TTC after 35

New Year Pitty party

I was really hopeful that this was going to be my month for a BFP.  Not only was it not, AF reared her ugly head early.  Ugh.  It's taking everything in me to not start crying at work.  On to yet another month of injectables and IUI. Double ugh.  This is my last month of injectables/IUI and if I don't get a BFP out of this round the decision of IVF or adoption will need to be made.  Triple ugh.  I'm trying not to get ahead of myself but the thought of having to decide if we should do IVF or go straight to adoption is stressing and freaking me out - mostly the financial aspect but also the thought of having to wait up to 2 years for a baby if we go the adoption route.  My insurance doesn't cover anything for infertility and we've been seeing an RE for a year now so the process has already been a strain on the finances. Quadruple ugh.

Ok, I'm done whining and ranting - thanks for reading:-)

Who's got a funny story to share?  I need a good laugh!

Re: New Year Pitty party

  • BOO AF!!!  I am so sorry.  I think you have full right to rant and whine.  I hope this month will be sucessful for you!!
    ****Siggy Warning***
    ~Formerly ABabyMabe4us

    Me(35) Him(35) Untied for life 4/1/2015.
    TTC Our 1st since 8/2014
    MC @ 7 weeks 5/2014
    Me: DD#1 3/2000, DD#2 6/2001, DS 5/2003
    BFP: 2/19/2015 EDD: 11/1/2015 IT'S A BOY!!!!

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  • @Nickolie93 - I'm trying not to laugh, but I'm laughing!  Not because it's funny that all these things happened to you but because it totally sounds like a day I would have ;) I hope the cut on your finger was not too bad and that the weight didn't break a toe!

    @sonpetitlapin - thank you >:D<

  • It's more than ok for you to laugh... I am :D

    The cut isn't too deep but it's a pretty good chunk and my foot feels ok! Luckily I just started body pump and I was using the lighter weights lol
    I am not sure how to say this without getting a "solicitation" warning so I guess I just say that I am not longer active on THIS site. 

  • @NIkolie93 - I'm glad there was nothing worthy of an ER visit :D Thanks for being ok with me laughing!
  • Thanks for the laugh @Nikolie93‌ ......
    Now what have we all learned......,
    Last day of vacation=sit safely on couch and do nothing!!!!!!

    I completey agree with this statement :D
    I am not sure how to say this without getting a "solicitation" warning so I guess I just say that I am not longer active on THIS site. 

  • @Nikolie93‌ wow, you need to stear clear clear of all sharp and heavy objects. Better yet, you may want to invest in bubble wrap!
  • @Nikolie93‌ that is totally a day I would have!
    @dream2be3‌ I'm so sorry AF showed up. I completely understand your insurance situation. It sucks that finances have to dictate you're decisions in having a child. That's a hard choice, I hope this next cycle is the winner and you don't have to that decision. Big hugs!
    ****Loss Mentioned***
    Me: 41 Him: 41
    TTC since December 2013
    HSG 9/18/14 = Tubes open but T shaped uterus
    IUI #1... 1/6/2015 + 50mg Clomid = BFN
    IUI #2... 1/29 & 30/2015 + 50mg Clomid +Tigger +Progesterone = BFN
    3/14 BFFP! Natural w/acupuncture & herbs only
    EDD = 11/22/15;  No heartbeat = 7/21/15
    Cooper Midnight Johnson born sleeping 7/25/2015

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • @dream2be3 Sorry about AF and the upcoming decisions you are having to make.  FX this next cycle will be the one that does the trick.

    @Nikolie93 talk about when it rains it pours.

    I don't know if this is funny, but definitely goofy.  Yesterday, when grabbing the olive oil cooking spray, I realized I have been spraying it on a non stick pan.  It may be time for a new non-stick skillet.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    Me 36 DH 39

    DD 3/29/12
                      BFP 6/4/14 ~ MMC 7/7/14 ~ D&C 7/15/14            
    BFP 11/28/14 ~ MMC  12/29/14    

    TTCAL Siggy Challenge

  • Funny you ladies have mentioned that, my friends IRL have mentioned I should live in a bubble on many occasions =))

    @lcwed I totally need a new non stick skillet too :( 

    @meredithcarole I can imagine what it looked like walking with the shoes! I think Gracie would just stand there for a minute and then topple over lol Sorry about the blisters though! The laser thing made me lol. Poor India! 

    @wvarn, that is so damn adorable! 
    I am not sure how to say this without getting a "solicitation" warning so I guess I just say that I am not longer active on THIS site. 

  • Nikolie93

    Wow what a day you had?! Hope the rest of the week is an improvement.

    Dream, I do not envy your position. It's a hard one. I wanted to point you to this online resource:

    The radio shows are very informative and there is even a counselor who deals specifically with where to go with these difficult fertility decisions. I hope you get your BFP and don't need to go this route, but I have found that immersing myself in information, although scary and overwhelming at first, helps normalize the situation and that helps at making better decisions.

    *****Losses Mentioned*****BFP MENTIONED*****ALL WELCOME******ALL ABOARD!!

    Me: 42, DH: 46, Married: 11/12
    Losses: MMC#1 11/12 BO, MC#2 11/13 at 8w BO?, MMC#3 8/14 chromo healthy M @12 weeks, stopped growing at 10.
    Negligible AMH, FSH finally went high. Pursued DE.

    DD born at 38w2d on 5-27-16. Finally!!

    Pregnant again with OE. EDD 11/9/17 Girl!

  • @wvarn I laughed out loud at your cat hanging out with ceramic turtle.

    @meredithcarole‌ I love the YouTube video of the dogs wearing boots for the first time. And I need to move where it's 90 right now. We are in the negatives this week with a "high" of 2 degrees Thursday! Holy moly!
  • Thank you all for the laughs and support! I'm so happy to have found such a great group of supportive women! Hugs to you all!
  • Sorry the year hasn't been lucky for you yet. FX that this next cycle will be it as they say go out with a bang, your bang will be a BFP. My year hasn't started out good either. AF showed up last week one day late. Plus yesterday DH & I found out the mortgage company is leaning towards denying us for the home loan. Only after they've been making us run around and submit papers left and right for the past few months. We really loved this home, but looks like its back to the drawing board, I'm 0-2 this far this year. Sorry I don't have a funny story to share
  • Crap, I'm sorry about the house @C_Girlie‌ :(
    I am not sure how to say this without getting a "solicitation" warning so I guess I just say that I am not longer active on THIS site. 

  • @Nikolie93 - sounds like you needed a bubble that day!
    Me 38   DH 34
    married 05-21-11 
    started TTC right away

    BFP- 10-16-14 EDD 6/13/15: MC 12-1-14 
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