonist cycle with ER/ET end of Jan or early Feb 2015

  • @lemonliz, sorry for the added stress of your AFC. Hope you respond well and get more eggs than anticipated. Your protocol (300 Gonal + 75 Menopur) is the same as mine. FWIW, I met with my RE#1 yesterday to discuss RE#2's recommendation that I increase to 450 Gonal F and Luveris, and she convinced me this wouldn't help any futher. At some point your body just becomes saturated and higher doses of drugs won't actually yield more eggs. According to her, the b/w showed I was saturated with my IVF#1 with 300 Gonal + 75 Menopur.

    Official diagnosis: Unexplained IF. I am 32. I have low ovarian reserve (low AMH), and poor egg quality. I've also been diagnosed with mild glandular developmental arrest (lining problems, detected with EFT).

    We are using open ID donor sperm. IUIs #1-7=BFN. IVF September 2014 antagonist protocol, 8R,5M,3F, 5 day transfer of 1 morula = BFN. IVF#2 planned for January 2015 (antagonist protocol + HGH).

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic image

  • @lemonliz my very first AFC was 5 then when I did the clomid challenge test with iui we saw 7. This ivf the first scan we saw 6, then 9 now I'm at 8. I know your pain as I also have low AMH but don't lose hope! More can def pop up even if it's just a few more! Hugs. I'm headed for my scan now and I'm just praying that the small ones have caught up with those two feaking lead follies.
    Me 42, DH 33, TTC for about a year naturally (but no protection for 4 yrs). Together 6 yrs, married June 2014.
    CD 3, FSH of 15, E2 67, AMH 0.43, LH 6.2, normal HSG test
    DH good count but low volume, 87% motility, 1% morphology
    IUI#1 - Nov 2014, 100 mg clomid and HCG, 2 large follies 20 & 16mm (7 follies total). BFN
    IVF# 1 Jan 2014, 225 Gonal F, 225 Menopur, Ganirelix, 4R/3M/1F w/ICSI - PUPO!

  • Hi everyone, I am being pushed to Feb due to AF not showing :( Good luck everyone!! 
  • ((Hugs)) to ladies that need them, @lemonliz @Discouraged31

    I just got back from my u/s, and while all things are going great on the follicle front, I have some fluid in my ute.  If it doesn't go away by my next u/s on Sunday, we may have to start talking about do a freeze all cycle until things clear up.  Normally this would be NBD, but my job likely wouldn't allow for a monitored frozen cycle until April.  So I'll have to ask if there's any way to do it unmonitored (natural?), and, if not, I'll be waiting until April :((
    Me (28): fine, DH (28): MFI
    Married 6/21/09
    Off BCP and TTC 4/17/11
    BFP #1 (ended in CP) 7/15/11
    Varicocelectomy surgery 9/4/12 - T improved to normal, but still low count

    Current Status: Pursuing Jan '15 IVF w/ ICSI
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    image    imageimage
  • My scan was less than ideal. One of my big ones actually got a little smaller. Basically I'm looking at only 3 "potential" follies that are big enough since the small ones aren't doing much. They told me being cautiously optimistic they may retrieve 1-3. I'm going to stim for another day or two, and I go back tomorrow for another US and BW. It's going to be a hard decision. My egg outlook looks grim, but my lining is trilaminar at 8, and my estrogen has looked ideal each time. So...what the hell to do? Convert to IUI or have some faith and just go for it even if we only retrieve a couple of eggs. If fertilization is the issue, then ICSI will give us a chance. Ugh it's all so depressing at times. I also feel like I get different readings depending on which US tech I get, even the nurse mentioned that. 
    Me 42, DH 33, TTC for about a year naturally (but no protection for 4 yrs). Together 6 yrs, married June 2014.
    CD 3, FSH of 15, E2 67, AMH 0.43, LH 6.2, normal HSG test
    DH good count but low volume, 87% motility, 1% morphology
    IUI#1 - Nov 2014, 100 mg clomid and HCG, 2 large follies 20 & 16mm (7 follies total). BFN
    IVF# 1 Jan 2014, 225 Gonal F, 225 Menopur, Ganirelix, 4R/3M/1F w/ICSI - PUPO!

  • So sorry @vballbaby‌ !! This roller coaster is awful. Hugs!
    I feel like we are going to be in the same boat, with only 4 follies seen yesterday for me. :(

    ****Siggy Warning*****

    Our Story

    Me: 26 DH: 33

    Married April 2014, TTC since May 2014 (but unprotected for over 4 years prior)

    First RE visit Aug 2014

    Me: low AMH (1.2) DH: SA was great!

    IVF#1 with ICSI and FET: ended BCP 12/28. Started stimming 1/4. 225mg Bravelle+150mg Menopur+100mgClomid

    ER 1/17: 10R/ 8M/ 8F. PGD test showed 7 normal.

    ET: 2/17, Transferred 2 day 5 blasts

    BFP 2/24!

  • tbj1tbj1 member
    edited January 2015
    Hi Ladies!

    Update on me instead of a fresh cycle I will be doing my first frozen cycle. I go in on Monday to start the process.

    QOTD: I love Breakfast foods anytime of the day. Right now, I have been eating chicken sausage and grits.
  • Smootiepie thank you! I will still be lurking since I have to start my meds in Jan and may need tips from all of you! 

  • LilyHarperLilyHarper member
    edited January 2015
    @vballbaby‌ I had numbers fluctuate up and down too. If you have different people doing the scans, you can get very different results. I'm being the determinedly happy person here, and saying, hey look at that, you improved by another 50% because you went from 2 to 3. It's tough to make the decision on whether to convert or not. Have you asked your RE if they thought you were likely to respond differently on a different protocol/amount?

    @Smootiepie‌ I'm doing a relatively natural FET. I had an SIS, one monitoring appointment and I'm scheduled for my FET next week. FETs are NOTHING like a fresh cycle. I didn't believe my case manager, but seriously, nothing like it.

    @lemonliz‌ I'm of the belief that afc is a total crapshoot. I think the first scan is generally a better "baseline" but I know I recruited throughout. Sorry that happened, it must have been a bit of a shock and that's never a good thing to deal with.

    @NariaDreaming I remember you saying your protocol was way different this time. Are they starting you on a low dosage?

    @Smootiepie‌ even though you knew the insurance probably wasn't going to cover that's a bummer. It's ridiculous that they can't figure out their own coverage...if they can't how are you supposed to?

    @RG1979‌ it's tough missing things bc of IF stuff.

    @Buttmonkey34‌ I sympathize with the job situation. I was hired on a temporary basis this year and have no idea if I will have a position next year (but some people who are tenured are going back to full time, so it's looking unlikely) but I also feel I can't put my life on hold for that either.

    eta to add a tag.
  • vballbabyvballbaby member
    edited January 2015
    @lilyharper, yes you're right that technically I went from two to three (and another small follie popped up today!), but I'm not sure if that one that went from 13.3 down to 12 would be an indication that there's nothing growing in it? The nurse said they don't like to see them go down... as far as the dosage, they started me at apparently the max dose 225 gonalf and 225 menopur per day using antagonist Ganirelix with a BC prime so I'm not sure that a lupron type cycle would help. Nurse said that may quiet my ovaries even more. In other news my estrogen level came back at 706 today and they were looking for over 600 so that's a good sign. From what the nurse said, they look at the estrogen levels plus the follie sizes to determine what's going on. I'm still only on day 8, they just seem to have a grim outlook, like why not just let me stim longer and see what happens? They were talking triggering possibly tomorrow doesn't that seem TOO early??
    Edited for comprehension lol
    Me 42, DH 33, TTC for about a year naturally (but no protection for 4 yrs). Together 6 yrs, married June 2014.
    CD 3, FSH of 15, E2 67, AMH 0.43, LH 6.2, normal HSG test
    DH good count but low volume, 87% motility, 1% morphology
    IUI#1 - Nov 2014, 100 mg clomid and HCG, 2 large follies 20 & 16mm (7 follies total). BFN
    IVF# 1 Jan 2014, 225 Gonal F, 225 Menopur, Ganirelix, 4R/3M/1F w/ICSI - PUPO!

  • @NariaDreaming thanks, that helps me feel less worried. 

    It looks like AF is gone now, so hopefully my lining will be good on Tuesday's scan. It'll be 10 days on Estrace by then. Then I go in again Thursday and hopefully will have the date set for the FET. 
    *** If you want to know where I (and soo many others) have gone, click here ***
  • I'm late to post, but I get to start stims tonight and I started on the doxy this morning. They did lower my gonal f dosage from 225 to 150 after having my baseline done on Wednesday. So the next thing will be blood work on Monday to check my levels. Then they'll start monitoring. QOTD: That's tough, but I'd have to say dinner food.
  • @LilyHarper we are cycle buddies - we have FETs on the same day! 
    @Sewfie I'm so glad you didn't end up having OHSS, and FX for a great ER tomorrow!
    @MamaKakes611 I hear you - it's hard not to be affected by news from others. 
    @tifga I hope your FET went well! 
    @NariaDreaming sounds like you have lots of follicles!
    @lemonliz I really hope you still get to do ER. How stressful. Your husband sounds so sweet - your necklace sounds lovely.
    @Discouraged31 so sorry to hear you're pushed out :(
    @Smootiepie FX you don't have to do a freeze all.
    @vballbaby I feel for your position. Hang in there - there's no wrong choice. 

    Update for me: I went in for another baseline u/s and b/w today and my lining was 7.7. They want 8, but I have already been delayed a week, and it's close enough, so we're going forward with next steps. Tomorrow I add PIO, zithromax (ugh, last time this made me have to abruptly leave a birthday dinner and drive home, doing deep breathing to keep from barfing) and on Sunday, medrol too. My FET is on next Thursday!

    Our story:
    TTC since 4/13
    Me: 35
    Husband: 45 
    Issues: Moderate MFI, tubal factor, fertilization problems
    10/13 - we find out my husband has MFI, which has since been addressed and mostly remedied. Hate our RE. 
    12/13 - finally find an RE we love.
    1/14-5/14 - using Letrizole
    6/14 - 1st IUI with Clomid, BFN
    7/14 - 2nd IUI with Clomid,  BFN
    7/14 - Insurance reverses decision and agrees to cover HSG, we learn I have tubal factor
    11/14 - IVF #1 = BFN
    1/15/15 - FET with our one frozen embryo scheduled.

This discussion has been closed.
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