

I got a pedicure last time before my c-section and had no problems. Fine to have toenail polish at my hospital. However, this time I am weirdly freaked out I could get an infection and make the surgery more dangerous. Is this crazy? Would you just go ahead and have your toes done, or would you struggle through doing it yourself at home? Are you getting one?
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Re: Pedicure?

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    I got a pedicure last weekend and c section is scheduled for the 5th.
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    How is doing it yourself different? 
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    I got freaked out too - I knew it was a very slim chance that I'd get an infection, but couldn't bring myself to get pedicures done at the salon. I did them myself throughout. I was lucky that I didn't get swollen too much my last pregnancy so I could do them myself.
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    Had mine done 3 days before my last csection. I was hoping they would massage a part of the foot to out me in labor.

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    It's fine... go get those pretty toes ;)
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    You should get one fr a reputable nail spa that sterilizes their stuff so the risk of infecyion wikk be very minimal. Having said that my holiday pedis still look good and planning to keep those till rcs date. Thanks

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    I'm debating doing it this time, not because I'm afraid of infection but because it technically violates hospital policy. Last time, I didn't have my pre-op appt until the day before my rcs. I noticed while signing the consent form that "no nail polish," was one of the rules. I had just had them done that morning and decided I would leave them. If it was really a problem I figured someone would mention it and I'd just remove it at that point. One of the nurses complimented my color, while they were checking me in, but that is all that was ever said about the nail polish. I'd like to get them done again this time and I'm sure it would be fine but I feel guilty intentionally breaking the rules. I could just get a clear coat but it's not the same.

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    mamabisme said:
    I'm debating doing it this time, not because I'm afraid of infection but because it technically violates hospital policy. Last time, I didn't have my pre-op appt until the day before my rcs. I noticed while signing the consent form that "no nail polish," was one of the rules. I had just had them done that morning and decided I would leave them. If it was really a problem I figured someone would mention it and I'd just remove it at that point. One of the nurses complimented my color, while they were checking me in, but that is all that was ever said about the nail polish. I'd like to get them done again this time and I'm sure it would be fine but I feel guilty intentionally breaking the rules. I could just get a clear coat but it's not the same.
    Unless you are really high risk, usually they are more concerned about your fingers as it can mess up the sensors they use to measure your oxygen levels. 
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    I had regular mani/pedis throughout my first three pregnancies, and all in between, and never have gotten an infection. I know it's a possibility, but the risk seems minimal if you go to a decent place, so I'd go ahead and get the pedi! It helped me feel good about myself when I otherwise felt huge and uncomfortable.



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