TTC after 35

Anybody in the 2WW up for some chart swapping?

Hi ladies, I'm halfway through 2WW and sick of staring at my chart. Anybody want their chart stalked? Post here!  Take a look at mine too if you are also sick at staring at your own chart.
Me: 37
DH: 35
Married: 9/26/2011
Hormones: All normal except AMH: Sept 2014 .022, Jan 2015 .05

My Ovulation Chart

My Babies 

Re: Anybody in the 2WW up for some chart swapping?

  • I would participate with ya but I haven't been charting since we were on vacation. We are still TTA so I didn't think it would make much of a difference (and an alarm going off at 5:35am every morning of vaca didn't sound appealing and MH may have killed me lol).

    I'm on CD2 and go back to work tomorrow to I may start again!
    I am not sure how to say this without getting a "solicitation" warning so I guess I just say that I am not longer active on THIS site. 

  • I stalked you for fun... looks good... Will be checking back for green lines.  I need to see some more so I stay hopeful LOL

    Mine will provide entertainment and a good laugh for you.  Today my googlefest was on OPKs as HPTs because the positive OPK is back... Grrr... so who knows if I am in the TWW or not.  Can't wait to get to the RE on the 15th.  That's the TWW I am in... waiting for the RE. hehe. 
    me:41   dh:43 
    Off Mirena Nov 2013, On Nuvaring end of Jan, Back off Sept 2014.  Never ending cycle starting end of Sept... 
    11/14 Provera failed... cycle continues 
    12/14 High FSH (57 "midcycle")  OBGYN had no clue... about anything 
    01/15 More lab results coming back from RE. U/S showed small (1")cyst on left ovary, thin lining, and couldn't locate right ovary so  possibly straight to DE and IVF 

    Occassionally mess with the chart below to see "what if" and learn (not to make it pretty but because FF stays drunk with me).  

    My Ovulation Chart
  • Loading the player...
  • @vh2014, yes I have also googled OPKs as HPTs because I kept getting positives last cycle.  I was not pg obviously.  Today I tested with an OPK to see if I was having the same issue this cycle and I am not so who knows what it means. 

    Never in the history of my life has each 24 hours taken SO LONG as during the 2WW.
    Me: 37
    DH: 35
    Married: 9/26/2011
    Hormones: All normal except AMH: Sept 2014 .022, Jan 2015 .05

    My Ovulation Chart

    My Babies 
  • Have at it.  My body appears to be doing whatever the hell it wants to this cycle.  I'm spotting today and seriously if AF shows up on 10dpo I'm gonna be super pissed.

    From the little I've learned about temping/charting yours looks decent.  I'm not the best at analyzing though.

    Good luck!

    <a href="">My Ovulation Chart</a>
  • suziq1978 Here's your unicorns and rainbows... it could be an implantation dip and IB... of course, realistically you won't know until another 5 days or so if you get a BFP.  Either way... it's not over until the fat AF sings. haha.

    In all seriousness, so far so good right? It dipped but went back up and one temp doesn't mean anything really so you are still in it.  
    me:41   dh:43 
    Off Mirena Nov 2013, On Nuvaring end of Jan, Back off Sept 2014.  Never ending cycle starting end of Sept... 
    11/14 Provera failed... cycle continues 
    12/14 High FSH (57 "midcycle")  OBGYN had no clue... about anything 
    01/15 More lab results coming back from RE. U/S showed small (1")cyst on left ovary, thin lining, and couldn't locate right ovary so  possibly straight to DE and IVF 

    Occassionally mess with the chart below to see "what if" and learn (not to make it pretty but because FF stays drunk with me).  

    My Ovulation Chart
  • @waterbaby318, our charts are pretty similar I think. I feel like at this point, there's little that one can tell from the chart. Gotta wait it out a few days.

    here's mine. One note is that I've been on vacation, so even though all my dots are open, they actually were all at the same time, around 7 or 7:30, but not at my normal 6. So i think they are still trustworthy. Back to work today. sigh...
    <a href="">My Ovulation Chart</a>

    TTC #1
    me- 37, DH- 38
    Married 6.28.14, started TTC right away
    BFP Nov 2015, PPROM Feb 2016
    ER #1 May 2017, 15 retrieved, 10 fertilized, 3 day 5.
    ER#2 July 2017, 22 retrieved, 13 fertilized, 6 day 5/6
    9 embryos tested for pgs and pgd.  
    FET #1 9.29.17- 1 embryo-BFN
    FET#2 12.19.17- I embryo-BFP 1/1/18! Happy New Year to me! EDD 9/6/18
    Baby boy born 9.11.18- the love of my life!

  • @vh2014 - thanks so much for the unicorns and rainbows.  I love unicorns but they're always so sneaky.  Maybe the unicorns are messing with my uterus.  :)

    I'm gonna try to wait til Thursday to test since that is the official day that AF should start.  Who knows if I'll make it though.  Oh well.  My luck - AF will be in full bloom by this evening.  Yay!
    <a href="">My Ovulation Chart</a>
  • suziq1978 If it were me, I'd totally be calling that an implantation dip. I'd say it looks kind of looks like mine.  

    I'm not very good at chart reading yet either, it's new to me.  Like reading tea leaves or something.
    Me: 37
    DH: 35
    Married: 9/26/2011
    Hormones: All normal except AMH: Sept 2014 .022, Jan 2015 .05

    My Ovulation Chart

    My Babies 
  • @waterbaby318- wish it were an implantation dip.  pretty sure af just started.  this means my lp was only 9 days.  my body sucks.
    <a href="">My Ovulation Chart</a>
  • Noooo... have you talked to your doc about progesterone?
    Me: 37
    DH: 35
    Married: 9/26/2011
    Hormones: All normal except AMH: Sept 2014 .022, Jan 2015 .05

    My Ovulation Chart

    My Babies 
  • Noooo... have you talked to your doc about progesterone?
    No.  This is the first time its been this short.  Maybe there's still hope as it hasn't gone full boar yet.  Just more spotting than earlier.  I guess I'll wait and see what happens.
    <a href="">My Ovulation Chart</a>
  • Since we are chart stalking/sharing I'll confess/

    Whenever I need a "this could work out stop your whining chart" I search FF for charts that got a BFP and somehow resemble mine.  This is my favorite lately:

    There is no real clear shift and its 121 days with O on day 108 so there's hope. LOL... there are a few others but nothing as erratic as this. So just backs up the "it aint over until it's over....."

    me:41   dh:43 
    Off Mirena Nov 2013, On Nuvaring end of Jan, Back off Sept 2014.  Never ending cycle starting end of Sept... 
    11/14 Provera failed... cycle continues 
    12/14 High FSH (57 "midcycle")  OBGYN had no clue... about anything 
    01/15 More lab results coming back from RE. U/S showed small (1")cyst on left ovary, thin lining, and couldn't locate right ovary so  possibly straight to DE and IVF 

    Occassionally mess with the chart below to see "what if" and learn (not to make it pretty but because FF stays drunk with me).  

    My Ovulation Chart
  • vh2014 Haha, I do the same thing!
    Me: 37
    DH: 35
    Married: 9/26/2011
    Hormones: All normal except AMH: Sept 2014 .022, Jan 2015 .05

    My Ovulation Chart

    My Babies 
  • I was praying this morning my temp would shoot up again but it dropped a bit so I'm kind of down today. I know I'm being premature. 

    One other thing that I like to do is look at + HPTs. I figure it will help me visualize getting one myself. 

    Crazytown: Party of one
    Me: 37
    DH: 35
    Married: 9/26/2011
    Hormones: All normal except AMH: Sept 2014 .022, Jan 2015 .05

    My Ovulation Chart

    My Babies 
  • waterbaby318 make that party of 2.... I'd say overlaying charts that never should have generated a BFP on your own (that would be me) qualifies me for a ticket. :)

    I peeked at your dip... you are still above the coverline so I wouldn't worry about it yet.... 
    me:41   dh:43 
    Off Mirena Nov 2013, On Nuvaring end of Jan, Back off Sept 2014.  Never ending cycle starting end of Sept... 
    11/14 Provera failed... cycle continues 
    12/14 High FSH (57 "midcycle")  OBGYN had no clue... about anything 
    01/15 More lab results coming back from RE. U/S showed small (1")cyst on left ovary, thin lining, and couldn't locate right ovary so  possibly straight to DE and IVF 

    Occassionally mess with the chart below to see "what if" and learn (not to make it pretty but because FF stays drunk with me).  

    My Ovulation Chart
  • Oh ladies look what my body did to me.  Temp dropped this morning and I just knew.  AF in full force.  So, that's a 10 day lp.  Maybe I can work with that.

    @vh2014 - I totally look at other charts that resemble mine and think look it happened for them, this could be the month.  :)

    @waterbaby318 - it's not over til af shows.  Like vh2014 said, you're still above the coverline so don't worry yet.  Good luck!
    <a href="">My Ovulation Chart</a>
  • @suziq1978 Boooo... Well, on to the next cycle. Enjoy BD'ing.   :D
    Me: 37
    DH: 35
    Married: 9/26/2011
    Hormones: All normal except AMH: Sept 2014 .022, Jan 2015 .05

    My Ovulation Chart

    My Babies 
  • Oh I forgot to say my chart is still looking good, but I know it could still go either way at this point. BFN this morning, I know it's really too early but I. JUST. HAD. TO. TEST.  @-)
    Me: 37
    DH: 35
    Married: 9/26/2011
    Hormones: All normal except AMH: Sept 2014 .022, Jan 2015 .05

    My Ovulation Chart

    My Babies 
  • I've given up on interpreting my chart in the TWW. There are too many variations. Some BFP charts trend upwards, but many don't have any rhyme or reason. Most of my charts look promising until 12DPO. That being said, I do hope this is your cycle.


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  • @URMySunshine77 I know what you mean, they can really turn on a dime. I think next cycle I'm not going to do any chart reading, other than paying attention to the day. I'm really driving myself crazy this month and it's not fun. One day it drops and I'm depressed all day, the next day it's up and so am I. It's ridiculous.

    I'm so glad this forum is here or I'd really go crazy.
    Me: 37
    DH: 35
    Married: 9/26/2011
    Hormones: All normal except AMH: Sept 2014 .022, Jan 2015 .05

    My Ovulation Chart

    My Babies 
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