July 2013 Moms

CPT: Who Wants to Play Personal Shopper?! Updated with PIP.

gutsymamagutsymama member
edited December 2014 in July 2013 Moms
My boots are falling apart and I have a gift card for DSW. I want something versatile & neutral that I can wear with jeans or skirts. I am looking at these three:

[Pictures in comment below]
FKA mimi4347: diaper rash magician and unofficial expert on excrement
photo fdcd1f14-730b-4ea3-9fd5-37c8a5575512_zps6b3ccb11.jpgphoto a71807cf-a0c7-4c71-807b-bc4577b61b83_zps4eece2a6.jpg
This kid may not have a lot of bowel, but he has plenty of guts! 
DS born at 34 weeks with (surprise!) gastroschisis turned short bowel syndrome.
131 days in the NICU, 7 trips to the OR, G-button, daily TPN....
We are impatiently awaiting the day we can say goodbye to his girlfriend Ivy for good.

CPT: Who Wants to Play Personal Shopper?! Updated with PIP. 57 votes

33% 19 votes
36% 21 votes
28% 16 votes
Shopping Snowflake
1% 1 vote

Re: CPT: Who Wants to Play Personal Shopper?! Updated with PIP.

  • All 3 links go to the main page..no picture
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  • I can't see them either :( 
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  • I can see the second option but that's all. 
  • This content has been removed.
  • Well shoot. 

    Let me try again.
    FKA mimi4347: diaper rash magician and unofficial expert on excrement
    photo fdcd1f14-730b-4ea3-9fd5-37c8a5575512_zps6b3ccb11.jpgphoto a71807cf-a0c7-4c71-807b-bc4577b61b83_zps4eece2a6.jpg
    This kid may not have a lot of bowel, but he has plenty of guts! 
    DS born at 34 weeks with (surprise!) gastroschisis turned short bowel syndrome.
    131 days in the NICU, 7 trips to the OR, G-button, daily TPN....
    We are impatiently awaiting the day we can say goodbye to his girlfriend Ivy for good.
  • #1     





    FKA mimi4347: diaper rash magician and unofficial expert on excrement
    photo fdcd1f14-730b-4ea3-9fd5-37c8a5575512_zps6b3ccb11.jpgphoto a71807cf-a0c7-4c71-807b-bc4577b61b83_zps4eece2a6.jpg
    This kid may not have a lot of bowel, but he has plenty of guts! 
    DS born at 34 weeks with (surprise!) gastroschisis turned short bowel syndrome.
    131 days in the NICU, 7 trips to the OR, G-button, daily TPN....
    We are impatiently awaiting the day we can say goodbye to his girlfriend Ivy for good.
  • I like them all but I think I like option 2 the best so that's what I chose. I don't think you can go wrong with any of them :)
  • They are all really cute but I like #3. I think what we're saying here is you shouldn't ask us because we are obviously not helpful.

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  • I prefer #2. What you would need to consider with #1 is that you will see a LOT more wear on the folds. So if the boots aren't leather and/or you're planning on using them for ever, I'd be leery of folds.

    (Or maybe I'm the only fold-ruiner around. YRMV)
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  • I like #2, but I'm with @byjove03, I wish it was brown, like #3.  
  • I like #1 but @amparo1981‌ has a good point..so I chose #3. 2nd best imo
    July 13 Siggy Challenge December'14: Christmas/Holiday Movie
    Bonus: Ugly Sweater

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  • I like #1 the best, but I NEVER wear heels. I would pick #2 for myself. 
  • Does #2 come in another color? I would choose two but I think brown is more versatile, so maybe three.

    I don't like option one as much. I think for everyday boots, a classic and plain look is best.
  • Also - and I am not calling you old and actually don't know how old you are but I'm guessing ~30 like most of us - I think the first ones look quite "young" and I would imagine them on someone ~20.
  • It's so close!


  • I vote 3. :) Most versatile and classic looking, I think. What did you choose, @gutsymama?
  • jemasa33 said:
    I like #1 the best, but I NEVER wear heels. I would pick #2 for myself. 
    This exactly. I would buy #1 then hate it because of the heels.
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  • I Love love love #3 - great color, classy but stylish, and they look super comfy. Second choice is #2.


  • @gutsymama, I totally pictured you bumping in the aisles of a DSW with different boots on each foot, refreshing for responses. ;)
  • #3 fo shizzle!
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