Baby Names

Trying to choose between 2 names...*UPDATE - Name added to list...*

allisong1187allisong1187 member
edited January 2015 in Baby Names
Happy new year ladies! I'm a frequent lurker over from the May BMB and am hoping to get your opinion on 2 names my DH and I are down to for our little man. If you were to choose, which would you prefer: Gavin Patrick, Jameson Patrick, or neither? I appreciate your honesty!! :)

UPDATE - We've added Mason Patrick to the list as well. Any thoughts? It's the one fairly popular name that we like. 

*I should give background - We want Patrick as the middle name for my father as that is his as well.* 

TTC #1: June 2014

BFP: 09/07/2014 EDD: May 18th, 2015

Me: 27 DH: 30

Married: August 31, 2012 <3

Re: Trying to choose between 2 names...*UPDATE - Name added to list...*

  • Not a huge fan of either but I guess I would choose Gavin Patrick. I think James Patrick is awesome.
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  • I'm on the fence about Gavin myself, but it is off the table because of DH. I like Patrick as a middle name.

    Jameson is super popular right now, but I'm not against the name for any reason other than that.

    Here are a couple other suggestions:



    Liam (also very popular right now)





    Also agree with PP that James is great. I love the name and would consider it for DS2's name, but it is DS1's mn. Probably why Iike it so much.

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  • I prefer Gavin.
    (+ hers and his, ages 13 & 8)
  • Jameson is better then Gavin
  • Thank you everyone!

    @joy2611 - hey lady!!

    TTC #1: June 2014

    BFP: 09/07/2014 EDD: May 18th, 2015

    Me: 27 DH: 30

    Married: August 31, 2012 <3

  • Gavin out of the two but I agree that James would be amazing.
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  • I like Jameson better
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  • I like Jameson and James
  • Gavin for sure. Jameson makes me think whiskey. I'm a big fan of James though.

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  • James Patrick is wonderful! I'm not a fan of Jameson at all. Gavin is okay.
  • I love the suggestion of James Patrick, but I like Gavin better than Jameson.
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  • Gavin over Jameson. But I agree to liking James more than both.
  • My brother is James Patrick. He's a great guy ;)
    Jameson is a whiskey. I do like Gavin though. GL.
  • What about Patrick for the first name? Jameson is too trendy/dated sounding for my taste as a first name, and while James Patrick is a lovely name, it's pretty generic. Gavin is OK, but I'm not crazy about it as a first name.

    Patrick Gavin or Patrick Jameson are pretty fabulous though and way less popular/trendy/dated sounding.
  • Thanks everyone for your input!! It's such a difficult decision... I like the name James but I think it's just a bit too popular for DH and I.

    I would actually love to name him Patrick but DH thinks of that SNL skit "it's Pat" and can't get over it haha...

    TTC #1: June 2014

    BFP: 09/07/2014 EDD: May 18th, 2015

    Me: 27 DH: 30

    Married: August 31, 2012 <3

  • James Patrick
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  • Patrick James
  • Gavin of the two. 

    Is your H James? I don't understand using a cumbersome sounding name like Jameson unless it is because the child is literally James' son.

    I know lots of young Patricks and none of them go by any NN at all. I don't think Pat as a NN is something that will be common in your child's generation so I think few would assume to call him that unless you use it yourself.
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  • I'm going to dissent and say Jameson Patrick. It's a GP name of mine.
  • James Patrick or Patrick James
  • I'd go with gavin. mason would be my 2nd choice

    jameson is awful imo
  • Another vote for James Patrick.

  • lalamommalalamomma member
    edited January 2015
    I feel like all of those names except Patrick are very trendy/popular. I don't like Jameson but that's just a personal opinion. Just zero appeal to me. Of the names I suppose I would pick Gavin. Some other suggestions:
    Colin, Connor, Griffin, Miles

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  • I know Mason is popular but it's a great name and I like the meaning, so that would be my vote! As an added benefit it seems less fussy than Jameson. And although I really like the name Gavin I always associate it w Gavin Rossdale, but maybe the age group for that association is limited.
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