
Ivf protocol/meds to help egg quality?

Hello ladies, I am wondering if any of you have had really good success with egg quality by using a certain ivf protocol or taking and vitamins or meds to help? Or adding any certain meds to your protocol? Or know if a site I can read about this? I have had 4 ivf cycles now, 3 times I have only had 2 make it to transfer and this last time I we only had 1. We just fond out on Friday it wasn't successful. Thank you in advance.

Re: Ivf protocol/meds to help egg quality?

  • Depends what you mean by success. Most ladies here are working on #1. If you want to read about cycles that resulted in pregnancies, you can check out the Pregnant after IF board. Many of us are on various supplements to maximize quality - I would suggest checking out the book It Starts with the Egg for more information about this. GL

    Official diagnosis: Unexplained IF. I am 32. I have low ovarian reserve (low AMH), and poor egg quality. I've also been diagnosed with mild glandular developmental arrest (lining problems, detected with EFT).

    We are using open ID donor sperm. IUIs #1-7=BFN. IVF September 2014 antagonist protocol, 8R,5M,3F, 5 day transfer of 1 morula = BFN. IVF#2 planned for January 2015 (antagonist protocol + HGH).

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  • I guess by success I mean increased egg quality, maybe quantity, I am also workin on baby #1 I am just looking into my 5 ivf cycle, so hoping to do anything I can to improve. I am new to the bump as well, where can I find book it starts with the egg? Sorry I haven't figured out navigating the site quite yet. Thank you for your post!
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  • Hi there!! I am a firm believer in the book "it starts with the egg" it's like 10$ on the kindle but so worth the $$. I had excellent results with changing diet, environment and supplements this last cycle. I have done 4 fresh cycles my last bring a freeze all and I just did my FET on December 9th. Out of the 4 cycles this was my best. See my siggy for more info on my numbers.

    I added coQ10 for 3 months prior to er and melatonin during stimming. I cut ALL bpa out of my diet to include using only glass dishes no plastic. I switched my cleaners to all natural. I only use organic/natural shampoo and body wash. I cut all processed food while stimming and soy products. Read the book. I know there are others who have had good results too.

    Feel free to pm me if you want further info. GL!

    Long of the Short:
     TTC since April 2013  DH 42 y/o I'm 30  Dh had vasectomy reversal Feb 2013 after 3 months developed scar tissue 
     First Re appt was September 2013 OOP for everything minus meds  
    DH's TESE surgery December 2013
    First cycle was February 2014 BFN none to freeze
     Second cycle was April 2014 BFP ending in Chemical Pregnancy none to freeze
     Third cycle June 2014 BFN none to freez
     Fourth cycle October 30th 28 retrieved, 13 mature and 12 fertilized
    PICSI, assisted hatching and fresh sperm from my DH's TESE surgery used
    5 FROZEN from a freeze all cycle! 
    FET completed on DECEMBER 9TH!!!
    Beta #1 13dp5dt BFP!! 800
    Beta #2 15dp5dt 2100
    Beta #3 17dp5dt 3600 
    First Scan January 5th! Everything looks great! Heart rate of 121!
    Second Scan January 20th. Baby Justone13 looks amazing. Heart rate of 175!
    Baby Girl is due August 27th
    Liv Annmarie born 8/25 7lbs 6oz 21 1/2 inches long 

  • As others said, ISWTE is kinda the bible of eqq quality recommendations. I've also been reading studies about calorie restriction and its impact on fertility. ISWTE recommends a Mediterranean style diet but I'm not convinced any particular diet is the key vs. just calorie restricting. Of course check with your doctor, you may not want to do that if for example you are underweight already.
    **Warning: Losses and living child mentioned**
    BFP#1 1/31/12, EDD 10/6/12 Harrison Gray born sleeping @ 18w6d. You changed our lives little guy.
    BFP#2 EDD 10/29/13, C/P 2/25/13, Bye little Ish, we barely got to know you.
    BFP#3 EDD 12/21/13, Baby Boots born 11/23/13 My rainbow baby!

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    January PAL Siggy Challenge: Good Advice

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  • I sent you a PM, @jammiewantsbaby, but I wanted to chime in that I did use CoQ10 for three full months before cycling as well as other supplements, and saw an improvement in number of eggs retrieved and fertilized. I also switched to a new clinic with a better lab and I'm sure that helped. Your partner should also be taking a supplement (my RE recommended Theralogix) for at least three months beforehand, too. If your embryos are deteriorating after day 3 it could be a sperm issue. More specific tests on sperm quality can be done, too. Good luck!

    Age: 35 TTC since 2005, MFI & DOR 

    IVF #1 Sep '11 - canceled poor response

     IVF #2 Nov '11  8R/8M/4F 3dt x2 - chemical

    IVF #3 April '12  11R/6M/4F 3dt x2 - m/c

    FET #1 Aug 2012  3dt x2 - BFN

    **new RE**

     IVF #4 Jan '13 BFN 11R/6M/6F 5dt x2 - BFN

     IVF #5 July '13 16R/10M/10F 5dt x2 + 1 frostie

    9dp5dt Beta 1 = 344!! 16dp5dt. Beta 2 = 4822 7wk u/s= 2 heartbeats!

    Twin girls! 3/6/14


  • Thank you all very much for your input and suggestions!!
  • These ladies have grat advice. Just wanted to add that I feel like acupuncture and Antagonist protocol worked for me. Good luck!
    ***Siggy Warning***


    Started TTC June 2011Cycles #1-10 = BFNCycle #11: 100 mg Clomid + TI =BFNReferred to RE March 2012HSG all clear, FSH = 13, Prolactin = 28, S/A = greatApril 2012 MRI to check for brain tumor due to elevated Prolactin = clearJune 2012 Hysteroscopy to remove uterine polyps and partial septateJuly 2012 IUI #1 7/7/12 = BFNAugust 2012 IUI #2.1 Cancelled due to early/missed ovulation = BFNSeptember 2012 Forced break due to one huge cyst October 2012 IUI #2.2 = BFNNovember 2012 Begin BCPs for IVF #1December 2012 IVF #1 = Delayed due to cyst. Start stims 12/22January 2013 ER: 1/2, 14R, 10M, 9FET: 1/7 Transferred 1 "Perfect" blast! 4 frosties!Beta #1: 99 BFP! #2: 227 #3: 584 #4: 3,020Baby Boy born September 25, 2013

    TTC #2
    November 2014 - Begin BCPs
    December 2014 - Start Lupron 12/25
    January 2015 - FET #1

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