Baby Names

Boy name suggestions

Hi- My H and I have picked out a girl's name, but cannot decide on a boy's name. We do not know what we are having and I'm due Feb 7th. I've been searching and searching, but cannot find names that call out to us.

The girl's name we have chosen is Evelyn. It sounds good with our last name, particularly with the nickname Evie. I'm putting this in here in case it helps people think of a good boy's name with similar phonetics (think EEEE sounds).

Of the boys names we've discussed, Connor, Garrett, and Darian are top of the list. Connor goes really well with our last name, but we neither of us feel really feel attached to it. (none of these have EEE sounds, so maybe that's why none of them are really making the final cut).

Any suggestions would be helpful! Thanks so much!
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