I don't particularly care for any of the names, but I think the middle names are fine, especially if they are family oriented. I would give you suggestions, but I think you have been given some really great ones, and I'm unsure what your style is.
It is really best to just take the responses here with a grain of salt. Sometimes, the responses you get can sting, but as others have pointed out, these are the things people will be thinking behind your back and your child's back. A lot of times, we can point out things that you may not think of otherwise, and I think it's nice to have the extra input. As in real life, you can't dictate how people will respond or what people say. Keep in mind that the opinions here only hold as much value as you allow them.
The reason this board, and all the boards on The Bump, frown on words like "preggers" is because it sounds childish and we tend to prefer the actual term for things like pregnant.
People aren't giving you "mean" opinions, you wanted honesty and everyone is replying with their perception of a name. Brooklyn is trendy and not really a name, as it is a borough in NYC.
Cade is also extremely trendy-sounding. I do think it sounds like it's trying a little too hard.
Both are really, really bad. Brooklyn especially, but Paige and Cade are also bad, so exercise that veto on Cade! Landry is fine. It's a family name. Whatever. Here are 18 million other names in a variety of styles, but all of them real, correctly spelled, and sex-appropriate:
There's no such thing as 'real' or 'correctly spelled' for names. All names were made up at one point and some of the names you listed originated from a different language, so you're not spelling them correctly with your english spelling. As for 'sex-appropriate', names constantly go back and forth between genders. Some names that are now unisex didn't start that way (Taylor, Jordan, etc.).
@allyld5 I adore the names Paige and Cade. Brooklyn not so much, but that's because I hated living there.
No....I actually get preggers, my doctor told me. I thought the suggestions were kind of horrible but to each their own! I have a feeling people around here's kids names are gonna be talked about behind their backs quite a bit.
Ohhhhhhh wait.....I am wrong lol. On my work computer I had signed up before I got married but never got on. I just downloaded the app a couple of nights ago and registered with my married name but my work computer still has my maiden name and login. I was seriously so confused. But yes I am the OP too. I apologize, I thought yall were talking about the other two that agreed with me.
Ohhhhhhh wait.....I am wrong lol. On my work computer I had signed up before I got married but never got on. I just downloaded the app a couple of nights ago and registered with my married name but my work computer still has my maiden name and login. I was seriously so confused. But yes I am the OP too. I apologize, I thought yall were talking about the other two that agreed with me.
Troll Tuesday? Omg. I JUST ADMITTED MY MISTAKE. I can't believe a group of ladies that are, are about to be, or are trying to be mothers act like such bullies!!! I hope you don't teach your kids this crap.
Why does everyone seriously keep coming back just to be rude? If I'm violating then oh well!!!! I already emailed the people to delete my first account so get over yourselves. Omg I've heard how horrible this website is and people were not lying!! It's a sad shame. There are different forms of bullying so don't try to be a teacher and sit there and tell me what it is.
Oh my god lol, yall are living in a dream world if you think this is constructive criticism. I definitely think it's sad because I love baby names, one of my favorite things is hearing other people's baby names. But this is definitely not the board for me. It's insane to me that people will tell you your name is spelled wrong and it's not a girls name or not a boys name or whatever. I had no idea people were so rude about that kind of thing. I've learned my lesson and I'm done. And I do feel bullied, ganged up on. And none of you can say that I don't. So thanks so much for turning me off of this board and ruining my experience on here. Congratulations. Bye now.
Re: boy/girl name
Brooklyn is a mess.
Paige is OK, but I have not ever personally liked the name.
I don't mind Cade at all, and if Landry is a family/ meaningful name, then go for it.
BFP 1- EDD 2/09/11 Missed MC DX @11 weeks D&C- 7/25/10 BFP 2- EDD 12/22/11 Natural MC @ 5w 2d BFP 3- EDD 1/25/12 DD Josephine born 1/16/12
I don't particularly care for any of the names, but I think the middle names are fine, especially if they are family oriented. I would give you suggestions, but I think you have been given some really great ones, and I'm unsure what your style is.
It is really best to just take the responses here with a grain of salt. Sometimes, the responses you get can sting, but as others have pointed out, these are the things people will be thinking behind your back and your child's back. A lot of times, we can point out things that you may not think of otherwise, and I think it's nice to have the extra input. As in real life, you can't dictate how people will respond or what people say. Keep in mind that the opinions here only hold as much value as you allow them.
Landry is fine.
People aren't giving you "mean" opinions, you wanted honesty and everyone is replying with their perception of a name. Brooklyn is trendy and not really a name, as it is a borough in NYC.
Cade is also extremely trendy-sounding. I do think it sounds like it's trying a little too hard.
There's no such thing as 'real' or 'correctly spelled' for names. All names were made up at one point and some of the names you listed originated from a different language, so you're not spelling them correctly with your english spelling. As for 'sex-appropriate', names constantly go back and forth between genders. Some names that are now unisex didn't start that way (Taylor, Jordan, etc.).
@allyld5 I adore the names Paige and Cade. Brooklyn not so much, but that's because I hated living there.
I thought the suggestions were kind of horrible but to each their own! I have a feeling people around here's kids names are gonna be talked about behind their backs quite a bit.
On my work computer I had signed up before I got married but never got on. I just downloaded the app a couple of nights ago and registered with my married name but my work computer still has my maiden name and login. I was seriously so confused. But yes I am the OP too. I apologize, I thought yall were talking about the other two that agreed with me.
Okay well then you're dumb.
Thanks. At least I know how to give my honest opinion in a nice way, unlike most people around here.
This post reminds me of playing with my sister as a child...."You're not playing right!"
OP seriously got her panties that bunched over this post's comments? Yeah. I don't think any internet forums are for you, OP.
Precious baby boy "HC" born May 2013.