Was just wondering how long will you be 'out' after the procedure granting you'll be getting a spinal. Had an emergency CS the last time and labored for like 6 hrs hence I don't remember anymore if I woke up that same evening (gave birth around 6pm) or I woke up the next morning. Dh dpesnt remember too. I'm just curious ladies. RCS is scheduled next week
If you have a spinal, you shouldn't be 'out' at all. It should just make you numb, but you will be awake the whole time. Did you get general anesthesia with your first? I had a spinal with my first and was awake through out and after, and I had general with my second but I think I still woke up pretty quickly after being taken to recovery. Less than an hour.
Not sure i understand the question as you are awake during a spinal, but I was awake after my spinal for probably 6 hours until we caught a nap in the middle of the night, and then was up again within a couple of hours... Definitely did not sleep through til the next morning.
bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!
Oh ok I'm thinking you'll get exhausted or something. Thx so much
With a RCS there isn't much to get "exhausted" over. You go in at your scheduled time, get prepped, go to the OR and have your baby, then head to recovery.
Oh ok I'm thinking you'll get exhausted or something. Thx so much
The best thing about my RCS was not being exhausted! I went in well rested and came out feeling the same. I did have trouble sleeping while I was in the hospital but I always do.
GL with the RCS! Like PPs said, a spinal will basically temporarily paralyze you from the waist down. Once they wheel you into recovery, it will take some time for it to wear off, but I was able to start moving my toes pretty quickly. Spinals don't really affect you sleep wise, but you usually can't get out of bed for 12 hours post administration. A nurse will help you the first time you get up, and then you can get the catheter out - yeah!
I fell asleep on the OR table after DD was out - oops I think that had to do with my lack of sleep and cocktail of other meds they gave me due to nausea. I didn't sleep long - just a quick nod off that was long enough for DH to take pictures to document it. Ha!
Yes please don't be nervous. I just had my first c section Monday. The spinal didn't make me tired but I was super anxious so once DD was out they gave me something to relax me. That with the pain killers a few hours after recovery is when I fell asleep. It was just a few hours so DH bonded with DD. You will do great!!
Actually it can make you exhausted. I've had the spinal twice and it effects me heavily. I'm not totally knocked out but I'm extremely out of it for a couple hours after. Nothing to be afraid of and not dangerous. If you are worried are you able to have the epidural instead?
I fell asleep on the OR table after DD was out - oops I think that had to do with my lack of sleep and cocktail of other meds they gave me due to nausea. I didn't sleep long - just a quick nod off that was long enough for DH to take pictures to document it. Ha!
This happened to me too. I woke up as they were transferring me back onto the gurney bed thing and remember being annoyed at the anesthesiologist because I thought he knocked me out on purpose for some reason. Part of me still thinks he did cause I was complaining about pain.
I had an emergency c-section but just had a spinal. I was never "out." Awake and chatting through the procedure at 5 am and didn't go to sleep until a normal bedtime that night.
Me: 35 DH: 30 TTC since 1/2010
DX: 6/15/2011: MFI IVF with ICSI
Re: how long did you sleep following RCS?
bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!
beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!
With a RCS there isn't much to get "exhausted" over. You go in at your scheduled time, get prepped, go to the OR and have your baby, then head to recovery.
**DD1 - 7/9/98**
**DS - 11/9/00**
**DD2 - 4/30/13**
MMC 2.12.11 @ 8w
PVM 5.8.12
GWM 3.17.15
RPM 2.21.19
I just had my first c section Monday.
The spinal didn't make me tired but I was super anxious so once DD was out they gave me something to relax me. That with the pain killers a few hours after recovery is when I fell asleep. It was just a few hours so DH bonded with DD.
You will do great!!
~after 34 cycles we finally got our 2nd little bundle of joy~

My IF blog
Me: 35 DH: 30 TTC since 1/2010 DX: 6/15/2011: MFI IVF with ICSI
IVF #1: Sept 2011: Beta 10/10- BFP!! 1st u/s 10/31/11 1 blighted ovum, 1 embryo 2nd u/s 11/14/11 stopped growing, no h/b D/C 11/17/11
IVF #2: FET 5/4/12 : Beta 5/16/12 BFN
IVF #3: ET 7/6/12 : 7/18 Beta #1 BFP at 246, 7/20 Beta #2 at 713, 7/27 Beta #3 at 9068. 1st u/s 8/7 with one lovely hb.
Mabel is here! 2/17/13!