September 2014 Moms

Reflux babies

How many oz does your baby take at each feeding? My LO only takes 1-3 oz at each time sometimes 4oz and only wants to eat every 3-4 hours, making his 24 hour average about 23 oz. I had to switch from EPing to formula because it was getting too hard for me. I use Enfamil gentalease(which he has been getting as supplementation since birth-now 4mo). He has been on Zantac since 4 weeks and we just had an upper GI done which r/o other digestive issues. He will act hungry and when I give him a bottle he starts sucking then within a few gulps pushes it away and starts crying. Just wanted to know if other babies with reflux act the same way. TIA

Re: Reflux babies

  • Yes C cries after every bottle I just distract him with something bright and after a min or so he's over it and is fine. Sometimes I add an extra oz but he turns away too so I just stick with what can actually eat. My guess is that the reflux feeling confuses them and makes them think they're feeling hunger. He is eating 5oz and is also on half BM half formula every 3 hours (although right now it's sometimes every 2)

    TTC since 2.11
    BFP #1: 3.15.11- c/p
    MTHFR Dx 6.13-Rx- folate and B12
    BFP #2: 11.9.13 -m/c Trisomy 4
    BFP #3 1.18.14 EDD 9.27.2014

  • It can go either way with reflux babies. Either they won't want to eat much because it hurts or they'll want to eat more because the milk soothes their throat while they're eating. DD1 nursed a ton, but she also spit up a ton. DD2 has silent reflux and seems to eat less.
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  • I'm not really sure where normal spit up stops and reflux starts. My LO spits up after every bottle no matter how gentler you are or burped he is. He lives in a bib since he spits up for hours after he eats. He always cries for more formula it's like feeding a goldfish he doesn't seem to realize he's full. So I get that reflux symptoms are often shortened and fussy feedings but is a baby spitting up 3-4 hrs after feeding not reflux issues too?
    Lilypie - (JLjB)

  • Cooper has refulx and has been on Zantac since week 5.  He seems always hungry haha.  When im not there and he is having bottles of BM he is having 3.5-4 oz every at least 21/2 hrs.  When Im home it seems like he wants to eat every 2 hrs on the dot.

    Spitting up wise, its still an issue for us.  Not as much as when he was younger and before i went off of dairy but he will still spit up at most feedings, and will spit up more than an hour after eating.  Its not bothering him and most times its not more than a few tablespoons but its for sure still happening.
    DH and I Married 11.12.10
    First BPP 1.24.14
    EDD 9.26.14

    Baby Cooper John born on 9.24.14 6lbs9oz

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