
RCS/ planned C Section

Im having a planned C section in 2 weeks and want to have realistic expectations in terms of recovery time. What was your experience like? How long did it take before you felt normal again, off pain meds and fully recovered (able to drive, clean, cook and etc).

Re: RCS/ planned C Section

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    I was fine after a week with my second which was a planned Csec but I would say 2 weeks is a more realistic expectation. Treat yourself gently and take your time. Your recovery time should be yours and the baby's. Try to allow that to be the focus. I feel like our society tells us we should be able to run a marathon 3 weeks after having a baby. Best of luck to you!
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    My experience was awesome.  Mine was scheduled for 7am, and I was eating and up walking by the evening.  I'm not sure when I was off meds, but feel like I was done with the Percocet a day or two after coming home and ibuprofen by one week post op.  I remember being excited that I felt I could lay flat so much sooner than I did with my unplanned c-section.  I'd say I was doing normal activities by 2 weeks, but maybe not as much as I would normally do in a day.  
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    Thank you ladies! It is very reassuring :) im looking forward to my surgery and meeting LO :)
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    My recovery after my RCS was cake. I didn't take anything but OTC pain meds after the first 24 hours. Was released from the hospital just 48 hours after giving birth. Took tylenol regularly for like five days. I was really sore for the first four days but then I woke up feeling great. I gave birth on Tuesday and went to church on Sunday. I didn't have any pain, but had to take things slow for awhile. I'd say by four weeks, I felt 100% normal though. 
    That is amazing @daisyblinks! How did that happen? I'm dreading being away from DD1 for the typical 4 days/3 nights when I have my RCS in 3 weeks. 

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    I was discharged after 48 hours as well. At my hospital, 3 days is standard but they will let you go after 2 if all is well.

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    @daisyblinks @mamabisme assuming all is well with LO & me, this is something I'm going to look into this time around...thanks for sharing! 

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