Cloth Diapering

NCDR: Games

J and I had been in a bit of a rut with getting home from work, eating, getting M to bed, and watching TV. We started playing Sorry one night, and I had so much fun I got him another game for Christmas-- Forbidden Island. This game is collaborative and we've been having a lot of fun playing it. It's nice that you work together to achieve something instead of competing against each other, but I also have a competitive streak and enjoy those kinds of games as well. Do any of you have games you love playing as a couple? Any other ideas for ways to spend time together at the end of a long day that don't involve staring at the TV every single night? M is 8 months old today, and I'd say it's been a tough few months, but we really want to keep our relationship strong and feel like more than just co-parents.

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Re: NCDR: Games

  • I'm a tad jealous that YH will play games with you! Mine is kind of married to his computer. I used to play a computer game with him, but my laptop didn't handle the graphics well. We also did a short stint of working out together.


  • Mine is married to his computer.
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  • We like cards against humanity, balderdash, and taboo. We also like to play spades, but you need more than two people for all of those. The Lego video games are a fun cooperative game. Or strip poker/sex dice if you really want to tackle the coparent issue. ;)
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  • Settlers of catan - 3 or more players but apparently one of the expansions allows just two players.
    Scattergories could be done with two, that's usually a good time.
    Can you play risk with 2? I've never tried but you'd probably get days per game.
    Trivia games might be fun for two!
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  • What about card games like gin.
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  • TJ1979 said:

    sarenu1 said:

    TJ1979 said:

    What about card games like gin.

    on the rocks?
    With tonic and lime.

    Yes, yes, and yes.

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  • We like canasta, but it's kind of long... We also tend to lean toward video games, so Mario kart and super mario world are two of our favorites. Scrabble or banana grams can be fun as well as stratego :)
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  • When we used to have the time, we did a lot of cards. Poker, King on the Corner, etc. We also like Trivial Pursuit type games where we just ask each other Qs to see how many we can get. Oh and Scrabble and Yahtzee are fun with two.
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  • I'm a tad jealous that YH will play games with you! Mine is kind of married to his computer. I used to play a computer game with him, but my laptop didn't handle the graphics well. We also did a short stint of working out together.

    Mine is married to his phone. I've tried to get him to play games and he just doesn't think it's fun unless there's a group.
    Thanks, ass. I'm sorry you can't have fun one on one with your wife.

    ITK what exactly is cards against humanity? I keep hearing the name but have no clue.
    Have you ever played apples to apples? Same concept, but adult/ridiculous/disturbing/hilarious cards.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I've never heard of collaborative games either!  I just added a couple to my Amazon wishlist!

    To OP, do you guys like puzzles?  I like them as an alternate to a game for just a couple people.
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  • BoothBaby said:

    I've never heard of collaborative games either!  I just added a couple to my Amazon wishlist!

    To OP, do you guys like puzzles?  I like them as an alternate to a game for just a couple people.

    This is silly, but we don't have a good table for puzzles, so we never really do them. Our kitchen table is tiled and really uneven. Now that M is mobile and finding all choking hazards and putting them in her mouth, it will probably be even longer until we do puzzles. However, aside from all of that, I do like them.

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  • BoothBaby said:

    I've never heard of collaborative games either!  I just added a couple to my Amazon wishlist!

    To OP, do you guys like puzzles?  I like them as an alternate to a game for just a couple people.

    This is silly, but we don't have a good table for puzzles, so we never really do them. Our kitchen table is tiled and really uneven. Now that M is mobile and finding all choking hazards and putting them in her mouth, it will probably be even longer until we do puzzles. However, aside from all of that, I do like them.
    When I was little my grandpa made me a puzzle board - basically just a big price of wood with a raised edge that I could slide under my bed when I wasn't actively puzzlin'. You might be able to find something like that you could put out of M's reach. I love puzzles but never do them :(
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  • Doesn't someone also make a rubber mat for puzzles that you roll up when you're not working on it?


  • unaveragejaneunaveragejane member
    edited December 2014
  • I wish my husband liked board games. He just loves tv at night, though. I love Scategories, Pictionary, Apples to Apples, Cards Against Humanity (but you really have to have the "right" group to play this one with), and Trivia games... Not a fan of competitive things like Monopoly, Risk, etc.

    Collaborative games sound fun, though. I may have to look into those :)
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  • I forgot that 2 can play Sequence!


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