July 2015 Moms

12 week ultrasound - tech gave definite "boy" answer

Christab728Christab728 member
edited December 2014 in July 2015 Moms
Hello! Just had my 12 week ultrasound and the tech said it was definitely a boy.. I'm a little annoyed in her confidence. I tried telling her "well it could really be either right" and she basically said no because she's never wrong.. I get that the nub theory has some proof behind it but have any of you has techs be that confident in their answer? We have a 16 week ultrasound coming up and that will confirm the gender so I'm not out buying blue (even though this would be our 3rd boy!).. Anyone been told it was a boy and it ended up a girl??

Re: 12 week ultrasound - tech gave definite "boy" answer

  • It's too early to tell for certain. If I were you, I would edit your pic so that it doesn't contain your name!
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  • Lol thank you amc2511 - I'll edit the pic :)
    Yea I thought I was a little early too so I was a little annoyed with her confidence in the gender. Not because I don't want a boy but because I really wasn't expecting a "definite" gender at that appt. I thought it was just a guess when they say it.
  • It seems very odd to me that your u/s tech said that she was positive it's a boy. At this point, boys and girls still look the same, so I am not sure what she is basing that on. The nub theory is not an accurate predictor of baby's sex.

    To answer your question, I think there's a 50% chance it's a girl. You should have your A/S in about 8 more weeks, I would rely much more on what they say at that appointment than at 12 weeks.
    July 2015 Jan Siggy Challenge: Snow Fails/Funnies


    BFP #5 11/15/14, Team Green EDD 7/22/15

    BFP #4 4/30/13, baby girl born med-free Jan. 2014

    BFP #3 9/24/12, Missed m/c at 9w1d (baby measured 8w5d)

    BFP #2 9/23/10, healthy baby girl born med-free June 2011

    BFP #1 5/21/10, Missed m/c at 10w4d (baby measured 8wks), D&C 6/29/10
    "Life is like a camera, just focus on what's important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don't work out, just take another shot."

  • Christab728Christab728 member
    edited December 2014
  • I have another ultrasound scheduled for 16 weeks at the place that confirmed my first sons gender.. So we will know for sure then :) that's January 24th
  • Christab728Christab728 member
    edited December 2014
    @ashslatts524‌ I'm aware you aren't us techs. I'm not taking anyone comments super seriously it's just for fun :) or to get others experiences with us tech maybe guessing wrong and all that.. but thanks for the reminder
  • @junedear67‌ Hey there we go! There's a real comment lol. I've been looking around for someone to say that.. I've heard a lot of "girl" predictions be "boy" but never the other way around because boys usually points up higher. I get its 50/50 but when the tech has been right 95% of the time.. I'd say there's something to it.
  • ahsile10 said:

    Here it comes!
    I just know someone will come along now. right? where are you?
    I'm waiting too. There's a few faves that come to mind.
  • @jgrace82‌ ??? Is someone gonna tell me what this is all about? Spam?
  • @jgrace82‌ ??? Is someone gonna tell me what this is all about? Spam?

    It a joke based on other similar threads. Don't worry about it. Great ultrasound pic! Let us know the outcome when you're further along.
    Pregnancy Tickerimage
  • @ashslatts524‌ thanks for the heads up.. That's too bad though. It's really not a big deal to me it's just for fun... First ever post on one of these sites. I guess people like being rude around here? Blah that sucks.
  • @christab728

    Many times when a poster seems even slightly put off (like you did in your comment to @thiscoffeechick), some random person will come in and start attacking everyone about anything and everything to "defend" the OP. 

    However, I think many of them just use it as an excuse to start drama.

    image  image image

  • @ashslatts524‌ thanks for the heads up.. That's too bad though. It's really not a big deal to me it's just for fun... First ever post on one of these sites. I guess people like being rude around here? Blah that sucks.

    If you take some time to lurk around you'll see the tone of the boards. People can be snarky and sarcastic, and they are also incredibly supportive and helpful. Give it a chance and see how you feel.
    Pregnancy Tickerimage
  • Also, in response to experiences, I went to a local elective place last pregnancy and the lady there (who is an actual u/s tech also) told me that she refuses to tell anyone a definitive answer before 16 weeks. 

    However she said there were a few (very few out of thousands) times at 13-14 weeks that she saw something definitive in her mind, but she never told the mothers because of the chance for error. She just waited and saw later that her guess had been correct.
    She said that was definitely not the norm though.

    image  image image

  • That's soooooo Annoying to say "she's positive" because she isn't. Even when I found out around 18 weeks with my first they said 98% positive or something. Mistakes happen all the time and at 12 weeks she could most certainly be wrong, I hope it's a girl just so she can eat her "positive" words. :wink:
  • @junedear67‌ Hey there we go! There's a real comment lol. I've been looking around for someone to say that.. I've heard a lot of "girl" predictions be "boy" but never the other way around because boys usually points up higher. I get its 50/50 but when the tech has been right 95% of the time.. I'd say there's something to it.

    12w is too early to be positive. My OB with 25+ years experience guessed boy at 11.5w and we are having a girl.
    Me - 26 
    DH - 27

    TTC #1 since July 2014
    BFP! Oct 18, EDD July 2, 2015


    It's a GIRL!!
    Lilypie Maternity tickers
  • my tech guessed at my 12 weeks 1 day us on monday, she was very clear that it was only a guess and its too early to be certain but she guessed girl for us.  we told her we wanted to know the sex and all, she didn't just start making predictions.   I know people who were told they were having girls and later told boys ,I've never heard of anyone in my personal experience that were told boy then told girl.  however, in your case its early, i wouldn't buy anything or start painting walls blue.  If its boy at 16 weeks then I think you're ok to start going buck wild on puppy dog tails. 
  • They wouldn't even guess at my NT scan, Im shocked the tech was so sure this early
  • This exact thing happened to me today. I'm 13 weeks and the tech said definitely boy. I was surprised how sure she was.
  • When we went in at 12 weeks, DH was asking the tech if she could tell. She told us they used to try but that most of the time they thought boy and they turned out to be wrong a lot.
  • BabysMomma4BabysMomma4 member
    edited January 2015
    Since your question was basically do we know any truth to the "nub theory" and have we ever experienced being told one thing and it ended up being another and not asking us what we might guess it to be -- I was told my first was a boy at an 11 week vaginal ultrasound and they were correct. He, too, was very positive about it and was the OB and not a tech. I came away from it wondering if they really could tell that early and none of my friends nor family believed it either! However, he ended up being a boy!! :)

    I have no experience on the "nub theory" so I can't help there. I have heard of people being told one thing even at 16 weeks and it being wrong. So if I were you, I'd wait until your next scan to buy blue just in case!!

    Mother of 4 beautiful babies - soon to be 5!
    Mikey - 11/08/2000
    Eden - 02/23/2003
    Alora - 04/07/2006
    Elsie - 07/08/2015
    Expecting a baby girl 11/01/2016!!

  • At 11 weeks 4 days the tech told me 70% chance they are both girls. He said that when it is pointing up (even slightly) like your baby's that most likely it will turn into a penis. Now with that being said my friend who also was having twins was told at 12 weeks 95% chance she was having boy/girl, but her next appointment it was 100% girl/girl!
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