I found out yesterday we're having a boy. We really wanted a girl and are still adjusting to the idea. We only talked about having 1 (MAYBE 2) kids, and then adopting, so I feel like I may never get to pick an adorable girls name. I loved Elodie, June, Miriam, and Elizabeth... So part 1 of this post is throwing those names out to the universe. May some other sweet baby girl get them!
My question: Which of these names do you like better? We want to use DH and my dad's names. Last name is two-syllable german name.
Gordon Henry
Henry Gordon
Re: Sad to give up my girls' names... Need to pick name order for baby boy!
TTC since September 2012
"I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life's a bitch. You've got to go out and kick ass." Maya Angelou
~ Auntie to L: 2013 and Peanut: EDD 11/2014 ~
Personally I prefer Gordon Henry, but both are very nice!
Although, I do get the Thomas Train feel and I have girls.
I like the idea of using just one family name, too.
I agree, please don't share your gender disappointment with your son. Ever
I was really nervous about having a boy. I was raised by a single mom and sister.
If you're nervous about having a boy, I assure you, you'll learn! I know the name of every Disney Cars character, I know (well used to know) the ATL Braves line-up, I love taking my son to baseball games, I'm learning about all the marvel superhero characters, and despite what everyone says, little boy clothes are awesome!
You'll be fine. I promise.
*Just to add I'm totally against gender stereotypes and the things my son is interested in are of his own choosing. He also has a pink shopping cart (that he picked out all on his own) and stainless steel pots and pans because he likes to "cook."
Precious baby boy "HC" born May 2013.