I just got my BFP last night and all I can think about is how inconvenient the timing of my due date is (September 14th). I'm currently teaching 7/8th grade learning support and in my first year actually teaching (I was the paraprofessional in the classroom for 3 years before the teacher retired). Although both my principal and special education director are great, I still can't help how nervous I am to tell them I'll be missing possibly 6-12 weeks at the beginning of my second year of teaching. It's completely clouding how excited I am to actually get pregnant. Has anyone had anything similar? How did your bosses react? Should I be as worried as I am? I'm obviously going to wait until after the first trimester to tell anyone offically.
Re: Any teachers take a 2nd year maternity leave?
I'm currently in my second year of teaching and will be taking the last 6-8 weeks off from school. I was super nervous to tell my principal at the beginning of the year, but she has been super excited and supportive!
I also told them super early, around 6 weeks. I wanted them to know incase I had MS or a MC. I just wanted them to know what was going on incase I seemed a little "off".