
how long did you sleep following RCS?

Was just wondering how long will you be 'out' after the procedure granting you'll be getting a spinal. Had an emergency CS the last time and labored for like 6 hrs hence I don't remember anymore if I woke up that same evening (gave birth around 6pm) or I woke up the next morning. Dh dpesnt remember too. I'm just curious ladies. RCS is scheduled next week

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Re: how long did you sleep following RCS?

  • edan3579edan3579 member
    edited January 2015
    If you have a spinal, you shouldn't be 'out' at all. It should just make you numb, but you will be awake the whole time. Did you get general anesthesia with your first? I had a spinal with my first and was awake through out and after, and I had general with my second but I think I still woke up pretty quickly after being taken to recovery. Less than an hour.
  • Not sure i understand the question as you are awake during a spinal, but I was awake after my spinal for probably 6 hours until we caught a nap in the middle of the night, and then was up again within a couple of hours... Definitely did not sleep through til the next morning.


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  • Oh ok I'm thinking you'll get exhausted or something. Thx so much

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  • rodiesmum said:
    Oh ok I'm thinking you'll get exhausted or something. Thx so much

    With a RCS there isn't much to get "exhausted" over. You go in at your scheduled time, get prepped, go to the OR and have your baby, then head to recovery.
  • rodiesmum said:

    Oh ok I'm thinking you'll get exhausted or something. Thx so much

    The best thing about my RCS was not being exhausted! I went in well rested and came out feeling the same. I did have trouble sleeping while I was in the hospital but I always do.

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  • Thank u so much ladies. I'm excited and nerve wracked at the same time

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  • GL with the RCS!  Like PPs said, a spinal will basically temporarily paralyze you from the waist down.  Once they wheel you into recovery, it will take some time for it to wear off, but I was able to start moving my toes pretty quickly.  Spinals don't really affect you sleep wise, but you usually can't get out of bed for 12 hours post administration.  A nurse will help you the first time you get up, and then you can get the catheter out - yeah!

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  • I fell asleep on the OR table after DD was out - oops ;)  I think that had to do with my lack of sleep and cocktail of other meds they gave me due to nausea.  I didn't sleep long - just a quick nod off that was long enough for DH to take pictures to document it. Ha!
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  • Thank you ladies!!!

    i love you, my little mooncake mahal kita
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  • Yes please don't be nervous.
    I just had my first c section Monday.
    The spinal didn't make me tired but I was super anxious so once DD was out they gave me something to relax me. That with the pain killers a few hours after recovery is when I fell asleep. It was just a few hours so DH bonded with DD.
    You will do great!!
  • Thank you so much. I will know on Monday when my RCS will be rescheduled. Shld have been Wednesday

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  • I wasn't out at all after the spinal.  I did however get an IV drug a short while after the C-section that made me sleepy.

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  • Actually it can make you exhausted. I've had the spinal twice and it effects me heavily. I'm not totally knocked out but I'm extremely out of it for a couple hours after. Nothing to be afraid of and not dangerous. If you are worried are you able to have the epidural instead?
  • tm599 said:

    I fell asleep on the OR table after DD was out - oops ;)  I think that had to do with my lack of sleep and cocktail of other meds they gave me due to nausea.  I didn't sleep long - just a quick nod off that was long enough for DH to take pictures to document it. Ha!

    This happened to me too. I woke up as they were transferring me back onto the gurney bed thing and remember being annoyed at the anesthesiologist because I thought he knocked me out on purpose for some reason. Part of me still thinks he did cause I was complaining about pain.

  • I had an emergency c-section but just had a spinal.  I was never "out."  Awake and chatting through the procedure at 5 am and didn't go to sleep until a normal bedtime that night.
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