It's freezing here with a lovely snow ice mix and more coming our way tonight and DD has her 6 month well visit tomorrow afternoon, I'm hoping since its late in the day the roads won't be too bad and thankfully the pedi office is a two minute drive for us.
DH woke DD up this morning while trying to find his work coat and then once I finally got her back down called to see if his wallet was here which it was and then called again to see if his work boots were here at the house so I have been up with a cranky 6 month old since 5:30 and I'm freezing, not a fun combo.
My new job is cutting into my bumping time. Darn it.
I heart theSkimm I heart YNAB --------- “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." - Albus Dumbledore
Like, so much. I've never been fond of them.. but now I have to say goodbye to LO for what feels like the entire week, since he's usually assed out tired from daycare by the time I get home from work. Monday at 7:45 feels like my fingernails are being ripped off.
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After bragging about my Shark Navigator vacuum, it farted out on me yesterday. It was only 2 months old and barely used. The damn HEPA filter thing on the front kept getting blown off and now it won't start at all. Fuck you, Shark. Now I have to call the stupid CS and pray that they send me a new one or a refund.
MIL misses her grandbabies, which is fine. But every time we talk she asks when we are coming to see her (i.e. "The babies want to come to me", "The babies want to get on a plane to see me"), she lives half-way across the country. She knows I have no time off and she knows we are saving for a house. So I mention to her that she is welcome to come anytime. She has an incredibly flexible schedule and no income restrictions. And last time we went to visit she barely spent any time with us, instead taking 4 hours to shop for a dress for an upcoming wedding. She likes to add in that she had to take her kids to see their grandkids to ensure they had a relationship. I remind her that she wasn't working and didn't have to worry about time off and she was in driving distance to her family.
She is driving me up a wall and I'm about to stop talking to her and leaving it up to DH because I can't take it. The passive aggressive comments make me stabby
Ugh! That's so obnoxious. My ILs won't come visit us, either, and then FIL pouts that we never go see them. They don't work and we've offered to pay for them to fly up anytime but they won't. So I'm not going to feel bad when they're upset that their grandchildren treat them like strangers when we do visit, because that's what they are to them!
And on a selfish note it totally blows that our family vacations every other year will have to be a trip to visit the ILs instead of something fun and relaxing because heaven forbid they take time away from doing nothing to visit their children/grandchildren up north because they don't like it here.
My SIL upon seeing our new (to us) mini van - "Did a little piece of you die when you bought that?"
Um no, jerk, not everyone's confidence & identity rests in the vehicle they drive. Particularly mine. I am awesome in a mini van. I'm awesome outside of a mini van. I am awesome when I walk. I am awesome when I skateboard. Why? Because me. That's why. Not because my chosen method of transportation makes me who I am. Now shut up. You suck butt. No one cares.
Talk to the A-Team about their van & see if a little piece of them died.
No, I'm not the A-Team nor does my van look this wicked awesome. But I am one Beastmode Mama who has room for my kids, their crap & myself. I rock that mini van.
LO has 3 teeth coming in, so he was a fussy hot mess all night. I'm flipping exhausted and it's Monday and all I want is to cuddle up with the little guy. Instead I'm here at work bumping and pumping.
My SIL upon seeing our new (to us) mini van - "Did a little piece of you die when you bought that?"
Um no, jerk, not everyone's confidence & identity rests in the vehicle they drive. Particularly mine. I am awesome in a mini van. I'm awesome outside of a mini van. I am awesome when I walk. I am awesome when I skateboard. Why? Because me. That's why. Not because my chosen method of transportation makes me who I am. Now shut up. You suck butt. No one cares.
Talk to the A-Team about their van & see if a little piece of them died.
No, I'm not the A-Team nor does my van look this wicked awesome. But I am one Beastmode Mama who has room for my kids, their crap & myself. I rock that mini van.
You go on with your bad self! I am lobbying hard for a minivan for the next vehicle!
I don't know why, but every time I see MBF I think Man Bitch Friday.... So odd.
My dd is six months old today and therefore it means it's her last day at work with me. So I am feeling sad about that. But I am very thankful that I got to have her at work with me until today. It's a bittersweet day.
DH leaves tomorrow morning for a work trip. Won't be home until Friday night. Boo.
Trying a research convertable car seats and strollers for when DD outgrows her Chicco 30 and snap in stroller. FML. Need something that will fit nicely in my Ford Fiesta and in DH F150. Yup. Sooooo many things. Current front runners are the Mamas and Papas armadillo stroller and the Maxi Cosi Pria 70 convertable car seat.
My SIL upon seeing our new (to us) mini van - "Did a little piece of you die when you bought that?"
Um no, jerk, not everyone's confidence & identity rests in the vehicle they drive. Particularly mine. I am awesome in a mini van. I'm awesome outside of a mini van. I am awesome when I walk. I am awesome when I skateboard. Why? Because me. That's why. Not because my chosen method of transportation makes me who I am. Now shut up. You suck butt. No one cares.
Talk to the A-Team about their van & see if a little piece of them died.
No, I'm not the A-Team nor does my van look this wicked awesome. But I am one Beastmode Mama who has room for my kids, their crap & myself. I rock that mini van.
You go on with your bad self! I am lobbying hard for a minivan for the next vehicle!
My SIL is one of those people who stabs hard when she "jokes". Then she calls it a joke if she sees that you're upset. The van thing didn't upset me all that bad but the past jabs about my kids, my husband, my job & my life in general are just obnoxious. She does it on purpose then is like "Oh I'm sorry, I'm just joking." I've already told her off once & I'm about THISCLOSE to telling her off again. We don't see each other very often. I think it bothers her that I don't care what she thinks of my life. But I am sick of her mouth.
Go mini van. You will be SO GLAD you did. The first weekend we had it DH, myself, & both kids loaded up & went to a state park for the day. EVERYTHING FIT. We all fit, their crap fit, charcoal & food fit, a cooler fit. OMG it was Heaven on earth. You won't regret it.
My SIL upon seeing our new (to us) mini van - "Did a little piece of you die when you bought that?"
Um no, jerk, not everyone's confidence & identity rests in the vehicle they drive. Particularly mine. I am awesome in a mini van. I'm awesome outside of a mini van. I am awesome when I walk. I am awesome when I skateboard. Why? Because me. That's why. Not because my chosen method of transportation makes me who I am. Now shut up. You suck butt. No one cares.
Talk to the A-Team about their van & see if a little piece of them died.
No, I'm not the A-Team nor does my van look this wicked awesome. But I am one Beastmode Mama who has room for my kids, their crap & myself. I rock that mini van.
You go on with your bad self! I am lobbying hard for a minivan for the next vehicle!
My SIL is one of those people who stabs hard when she "jokes". Then she calls it a joke if she sees that you're upset. The van thing didn't upset me all that bad but the past jabs about my kids, my husband, my job & my life in general are just obnoxious. She does it on purpose then is like "Oh I'm sorry, I'm just joking." I've already told her off once & I'm about THISCLOSE to telling her off again. We don't see each other very often. I think it bothers her that I don't care what she thinks of my life. But I am sick of her mouth.
Go mini van. You will be SO GLAD you did. The first weekend we had it DH, myself, & both kids loaded up & went to a state park for the day. EVERYTHING FIT. We all fit, their crap fit, charcoal & food fit, a cooler fit. OMG it was Heaven on earth. You won't regret it.
I haven't gotten DH on board for a minivan (which would also be awesome in our narrow driveway for getting in and out), but we did just trade with my dad our Volvo s60 for his Volvo station wagon. So much room! We've already taken 2 road trips with the dogs and not had any trouble fitting everything.
We HAVE to do FaceTime with the ILs every Sunday, when we are home, and EVERY Sunday DS gets into some little trouble or acts out, says he doesn't walk to talk, etc and my MIL always makes a comment about how his nap wasn't long enough, about how he must need to go outside, about how he had "too much _________", it's SO annoying. NO, MIL a 2.5 year old doesn't want to sit and talk to two people on a screen who are secretly watching TV over the iPad they are holding...UGGHHH
@emilillies I think so. It's not an actual stroller than can be used without the car seat. The seat literally "drops" right into it to become a stroller like thing? Sorry about the fail in words. The Mamas and Papas stroller has an attachment though to use with Chicco car seats which makes me want to buy it now.
I have the mama and papas armadillo stroller and love it. It is very light weight, easy to fold and is a breeze to push with one hand. i also love that it reclines almost flat and little one can easily nap in it.
Dear Sister....Sorry/not sorry for popping off and asking you to please step back and not play Peak a boo with DD. 30 mins straight of the following dialog will drive any sane sleep deprived mama to the breaking point. PS she isn't laughing for a reason it isn't funny and use more words.
A couple of people know we're wanting to have another baby. That's fine.
Saying "you'll be wanting a boy this time then" is not fine. No, we will not be wanting a boy, we'll be wanting a healthy baby after a problem-free pregnancy. People suck.
I hate these people on your behalf. I heard that crap before I had my daughter. I told them, "My son is great. Why wouldn't I want another son?" & "No, we need whatever child the Lord gives us." Also, after we had DD people say "Oh you have a boy & a girl. That's great that you're done." morons...we still want more children. And it's our business when & how many.
@Skeemer we got the same load of crap from people when I was pregnant with DD. We also had the bonus of being team green and people asking "don't you want a girl since you already have your boy." Honestly, having the idea of having a girl scared the crap out of me. At least with a boy I knew what to expect. And now that we've got one of each, yep, we *must* be done because who would want to have more kids and "throw off the balance?" I do have one coworker, though, that asks me when #3 is happening.
@Skeemer we got the same load of crap from people when I was pregnant with DD. We also had the bonus of being team green and people asking "don't you want a girl since you already have your boy." Honestly, having the idea of having a girl scared the crap out of me. At least with a boy I knew what to expect. And now that we've got one of each, yep, we *must* be done because who would want to have more kids and "throw off the balance?" I do have one coworker, though, that asks me when #3 is happening.
If we mention three kids people act like we're the Duggars. Because, of course, there's no other reason we would want another child.
When I tell people I'm only having one, they look really sad for me and try to convince me otherwise. Apparently unless you have one girl and one boy, you're either missing out or have too many. Blech.
People do that to my brother in law who chose to only have one son. One person told me, "Oh he'll grow up & he'll have no one!" I said, "Except hopefully a lot of friends, co workers, aunts, uncles, cousins, a spouse, children of his own...but aside from one." Good grief.
I hate teething. With a passion. So far this is my least favorite part of baby-ness. I want my sweet fun baby back not this monster baby that is always fussy, cries on and off and WILL NOT SLEEP for the life of her. Ugh.
I can't figure out why DH & my mom are surprised every single week when I take the kids to story time at the Library on Tuesday at 10 am. It's like they are stunned every Tuesday morning. DH said this morning, "Wish you'd told me to leave you the van sooner." He uses it for his work car if I don't need it because it keeps our newer Kia from getting super high miles since he commutes. Since it was 5:00 am & dark he couldn't see my dagger eyes.
I can't figure out why DH & my mom are surprised every single week when I take the kids to story time at the Library on Tuesday at 10 am. It's like they are stunned every Tuesday morning. DH said this morning, "Wish you'd told me to leave you the van sooner." He uses it for his work car if I don't need it because it keeps our newer Kia from getting super high miles since he commutes. Since it was 5:00 am & dark he couldn't see my dagger eyes.
@Skeemer how does your younger one act during story time? LittleDude is a single child and I don't know other women with kids in my area. I'm worried about not socializing him enough in the coming months. His 7 yr old cousin lives an hour away but he ADORES him, he comes alive around that kid. I really feel he'd benefit being around other kids.
There's one in my area, but curious the attention span of a 5-6 month old. He does beautifully in the Ergo.
DD actually does fairly well. I have a few things in her diaper bag that I pull out to distract her if I think she's about to go meltdown mode. Our story time is patterned like this -
Song, story, song, story, then it alternates with a craft, puppet show or etc. It usually lasts about 30-45 minutes & the "teacher" has the patience of Job. God love her.
---- edited quote fail ----
I think anyone who does this is a super hero. I've tried taking DD1 to story time, she runs around like a lunatic so I can't imagine trying with both. She is a little older now so
maybe I will try the saturday one with DH as a trial run but I don't have a good feeling about it.
Thank you! Seriously this made my day. I wont lie, it's often the crowning achievement of my Tuesdays. The stroller is my friend.
Re: MBF 1-5-15
DH woke DD up this morning while trying to find his work coat and then once I finally got her back down called to see if his wallet was here which it was and then called again to see if his work boots were here at the house so I have been up with a cranky 6 month old since 5:30 and I'm freezing, not a fun combo.
I heart YNAB
“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times,
if one only remembers to turn on the light."
- Albus Dumbledore
Like, so much. I've never been fond of them.. but now I have to say goodbye to LO for what feels like the entire week, since he's usually assed out tired from daycare by the time I get home from work. Monday at 7:45 feels like my fingernails are being ripped off.
And on a selfish note it totally blows that our family vacations every other year will have to be a trip to visit the ILs instead of something fun and relaxing because heaven forbid they take time away from doing nothing to visit their children/grandchildren up north because they don't like it here.
My SIL upon seeing our new (to us) mini van - "Did a little piece of you die when you bought that?"
Um no, jerk, not everyone's confidence & identity rests in the vehicle they drive. Particularly mine. I am awesome in a mini van. I'm awesome outside of a mini van. I am awesome when I walk. I am awesome when I skateboard. Why? Because me. That's why. Not because my chosen method of transportation makes me who I am. Now shut up. You suck butt. No one cares.
Talk to the A-Team about their van & see if a little piece of them died.
No, I'm not the A-Team nor does my van look this wicked awesome. But I am one Beastmode Mama who has room for my kids, their crap & myself. I rock that mini van.
TTC since October 2012
BFP#1 1/11/13, EDD 9/19/13, M/C at 9wk6dy
BFP#2 11/12/13, DS born 7/28/14!
Everyone is welcome
TTC since October 2012
BFP#1 1/11/13, EDD 9/19/13, M/C at 9wk6dy
BFP#2 11/12/13, DS born 7/28/14!
Everyone is welcome
I don't know why, but every time I see MBF I think Man Bitch Friday.... So odd.
My dd is six months old today and therefore it means it's her last day at work with me. So I am feeling sad about that. But I am very thankful that I got to have her at work with me until today. It's a bittersweet day.
Trying a research convertable car seats and strollers for when DD outgrows her Chicco 30 and snap in stroller. FML. Need something that will fit nicely in my Ford Fiesta and in DH F150. Yup. Sooooo many things. Current front runners are the Mamas and Papas armadillo stroller and the Maxi Cosi Pria 70 convertable car seat.
My SIL is one of those people who stabs hard when she "jokes". Then she calls it a joke if she sees that you're upset. The van thing didn't upset me all that bad but the past jabs about my kids, my husband, my job & my life in general are just obnoxious. She does it on purpose then is like "Oh I'm sorry, I'm just joking." I've already told her off once & I'm about THISCLOSE to telling her off again. We don't see each other very often. I think it bothers her that I don't care what she thinks of my life. But I am sick of her mouth.
Go mini van. You will be SO GLAD you did. The first weekend we had it DH, myself, & both kids loaded up & went to a state park for the day. EVERYTHING FIT. We all fit, their crap fit, charcoal & food fit, a cooler fit. OMG it was Heaven on earth. You won't regret it.
I haven't gotten DH on board for a minivan (which would also be awesome in our narrow driveway for getting in and out), but we did just trade with my dad our Volvo s60 for his Volvo station wagon. So much room! We've already taken 2 road trips with the dogs and not had any trouble fitting everything.
I hate these people on your behalf. I heard that crap before I had my daughter. I told them, "My son is great. Why wouldn't I want another son?" & "No, we need whatever child the Lord gives us." Also, after we had DD people say "Oh you have a boy & a girl. That's great that you're done." morons...we still want more children. And it's our business when & how many.
There's one in my area, but curious the attention span of a 5-6 month old. He does beautifully in the Ergo.
DD actually does fairly well. I have a few things in her diaper bag that I pull out to distract her if I think she's about to go meltdown mode. Our story time is patterned like this -
Song, story, song, story, then it alternates with a craft, puppet show or etc. It usually lasts about 30-45 minutes & the "teacher" has the patience of Job. God love her.
ETA I've met some nice moms.