July 2013 Moms

You've got a FitBit! You've got a Fitbit! We've all got a FitBit!


So who has a new fitbit and wants to join the challenges? I saw some in spams over the weekend, but I don't know if I caught everyone.

Come in, Fitbitters. Let's chat.

Re: You've got a FitBit! You've got a Fitbit! We've all got a FitBit!

  • WOOOHOOO @casey78 and @squirmworms :D I agree that black is the responsible choice. Good call.

    You will be ready for the next Workweek Hustle challenge! I don't know who that gif guy is, but he's hilarious. How was your first day back to you schedule, Leah's mama?
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  • I got you, @sparkymcgeee and you are killing it today. Nice going!

    That sounds very busy, @casey78. H is sick again. I suspect L is sick and her poor little fingernails look like they are going to fall off. Apparently this is a "normal side effect" of HFM and usually shows up a month after the actual virus. WTF. 

    I still feel like I'm on vacation with not having classwork to do anymore. I actually sewed last night :) Tonight I'm just vegging an trying to tell myself that my queasy stomach is from junk food, not more sick.

  • I'm usually really low in the pack. Haha. I was walking in place earlier trying to get my steps up. After last week I need to step it up this week.
    July 13 Siggy Challenge December'14: Christmas/Holiday Movie
    Bonus: Ugly Sweater

    photo 89022d03-637e-4c13-aa0a-686e2c5d2bd8_zps58cec4a3.png
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I got a fitbit for Christmas! How can I challenge people!?

    You ladies sound like you get a lot of steps! Better step up my game! :D

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • @LauraB1016‌ Add us! We have challenges every week. Only 10 people per challenge though so at the rate of people joining the fitbit faction we'll probably have to have 3 challenges lol
    July 13 Siggy Challenge December'14: Christmas/Holiday Movie
    Bonus: Ugly Sweater

    photo 89022d03-637e-4c13-aa0a-686e2c5d2bd8_zps58cec4a3.png
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • As @casey78‌ mentioned it finally came out. I have been stalking them daily. I want to join when mine comes.

    Also I wanted the blue one but who knows when that will come out.
  • Now I'm so mad that I got my UP over a year ago! I'm hoping it dies again so I can convince DH to get me a Fitbit instead!
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic 

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  • I just updated my photo to the same one that I have here so I'm easier to find.  
  • I was hoping to get back in the competition today but it doesn't look like I'll be leaving the house due to the weather :(
  • LauraB1016LauraB1016 member
    edited January 2015

    I can't find anyone on the fitbit app. It is only searching through my phone's contacts and I can't seem find people via facebook!

    Someone help!


    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I wanna play! Are people under their usernames?
  • You can add friends by using their e-mail address on the fitbit app, but once you find a friend with friends you know, you can add all of them :)@LauraB1016 @Lelo2006 @ByJove03
  • I wish Fitbit would make the newer models water proof. I want to be able to wear it without taking it off to shower or swim!
  • @haddocky I wear mine every day in the shower and I haven't had any issues.  I've even jumped in the lake a few times with it on (taking it right off when I remembered) and I'm still good.  
  • @haddocky LOL at standing next to it to watch it charge.  :)  
  • atlvol said:

    @haddocky LOL at standing next to it to watch it charge.  :)  

    It's like another baby ;) And I'm not trying to have any of my steps go unaccounted, lol.
  • Just ordered mine! Yay!
  • @casey78‌ it's never fair to have to choose between get it sooner or get what you want ;) would have been great to have now for my time in the airport.
  • I suddenly feel like we are being watched...
    @casey78‌ I just got this email.
    And the option to buy the plum was there ;)

  • estradaa  I haven't had any issues or complaints with mine, I've had it over a year.  (I didn't read the reviews you linked, they opened up in my computer wonky)

    I wasn't in any challenge groups until recently.  They are definitely motivating, but not necessary.  

    I hope that helps some! :) 
  • I need to get out of this meeting so I can start walking around the office!

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I don't got a Fitbit. :(

    I have a Nike FuelBand.
  • haddocky said:
    @haddocky I wear mine every day in the shower and I haven't had any issues.  I've even jumped in the lake a few times with it on (taking it right off when I remembered) and I'm still good.  
    But I want to get in the ocean with it and the pool and not have to worry. I never want to take it off unless I'm going to stand beside it to watch it charge. It's become way too big of a part of my life apparently, lol.
    I just charge mine when I'm vegging with my laptop or sitting at my desk for a while :)
  • @EagleWife‌ I always forget until right before it's desperately time to charge.
  • ashie624 said:

    I need to not be in the challenge with @fabk haha...I don't think I'll ever catch up to her.

    :(:(( I am really not a competitive person, other than with myself. Don'tbe scared of me. I have my "normal" weeks where I struggle to get 10 000 let alone 15 000(my current goal).
    I've also been using mine for a year.
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