Nurseries and Baby Gear

Liteway Plus or Chicco Bravo Travel System?

fuss444fuss444 member
edited January 2015 in Nurseries and Baby Gear
So! I read rave reviews about the liteway...and saw it was top rated stroller. Tried it out at Babies R Us today and it just didn't seem as well made as the travel systems. Seemed flimsy, didnt roll or turn as smoothly, and seemed like id tip it over if i wasnt careful. I am looking for something durable but easy to fold and carry/load as I have tense shoulders and back all the time. Looking for Input from users of both!

Re: Liteway Plus or Chicco Bravo Travel System?

  • We have the liteway plus and LOVE it. We keep it in our car for shopping/short trips. For outdoor activities we have a city mini GT and love that too. The keyfit 30 works well in both. No experience with the Bravo, but from what I've heard travel systems aren't well liked because of how heavy and bulky they are.
  • We have the bravo and it's amazing! Nothing like their previous travel system. Lightweight and the whole seat is removable so you can just click car seat in. Can't say enough positive things about it!!
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  • I just have the lightway so not a travel system but I absolutely love it. It fold up so small and so easy and light. It's so great for shopping and travel.
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