Baby Names

Middle name for Lindsay

Ok, I need help.

DD1: Mar.nie Di.ane
DD2: Aman.da Mar.ika

DH is set on Lindsay for a first name for this one. As soon as I indicated it was a name I would go for, he settled the matter, followed by 'you can pick the middle name'.

Both of my other girls have middle names after a grandmother, but I am not especially keen on Joan or Jean or Jane (remaining gmas and my MN).

I wanted to go with Leslie after DH's grandfather (yes, I know, Lindsay Leslie would be two historical men's names, and alliteration has been frowned upon by my family, but I liked it), but found out his older brother used it as a MN for their third daughter.

Now I'm stumped. Anyone want to throw out some names for me? :)

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