I realize you guys get car questions all the time, so I apologize in advance for asking another annoying car question ! DS will be 2 years 9 months when the twins arrive and we are trying to decide whether to get a bigger car. For carseats we'd like to use Chicco keyfit for the twins & Diono radianRxt for DS (he will be FF). We currently have a Kia sorento and it has tons of cargo space - ample for a double stroller. DS goes to preschool 5 mornings a week and needs to easily pop in and out of the car during carpool line (so the Diono would need to be on the side and the chiccos would be side by side). We are debating about getting a minivan or a large SUV with captains, but my issue is it seems DS would have to be in the 3rd row all by himself and it seems like a pain to strap him in and out of a 3rd row while he's still so young.
Those with 3u3 - did you choose a 2 row or 3 row vehicle ? How do you configure your carseats? If you have all the kids in one row does your 2/3 year old bother your babies ?
DS1 : 10/2012
Due with B/G Twins July 2015
Re: Car for newborn twins and a toddler?
Getting 3 in a row can be a challenge and when the twins were in buckets, we did like you are planning w a radian. Now we have the big one in a frontier and the babies RF in radians. A lot of times the third row can become inaccessible due to the car seats bc you can't fold a seat down w a car seat in it. Don't know about captains chairs.
We have never put the big one in the middle. It never worked for us. He's right now behind the driver bc that's the way the seats fit the best. It's not easy to puzzle them together safely.
He really doesn't bother the twins at all.
This is very functional for us because DS can climb into his seat himself and then I can buckle him in. After having a c section I couldn't lift ds into his car seat so it was essential that he climb in by himself.
We went with the oddessey because it has top tethers on all 6 seats in the 2nd and 3rd rows.
There is a search option at the bottom of the page. I'm mobile or I would try to attach it for you.