We also have bath squirters. They are farm animals and she loves them. Her favorite bath toy is the Very hungry caterpillar bath squirter that came with a book and some other squirters. We also have bath letters and cups.
Z got some Munchkin toys with a penguin, star, and fish that water can pour through. She seemed sort of more excited about those. Usually she just hangs out, lounges, and sucks on the washcloth.
we only use stacking cups. Google "inside of bath toys" or something similar. *shudder*.
I asked some of my momma friends at work about this, and they said to seal the little valves at the bottom with hot glue to keep water/mold out. Of course, I haven't done this yet, but sounds like a good idea.
we only use stacking cups. Google "inside of bath toys" or something similar. *shudder*.
I asked some of my momma friends at work about this, and they said to seal the little valves at the bottom with hot glue to keep water/mold out. Of course, I haven't done this yet, but sounds like a good idea.
Oh, oops. I squirt her all the time with her duckies!
I want stacking cups but right now she's too crowded in her baby bath.
She has squirters- octopus, starfish, lobster, whale, and submarine- she loves those. Also have so rubber duckys and stacking cups with the different holes in the bottom.
We have stacking cups which I mostly use to rinse his hair. We also have rubber duckies and two packs of dsifferent sea animal squirties. I give him one to play with at bath time. They were all gifts or I wouldn't have so many!
Re: Bath toys
Stuff I find around the house ... bath toys can be expensive IMO.
I want stacking cups but right now she's too crowded in her baby bath.
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