May 2014 Moms

Serial - Possible Spoilers

Any Serial listeners? I don't see that there's been a discussion on this.

If you've listened to it all - what do you think? Is Adnan guilty? If he didn't do it, who did?

Re: Serial - Possible Spoilers

  • LOVE this podcast! I'm in the middle of the last episode now (have to listen a little at a time) but I definitely think he had something to do with it. I think Jay absolutely had more to do with it too! 

    I also think Christina Gutierrez totally botched Adnan's case. I can't believe he's not more upset with her! What are your thoughts? 

    BabyFetus Ticker
  • I can't decide... I'm not sure what I was expecting from the final episode but I was hoping for more closure - I'm looking forward to his case being reopened.

    I definitely think Christina dropped the ball. I think Adnan is all too laid back for being locked up for 15 years and being innocent. The fact that he has NO idea what he was doing the day his ex-girlfriend disappeared seems weird to me. But I don't think they had enough to charge him with the murder. I think Jay played a bigger role than he let on. I find myself wanting Adnan to be innocent but I just don't know.

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  • I think that Adnan had to have something to do with it - I just can't decide in the extent of his involvement. I keep thinking about what that one producer said - "if he's completely innocent, then he was very unlucky that day." I can't believe that he was convicted based off of one person's account, and Jay's story is still changing! But I also don't know how, if he did do it, he could go all these years without admitting it. Ugh. It drives me crazy! I wish we could just find out what really happened.
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