Cloth Diapering

Calgon users

Walk me through your routine. How much do you use and when?
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Re: Calgon users

  • I've been using half a capful during a second wash cycle used for an extra rinse.

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  • freezorburnfreezorburn member
    edited December 2014
    Mine comes in tablets. I use one in my initial warm quick wash, and another with detergent in the main hot cycle. I do an extra warm quick wash as a final rinse with no Calgon.  

    I recently found a place where I can get it as a powder so I am considering getting that the next time I shop, to see how many loads that would cover and whether it would help get my costs down.
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  • I just put it in with the detergent and use about 2 tablespoons of the powder

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  • I think it depends on why you need to add it. I started adding it to my rinse because no matter how little detergent I used I couldn't rinse it out and adding it to my wash only allowed me to use less detergent.....that still didn't rinse out.

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    I'm a fan of The Cloth Diaper Tech Support group on Facebook
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