
Pregnancy & Birth after C-Section

I had one (scheduled) c-section.

I've heard that second c-sections have slower and more painful recoveries than the first (provided that both were scheduled. I imagine laboring and then recovering from a c-section might be more painful even if it was the first).

Have you experienced mamas found that to be the case? 

Also, should I expect pain from my scar (either internal or external) during this pregnancy? I have scary visions of my incision site ripping open even though its been 4 years and I can barely see it. 
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Re: Pregnancy & Birth after C-Section

  • It was different.

    The initial pain was higher the first time around, but I think that was mostly because it was new. The second time, I think I expected/remembered more pain than there actually was, so it seemed less in general.

    The recovery to 90% capability was over 48 hours after the surgery with my first experience. I was speed-walking up the stairs and picking up my 1 year old shortly after being released my first time. With my second experience, it took me 3-4 days to feel capable of doing the same (I should point out, I overdid it my first day of moving around, since I had to walk to and from NICU regularly to visit my son and return for my pain meds, so that might be part of it).

    The overall recovery took a little longer the second time, but I was still feeling almost completely healed within a week both times and felt no need to fill my pain med prescriptions either time.

    As far as scar pain, I noticed none. It had been 3 years since my last and it was entirely pain free.
    DD- 11/17/08, DD- 11/16/09, DS- 3/20/13 
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  • I had three scheduled. First one I hurt for 4 months. Second for like a month. Third I was out and about alone with three kids in 10 days. I don't know if they got easier or I got tougher.
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  • Second Csec was WAY easier to recover from for me and I had my two 17 months apart. I think for me the difference was that with my second I had not been in labor.
  • Actually the opposite of what you said. Both mine were scheduled due to breech babies, and even though the first one was really easy and fast recovery, this time it was even better. Don't know if I'm tougher this time or if my body know what it's going through better but yeah it was even faster than last time. And like I said, both times were awesome.
  • I don't have anything to offer regarding recovery since my second c-section is scheduled for 1/30, but I have't had any pain/stretching/tenderness at my first incision site and I got pregnant 14 months after my first c-section. 

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  • My first baby was born after 57 hours of a failed induction and then basically an emergency csection. Recovery was horrible for me. It was extremely painful and I feel like it robbed me of a lot of time with my new baby girl. I will have a planned section with this baby and I've been told repeatedly that recovery should take half the time. Fingers crossed. Seriously contemplating installing a comfort height toilet at home just for recovery. Lol
    Baby girl Lila born 2013.
    Baby boy Henry born 2015.
    Expecting our capstone baby (boy) early March 2018.
  • Sorry, forgot to address the incision question. I've had plenty of localized pain at my scar this time. My doctor said it's common and happens because the scar tissue is stretching as the uterus grows. Sometimes, it can be downright painful.
    Baby girl Lila born 2013.
    Baby boy Henry born 2015.
    Expecting our capstone baby (boy) early March 2018.
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