LF and I conceived Liam when things were about as rocky as they could get. It was not a surprise pregnancy.
That said, there have been huge repercussions for us growing our family during times of severe strife. I have to hope that my kids aren't unfairly wounded by my lackluster decision making.
On the other side, I got Liam, my rainbow unicorn. And also my sunshine blessings Thomas and Finn.
Sometimes you need some real shit to grow a beautiful garden. But still, spreading that shit is fucking hard.
I went against my own rule and got a manicure a few weeks ago. A gel manicure. Maybe it will be nice, I said. You deserve some pampering, I said.
I liked it for one week. My nails grew out and it looked bad. Now I t's peeling up from the bottom and catching off on everything and I can't get this mess off of my nails. I bought 100% acetone and will be getting serious with this over the weekend.
How's that, @valstulas? Personal, scandalous AND breaking the rules!
I just sprinted for five minutes trying to get my Fitbit steps goal for the day. It didn't work and now I'm winded from being an out of shape asthmatic at 12am.
Encchanted said:
Your garden is beautiful, Vals. I'm sorry you had to hoe such a hard row to get it. I want to leave my Christmas decorations up for another month. That's not a good confession, but I hate how empty the house feels when they're gone. It seems cold somehow after having them up for the past month. As it is, I'll leave them up until Epiphany. I may not be a practicing Catholic anymore, but those traditions I grew up with still come in handy sometimes, especially when the decorations would have come down today if my husband had his way.
If you really want an excuse to leave them up longer, there are some:
The FEAST of Chriatmas lasts until epiphany. The return of ordinary time, that officially ends the Christmas season is the Monday after epiphany, so that can buy you a few more days.
If you really want to leave them up another month, just use the older tradition still used in the Extraordinary Form ( Latin Mass). The Christmas season lasts until February 2 on that calendar.
Vals you have a beautiful bunch of boys and you are a kick ass mom!
We've been on our vacation for six nights already and I miss my kids but not as much as I thought I would. I'm sure it's because I've been so busy and working my ass off but I feel guilty for not missing them more! I can't wait to get home to them tomorrow but have really enjoyed my time away.
I asked a bridesmaid to leave my wedding party. I was having a very busy month at work and told her I would have to wait to make lunch plans with her til after the month was over. About a week after that a co-worker and I went one street over to a farm stand to pick up sandwiches and ice cream to bring back to our desks to eat. We took one minute to take some pictures with the cows and co-worker posted them on Facebook. I got a raging message from bridesmaid about how dare I spend time with my co-worker ("IS SHE YOUR NEW BEST FRIEND?!") when I didn't have time for her. I calmly tried to explain the situation - this was a ten minute outing to get food to eat at a desk. She wouldn't listen. I told her I didn't want to discuss it via text anymore, and I would be happy to meet in person. She refused. So I told her I didn't want her in my wedding and I also didn't want her AT my wedding. This was probably against all etiquette since she had already received an invite but oh well. I seem to attract people who think I should have only one friend and it should be them.
I don't have lifelong friends. But I get excited thinking about him being friends with his dc buddies forever. Like at each other's weddings. I want that for him.
Here's a related one: I have no close lifelong friends. People who have been friends with the same people for ten years or more always confuse me. I don't even talk to my closest friends from college.
One year down, nine more to go. You can't get rid of me. Not even by making other friends.
I got to work early so I can leave early to go home and watch our bowl game. We are leaving DS at DC for at least the first half so we can drink beer (we will walk to pick him up, it is less than a mile) and watch football without chasing around a crazy toddler.
I only have friends I've been friends with for a long time. One is around 25/26 years and the other is 18 years. The most recent friend I've made is from 7.5 years ago. I haven't made any good friends since her. Everyone else is just FB friendly or TB friends.
There is one friend of mine I've known since I was 10 (so almost 20 years! Yikes!). She lives out of the country so I rarely see her but when we do talk or hang out it's like no time has passed. I have a couple of friends that I met over the years and we don't live close to each other because of moves but we are still close.
Speaking of bridesmaids, if she wasn't one of my sisters, I would have kicked her off my bridal party too. She was all about her and complained about everything. Apparently my other sisters and close friends shielded me from even more drama on my wedding day otherwise I may have kicked her out that day...
You guys are all bad influences. We watch too much Daniel Tiger and I've tried far too much junk food thanks to you bishes. No one is going to talk me in to brushing my face, though [-(
I have a lot of lifelong friends; I think because I'm usually super patient with people. Not living in the same city actually helps, because a few of them drive me insane (but I will always answer their calls/texts/be supportive, etc).
There's one friend that I've given the same advice to re: boys for 11 years (we've been friends for 13). She has never listened to me. I tell her not to text that guy who is not responding over and over and what does she do? I say, stop talking to that person, he's treating you like a hook up buddy, and guess what - she sees him again. Grrrrr.
I feel like there is something about online chat boards that makes everyone super sensitive about these issues that they would otherwise not care enough about to get their panties in a twist. It's exhausting. Is this how offended everyone gets inside their heads when you're discussing issues IRL? Or do people hold on to things more when they can write them down?
My FFFC is a follow up to @Lelo2006. The tone of this board different now. There's too much going on behind the scenes with all the texting, instagram, and fb.
I have a lot of lifelong friends; I think because I'm usually super patient with people. Not living in the same city actually helps, because a few of them drive me insane (but I will always answer their calls/texts/be supportive, etc).
There's one friend that I've given the same advice to re: boys for 11 years (we've been friends for 13). She has never listened to me. I tell her not to text that guy who is not responding over and over and what does she do? I say, stop talking to that person, he's treating you like a hook up buddy, and guess what - she sees him again. Grrrrr.
I feel like there is something about online chat boards that makes everyone super sensitive about these issues that they would otherwise not care enough about to get their panties in a twist. It's exhausting. Is this how offended everyone gets inside their heads when you're discussing issues IRL? Or do people hold on to things more when they can write them down?
I'm still giggling over the milk. Who gives a flying freak if your kid drinks organic whole, regular whole, almond, breastmilk, formula, rice, 2%, soy.
Don't lie, @Lelo2006 You know you're judging me for drinking almond milk and having Christmas cookies for breakfast.
Hahaha! I'm judging you for "accidentally" giving your breastmilk to your brother... You sick f***
I have known Dh and BFF since high school, so 12 years. Other than them I have friends I have known since grade school, but I wouldn't consider them close by any means.
My closest friends are my sisters and some of my cousins. Does that count?
ETA: weird, I guess that's an actual disease. Guess I will be bringing that up with the doctor on Tuesday. No joke, he smells like maple syrup in the morning.
I have 7 friends that I've know for 15+ years. We're all going on a girls weekend in April and my TTC plans may be partly influenced on not wanting to be pregnant until after that girls weekend
K & M married 10.8.2011
BFP 7.17.2012, EDD 3.21.2013, Miscarriage at 6 wks 3 days
BFP #2 11.7.2012, beautiful Tess born 7.11.2013
I was pretty much laughing hysterically at UO yesterday. For reals guise?
So was I!
Yeah, it was very absurd. Not asking for a repeat. It was also hysterical bc of references to all of the J13 drama.
I hate the TOU because it encourages this backwards, round about stuff. It's hard to be direct. IMO a call out is starting a different thread and going all out asshlle. Disagreeing with someone and debating with someone isn't a call out but it sucks to have to dance around stuff for fear of a warning or ban.
Totally agree with this. I also solve any issues with people off board as well.
I feel like a whore because I'm a single mother. I'm not looking for sympathy and I know I'm not. I just don't like that my boys don't have a compete family and I failed them because of it. This isn't sparked by anything and I thought about it before I saw @valstulas post. Do you get that way too?
I'm so sad that you feel this way. You're making the best decisions you can for your boys.
I feel like a whore because I'm a single mother. I'm not looking for sympathy and I know I'm not. I just don't like that my boys don't have a compete family and I failed them because of it. This isn't sparked by anything and I thought about it before I saw @valstulas post. Do you get that way too?
I'm so sad that you feel this way. You're making the best decisions you can for your boys.
Yes-- you are such a strong mama. >:D<
K & M married 10.8.2011
BFP 7.17.2012, EDD 3.21.2013, Miscarriage at 6 wks 3 days
BFP #2 11.7.2012, beautiful Tess born 7.11.2013
ETA: weird, I guess that's an actual disease. Guess I will be bringing that up with the doctor on Tuesday. No joke, he smells like maple syrup in the morning.
My kids' pee has smelled like bacon before.
The maple syrup thing is a metabolic disorder that's screened for at birth I think.
Yeah, he has none of the scary symptoms I read. I always thought he was just sweet!
I don't think so because he pees a TON. He drinks like 9 oz of milk before he goes to bed. It's horizon organic dha enriched whole milk, so obviously to the best thing you can possibly feed a person.
DH and I decided to put TTC on hold because we were going through some really rough stuff. We got a surprise BFP the next month. This pregnancy has helped DH re-evaluate a lot of things. We are going to counseling and in a better place. However, the reality that I could also become a single mother is something I think about on a daily basis.
My BFF & I have known each other since 2nd grade & the kids I grew up with on the same street (since middle school) all still get together frequently. That's 23 years & 18 year friendships. I prefer long term friendships.
I mean, I've known the new moms group friends for about 3 years. My here are friends I've made on TB that I've known for some time.
Re: FFFC 2015
That said, there have been huge repercussions for us growing our family during times of severe strife. I have to hope that my kids aren't unfairly wounded by my lackluster decision making.
On the other side, I got Liam, my rainbow unicorn. And also my sunshine blessings Thomas and Finn.
Sometimes you need some real shit to grow a beautiful garden. But still, spreading that shit is fucking hard.
I liked it for one week. My nails grew out and it looked bad. Now I t's peeling up from the bottom and catching off on everything and I can't get this mess off of my nails. I bought 100% acetone and will be getting serious with this over the weekend.
How's that, @valstulas? Personal, scandalous AND breaking the rules!
Next time leave the hot nails to the porn stars.
And you have a beautiful garden.
I lost my angels 07/2010, 04/2017, 10/2017
Meimsx no more
I want to leave my Christmas decorations up for another month. That's not a good confession, but I hate how empty the house feels when they're gone. It seems cold somehow after having them up for the past month.
As it is, I'll leave them up until Epiphany. I may not be a practicing Catholic anymore, but those traditions I grew up with still come in handy sometimes, especially when the decorations would have come down today if my husband had his way.
If you really want an excuse to leave them up longer, there are some: The FEAST of Chriatmas lasts until epiphany. The return of ordinary time, that officially ends the Christmas season is the Monday after epiphany, so that can buy you a few more days. If you really want to leave them up another month, just use the older tradition still used in the Extraordinary Form ( Latin Mass). The Christmas season lasts until February 2 on that calendar.
We've been on our vacation for six nights already and I miss my kids but not as much as I thought I would. I'm sure it's because I've been so busy and working my ass off but I feel guilty for not missing them more! I can't wait to get home to them tomorrow but have really enjoyed my time away.
Baby boy 7.10.13
I lost my angels 07/2010, 04/2017, 10/2017
Meimsx no more
Speaking of bridesmaids, if she wasn't one of my sisters, I would have kicked her off my bridal party too. She was all about her and complained about everything. Apparently my other sisters and close friends shielded me from even more drama on my wedding day otherwise I may have kicked her out that day...
There's one friend that I've given the same advice to re: boys for 11 years (we've been friends for 13). She has never listened to me. I tell her not to text that guy who is not responding over and over and what does she do? I say, stop talking to that person, he's treating you like a hook up buddy, and guess what - she sees him again. Grrrrr.
I feel like there is something about online chat boards that makes everyone super sensitive about these issues that they would otherwise not care enough about to get their panties in a twist. It's exhausting. Is this how offended everyone gets inside their heads when you're discussing issues IRL? Or do people hold on to things more when they can write them down?
Here's photographic evidence in case people don't believe me...
My closest friends are my sisters and some of my cousins. Does that count?
ETA: weird, I guess that's an actual disease. Guess I will be bringing that up with the doctor on Tuesday. No joke, he smells like maple syrup in the morning.
I mean, I've known the new moms group friends for about 3 years. My here are friends I've made on TB that I've known for some time.
LFAF Summer 2016 Awards: