Hi ladies, I have my 1st appt w/ RMA (infertility specialist) at the end of the mth and I'm so excited but have many questions as well. I'm going b/c I have pcos and have been trying for 2 yrs w/ no success. My question is how fast can my husband and I choose to do IVF? Do we have to try other options before getting to IVF? Hope to hear from someone soon!
BFP#1 1/31/12, EDD 10/6/12 Harrison Gray born sleeping @ 18w6d. You changed our lives little guy.
BFP#2 EDD 10/29/13, C/P 2/25/13, Bye little Ish, we barely got to know you.
BFP#3 EDD 12/21/13, Baby Boots born 11/23/13 My rainbow baby!
January PAL Siggy Challenge: Good Advice