Working Moms

Any teachers take a 2nd year maternity leave?

I just got my BFP last night and all I can think about is how inconvenient the timing of my due date is (September 14th). I'm currently teaching 7/8th grade learning support and in my first year actually teaching (I was the paraprofessional in the classroom for 3 years before the teacher retired). Although both my principal and special education director are great, I still can't help how nervous I am to tell them I'll be missing possibly 6-12 weeks at the beginning of my second year of teaching. It's completely clouding how excited I am to actually get pregnant. Has anyone had anything similar? How did your bosses react? Should I be as worried as I am? I'm obviously going to wait until after the first trimester to tell anyone offically.

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Re: Any teachers take a 2nd year maternity leave?

  • With DD 1, I missed the first 8 weeks of school. Actually, it worked out fine for me, my administrators and the students. My students only had to transition teachers once during the year. When I had DD2 in January 2014, my students had to get to know my ML sub, adjust to her routines etc (although she was awesome and has similar stes and philosophies to mine). Then they had to reacquaint themselves with me when I returned two months later. You'll likely be fine. I'd try to go to your back to school if possible to establish respire with parents. Speaking of parents, I think many of the appreciate the one time transition as well. Good luck and congrats!!!
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  • purple_2012purple_2012 member
    edited January 2015

    I'm currently in my second year of teaching and will be taking the last 6-8 weeks off from school. I was super nervous to tell my principal at the beginning of the year, but she has been super excited and supportive!

    I also told them super early, around 6 weeks. I wanted them to know incase I had MS or a MC. I just wanted them to know what was going on incase I seemed a little "off".

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  • vmcarbonevmcarbone member
    edited January 2015
    Thank you ladies! You've made me feel much better #:-S I think I'll feel better once I tell them. DH thinks I'm worrying over nothing, which I do tend to do lol

    BabyFetus Ticker

  • I had DD September 2013 of my first year of teaching (I literally worked the first week of my first teaching job ever before going on leave), and will be taking April to the end of the year this school year for my current pregnancy. This pregnancy was completely unexpected and I was terrified to tell my principal that I needed back to back leaves. in retrospect, I don know why I was worried. Any decent person, especially one with their own family, will be understanding. I may have teared up a bit when I told him and he said, "that is the most wonderful news to hear!" Made me feel much better!
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