Secondary IF


sailorgalsailorgal member
edited January 2015 in Secondary IF
First one of the new year, make it count!

It's the weekend and that means is time to have some sex for the simple sake of having fun.  Put aside the pressure of timed intercourse and the whole notion of sex on demand because the second line is as dark as the first line.  It's Friday, it's the weekend.  Relax, rejuvenate, and have some good ol fashioned sex just for the pure pleasure of it.  After all, it is supposed to be fun, right?  

Report back when mission is accomplished.  Feel free to offer a descriptive gif or meme or comment if you so desire.  

Edited to add description for our newer members! 
Me: 32, DH: 33
DS #1: April 2010
DS #2: July 2015 (preemie born at 31 weeks) - our little miracle conceived through ART - unexplained secondary infertility/adenomyosis


  • @sailorgal will you give me the rundown on how this weekly thread works?  :-?

    Two DDs 10/08 and 08/10, no primary IF
    TTC #3 since 10/2011 - dx unexplained/weak ovulation
     3 BFN clomid + TI cycles, 5 BFN clomid/gonal f IUIs, 1 mmc IUI
    2/19/2014 IVF #1 Unexpected low E2 (oversuppressed) -> increased to max doses = 3 or 4 follicles, converting to IUI
    BFFP Saw 1 beautiful heartbeat at 6w6d, follow up u/s at 9w showed mmc. Eff this.
    NTNP 5/2014-9/2014, OPKs and TI 10/2014 - 1/2015. 
    RPL testing all normal, AFC, AMH, and FSH all normal. 
    IVF 1.2 1/22/2014 natural cycle start, AFC 28, 300 gonal f/150menopur. 
    ER 2/3/15 14R 8M 3F w/ICSI Day 5 transfer on 2/8/15 of one "Grade A+" blast and have TWO frosties! 


  • Just last night DH looked at me and asked when was the last time we had sex.  We have all been sick and busy with the holidays and multiple birthdays and I think it had been about 10 days.  I looked at him and said "I feel like we have to. It's been so long."  He looked at me and said, "I'm tired of having to.  If we feel like it, let's do it. If we don't, that's fine too."  We got naked and, lo and behold, we both felt like it. Just for the fun of it.
    Clomid/IUI #1 Feb 2010- BFN
    Clomid/IUI #2 Mar 2010 - BFP April 2010 DD born Dec 2010 :-)
    Started TTC #2 Dec 2011 
    IUI #3-5 Aug thru Oct 2014 - BFN
    HSG revealed one blocked tube but was unblocked during procedure
    IUI #6 and 7 Nov/Dec 2014 - BFN
    IVF #1 Feb 2015 - 19 eggs retrieved, ZERO fertilized initially, 2 fertilized with rescue ICSI, then 2 more then following day, all 4 frozen
    FET #1 planned for mid-March

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