DH and I decided we want 2 children close in age. We want to start trying in May when DD turns 1. Well lately I have been having mixed emotions about having another baby. I am very excited to have another, I love being a mommy. I just have all these thoughts going through my head... will DD be upset when I am spending a ton of time with the new baby? What will life be like with a 2nd child? I feel like we are getting into a good routine and I am scared to mess it up. I dont do well with change. I was depressed after DD was born because I was so used to freedom and it was a huge change having a baby to care for. I am also scared I will miss my one on one time with DD. Are these normal emotions or do these emotions mean I am not ready to TTC in May? How did you ladies feel? TIA!
Re: STM+ I need advice :)
You'll have room in your heart for subsequent kids. It will be an adjustment for DD when baby comes, and I'm not gonna lie... sometimes it's a struggle when they both need me at once, but DD will get used to it and soon it will be like Baby 2 was always there. My favorite part is seeing them interact
BFP#2 2.5.11 (EDD 10.15.11) DS born 9.28.11
BFP#4 8.27.13 (EDD 5.6.14) DD born 4.23.14
My Recipe Blog
~All AL'ers welcome~
BFP#2 2.5.11 (EDD 10.15.11) DS born 9.28.11
BFP#4 8.27.13 (EDD 5.6.14) DD born 4.23.14
My Recipe Blog
~All AL'ers welcome~
Edit to say I totally get it and I'm not sure when we will start trying because it does scare me still! We had a very colicky baby to the point where the doctor was doing X-rays to see if she had a blockage (he then said this level of fussiness is not normal...well nothing we can do about it) and she is just now growing out of this and getting such a cute personality but of course teething and still doesn't sleep well so for me I just feel like how will I have the energy?!
As PPs said, now that DS is here I can't imagine life without him. I adore both kiddos. DD loves her baby brother (and she's not a people person, so that's amazing to me). She did have some adjustment time for a while and her perfect sleep went out the window for a few months...but we've mostly got that under control now.
I will say it was amazing to me how diffucult it was when #2 came. Me time is a little harder to come by now, but as both kids get older and we figure out a new routine it gets easier.
But it is easier as far as adjusting to the lack of freedom - I just gave that up prettt much
Edit to clarify and to spell
As for love, I think that's common. Even my mom said she didn't want a second child because she didn't know if she could live that second child as much as she loved me. And as an adult, I swear my mom favored my brother over me when we were kids haha.
DS1 can act jealously of ds2 when he gets attention. For instance, my forehead hurts due to the number of books thrown at my head when holding ds2. Yes, we are working on that. But he has also shown how much he cares for his brother. He will kiss his forehead, hug him, try to comfort him when he cries, etc. Having a sibling has changed his life, and as long as we foster a loving relationship, any jealousy should fade. At least that's my intention.
T 2.12 | W 5.14