December 2014 Moms


my LO is 5 weeks now and for the past couple of days has not slept hardly at all. The only way he's sleeping now is in my arms. As soon as I put him down he cries. I've had no sleep in two days and am exhausted to where I'm losing strength to even hold him. He stays full and he's having good diaper output. He is extremely gassy I think but I'm not sure that's why he's not sleeping. I nurse on demand and also supplent with milk but only give three bottles max during 24 hours and they usually aren't full bottles.

Any help on how to get him to sleep that's not in my arms would be appreciated!

Re: Help!

  • Did you mean that you supplement with formula?? Because a 5 week old baby should not be drinking milk.

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    Baby girl due 12-13-14!


                                    D14 October siggy challenge
                        DD two years ago, my adorable little pirate

  • I second the gripe water a bicycle kicks.. LO has bad gas and bicycle kicks usually rid of her gas so that she can sleep
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  • Do you mean you also give LO breast milk from a bottle? Have you tried swaddling, white noise, or maybe your LO needs an incline to sleep comfortably? Those have all worked for me. Good luck!
    Married my best friend 7/2/11 - Furbaby born 7/9/11 and brought into our home 9/1/11

    BFP#1:   2/2/13 ~ exact m/c date unknown but around 3/20 at 10 weeks ~ diagnosed with PMP ~ D&C on 4/5 ~ TTA for at least 1 year due to PMP ~ cleared to TTC 1/14

    BFP#2:   2/7/14 ~ m/c 2/20/14 ~ possibly due to chemical pregnancy ~ TG no D&C is needed 

    Surprise BFP#3:  4/4/14 ~ super duper extra happy (and nervous) about this one - EDD 12/9/14!!!

    John Joseph was born on 12/12/14 at 7 lbs. 11 oz.  He is the most beautiful rainbow baby we could have wished for!


  • I did mean formula. They say 'milk' here in Japan so I've just gotten used to saying that.

    As for help, I'm pretty much on my own. My mother in law was here for a month but the cultural outlook here is after a month moms are 'supposed to handle it' themselves. Which is bs to me >_>

    They don't have gripe water here and I've been trying bike kicks but he gets stiff on me whenever I do them :/

    He also hates swaddling. I've tried so many times but he fights it every time.

    They also don't sell swings or bouncers here and to have one ordered and shipped internationally is so expensive that I just couldn't afford it >_> so I'm the swing/bouncer.

    I did get him asleep in his crib for a couple of hours. He just woke up again for feeding so I hope he'll go back down. He doesn't seem as upset now. However, getting him to do even that was hard ._.
  • It is a wonder week and during this week they tend to be more clingy and fussy. Keep up with what you are doing.

    Also, everyone here keeps talking about gripe water and I asked my Ped about it and she told me to not give it to baby. That being said, I would talk to your Ped before giving that.


  • We have our one month appointment tomorrow so I'm hoping to get some questions answered and hope all things check out ok. It's just waiting that's hard. He also has diaper rash that I can do nothing about because I can't buy cream here without seeing a doctor -_-
  • Can you get a baby carrier? Like a k'tan or a Sakura bloom? Then baby can sleep and you can get things done.
    DS  12-1-2014
    DD 10-29-2016
    #3 due 10-13-2018
  • @BankerBSN‌ why did your ped recommend not using gripe water? I haven't used it, but did buy a bottle just in case.
  • MommyMoru said:

    I did mean formula. They say 'milk' here in Japan so I've just gotten used to saying that.

    As for help, I'm pretty much on my own. My mother in law was here for a month but the cultural outlook here is after a month moms are 'supposed to handle it' themselves. Which is bs to me >_>

    They don't have gripe water here and I've been trying bike kicks but he gets stiff on me whenever I do them :/

    He also hates swaddling. I've tried so many times but he fights it every time.

    They also don't sell swings or bouncers here and to have one ordered and shipped internationally is so expensive that I just couldn't afford it >_> so I'm the swing/bouncer.

    I did get him asleep in his crib for a couple of hours. He just woke up again for feeding so I hope he'll go back down. He doesn't seem as upset now. However, getting him to do even that was hard ._.

    Our LO hates being swaddled too. However, I wrap the swaddle just around her chest leaving her arms free. This gives her the tightness and warmth but she isn't constrained. Seems to help occasionally.
  • Try coconut oil for diaper rash!
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    TTC since 2008
    Dh:34, no issues.  Me:31, Endo, slightly hypothyroid, deformed ovary, paracentric inversion.
    4 Gonal-F, Cetrotide, HcG, Crinone +TI cycles= all BFN
    Lap in 2012 to remove large unresolving cyst discovered endo and double lobed ovary.
     6 Gonal-F, Cetrotide, HcG, Crinone IUI cycles= All BFN,
    1st IVF w/ICSI- June '13 Antagonist: Gonal-F, Menopur, Ganirelix, HcG, Estradiol, Crinone= 7 retrieved, 4 mature, 1 unfertilized, 2 abnormally fertilized, 1 normally fertilized.  2DT of only embryo and our miracle BFP.
    Our beloved baby boy was born sleeping Oct. 13, 2013 due to pROM/IC/Uterine infection.
    2nd IVF w/ICSI- Feb. '14 EPP/lupron/antagonist: Estrace, lupron, HGH, Gonal-F, Menopur, HcG, PIO, lovenox, doxy/dex.=21 retrieved, 16 mature, 15 fertilized!!  5dt of 1 blast/ 6 frozen. BFP!  Beta 1 9dp5dt:83.9  Beta 2: 11dp5dt: 145.2  Beta 3  14dp5dt: 497  Please be our sticky rainbow baby!

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  • Can you get a baby carrier? Like a k'tan or a Sakura bloom? Then baby can sleep and you can get things done.

    I have one but haven't used it yet. Still figuring it out to use safely >_> instructions are in japanese so I'm looking for an English version of the manual online. Hopefully I can find one so we can do walks when it's sunny out and not *as* cold
  • paigep8 said:

    @BankerBSN‌ why did your ped recommend not using gripe water? I haven't used it, but did buy a bottle just in case.

    My Ped said that DS is too young for it. That was at his one month appointment.


  • BankerBSN said:

    paigep8 said:

    @BankerBSN‌ why did your ped recommend not using gripe water? I haven't used it, but did buy a bottle just in case.

    My Ped said that DS is too young for it. That was at his one month appointment.
    Mine said similar...that it was a little soon to introduce but it wouldn't hurt.

  • My first daughter had colick so was extremely gassy. The only thing that helped her were probiotics (progaia... I think ) it was recommended by my doctor . I also did whatever I could to get sleep which meant we safely co slept. I know that's not recommended and not for everyone but that's what worked for us.

    I hope babe settles for you soon and you get some sleep!
  • It's a wonder week then. this phase will probably be over in a day or so. Check out the wonder week phone app or book. I like it as I don't have to worry that there is something wrong.
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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  • Can you figure out how to nap with him in your arms? I found a way to clear the bed, prop myself up and hold LO so I can get some sleep. our baby won't sleep in anything yet so we've had to make do. Also don't be shy to ask for help....people love holding babies and a one hour nap can be a miracle at this stage!
    TTC since June 2011
    DH: perfect SA
    Me: 30, moderate endo, unexplained infertility
    IUI or IVF in December

  • I've been using gas drops with LO when he needs them and they work wonders. There was nothing that said you couldn't use them on a baby as young as him. We did one dose and saw how it effected him and now we add it to his bottles when he is getting a little constipated. When we use the gas drops he farts like crazy with no struggle. 
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