LGBT Parenting

Let's try this again (BFP)

I hope everyone had an amazing holiday and wonderful New Year!

I've held off from posting for several days just to make sure everything is going to be okay, and while this isn't something you can ever really know for sure, we have released our fears and it's forward thinking here on out.  We got another BFP earlier this week!

As some of you know, we were struggling to coordinate with our donor as we also had to work around another recipient's cycle, but were able to inseminate twice. 

Monday we saw a barely there squinter on a wondfo which we weren't comfortable calling.  Then, Tuesday up through today, we have been getting darker lines on both wondfos and FRERs everyday.  Symptom wise, I noticed I had an aversion to over easy eggs on my eggs benedict Sunday before we tested.  I haven't been able to stomach cucumbers or raw tomatoes and I am exhausted.

Needless to say MW and I are thrilled and feel really good about this being our sticky bean!

"S15 January Siggy Challange - Happy Dance"
Jimmy Fallon Dance

Married: 10/4/2013
TTC Since September 2014
BFP 11/30/2014 ~ EDD 8/13/2015 ~ CP 12/5/2014
BFP #2 12/30/2014 ~ EDD 9/13/2015 Stick bean stick!

Re: Let's try this again (BFP)

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    Me: 30  DW (aka C): 29

    Together since 2/15/11 ~ Legally married in NY on 9/29/12

    ***CP mentioned***

    We've been working on baby #1 since July 2013 using Open ID donor sperm.  8 IUI attempts with 5 actual IUIs and one chemical pregnancy.  We have one fresh IVF cycle under our belts as well as a FET.  I have endometriosis and a uterine septum that was corrected via surgery in November 2013. 

    11/14/14 -  Second HSG shows that tubes are still clear and ute is looking good. 

    12/6/14 - Started BCPs in prep for IVF #2

    12/22/14 - Saline u/s and endometrial scratch (All was clear and OUCH!)

    1/2/15 - Began stimming for IVF #2

     ****All Welcome!****

    We are Mommas to four fur babies - 3 dogs and 1 cat.


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    Me - 30, My wife - 31 , Together for 10 yrs - Married August 2012

    5 medicated IUIs w/ RE (March - July 2013) = BFN

    Fresh IVF Cycle in September 2013 resulted in 18 mature eggs, 16 fertilized, 12 made it to day 5. Transfer of 2 Grade A blastocysts on 9/15/13, and 10 embryos in the freezer!      *****BFP on 9/25/13 - betas: @10dp5dt = 232; @12dp5dt = 465; @15dp5dt = 1,581   *********William George born June 4, 2014*********
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    Whoop! Great news. Congrats to you both and that sticky little bean!

    Me~35 Wife~32
    Together 6 years
    Married 2014
    TTC~ Reciprocal IVF
    11/10-ET (1 blast) = BFP
    Beta @ 8dp= 185, Beta @ 10dp=752, Beta @ 16dp= 8,127
    7/22/15 - It's a boy! 

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    What great news! Congrats!
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    Yay! Congrats!!!

    A & K, married 7/1/13.

    After 10 months of ttc via medicated IUIs and two early losses, we finally got our boys- Perfect premie twins born 5/27/14.



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    Woohoo!! Congrats!!! Here's to a happy & healthy nine months ahead :-)
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    Yay!!!! :) 
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    Well extra happy 2015 to you!!!!!!!
    Lil'mamaz was born on Aug 21, 2014! She's PERFECT!

    It's been a long road to here...
    Me (43) and J (45) - same sex couple. And we don't feel 40+!
    June'12 - First RE Visit
    Sept. '12 - Tubes removed
    Dec. '12 - Donor Egg/Donor Sperm IVF Cycle - 4 good embies!
    Dec. '12 - Fresh transfer, BFP! EDD 8/29/13
    Mar. '13 - Missed m/c at 16w1d, baby boy stopped growing at 15w4d
    Loss due to umbilical cord was perfect. :(
    Jul '13 - FET#1 - c/p
    Sept. '13 - FET#2 - BFN
    Dec.' 2, 2013 - FET#3 with our last chance embie - BFP!!!
    Dec' 26, 2013 - hb!!
    EDD 8/20/14 with a baby girl!
    Little S was born on 8/21/14 - 8lb, 14 oz and 20 inches long.
    We live in Seattle and used SRM for our donor egg IVF cycle


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    Yay for the New Year News. So happy for you!
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    Married my wife 8/2007 ~ TTC #1 since 7/2011
    9 IUIs = 9 BFNs
    IVF October 2012: 22 eggs retrieved, 17 fertilized, 5 frozen
    ET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Blighted ovum discovered at 7w5d; D&E
    FET #1: 1 blast = BFP; Missed m/c discovered at 9w5d; D&E
    Karyotyping: normal ~ RPL Testing: normal ~ Hysteroscopy: normal
    FET #2: 1 blast transferred 10/25; BFP 10/31!
    EDD 7/13/14 ~ Induced at 37w4d due to pre-eclampsia ~ Born on 6/28/14
    *Everyone welcome*

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    That's great news! Wishing you a sticky baby!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    Congratulations! And all the best for a happy, healthy pregnancy :)
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    Congrats, sending sticky vibes your way

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    JGYJGY member
    Congrats!  Are you going to go in for betas?  (Sorry if that was already asked and answered)

    Married to my amazing wife 6/12/10 
    TTC since 6/11
    Unmedicated IUI #1 - 6/28/11 - BFN
    Unmedicated IUI #2 - 7/25/11 - BFN
    Robotic Myomectomy (Fibroid Surgery) - 11/15/11
    Unmedicated IUI #3 - 4/24/12 - BFN 
    Progesterone Supported Leuteal Phase IUI #4 - 6/21/12 - BFP!!
    Baby Boy G Born 3/24/13

    On to #2, are we crazy?
    IUI #1 - 11/28/14 - BFP!  Beta #1 (11DPO) 34, Beta #2 (13DPO) 101, Beta #3 (20DPO) 3043
    Ultrasound at 6w4d shows a single, fluttering heartbeat.  Say hello to Sticky Ricki!



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    JGY said:
    Congrats!  Are you going to go in for betas?  (Sorry if that was already asked and answered)
    @JGY, I am working on getting something arranged so that I can have them drawn.  Aside from regular exams, I haven't been working with anyone (medically that is) while ttc. 
    "S15 January Siggy Challange - Happy Dance"
    Jimmy Fallon Dance

    Married: 10/4/2013
    TTC Since September 2014
    BFP 11/30/2014 ~ EDD 8/13/2015 ~ CP 12/5/2014
    BFP #2 12/30/2014 ~ EDD 9/13/2015 Stick bean stick!
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