
Moving tips?

acesupacesup member
edited December 2014 in Parenting
I've started packing for our move next month and I'm feeling very overwhelmed and unorganized. There is so much stuff!! Then I was thinking about going about changing address on everything and it's just stressful.

I only moved one other time from my moms house to this house with DH and we literally had nothing but our clothes and a bedroom set so it was easy lol.

I went on Pinterest and found some "moving checklists" but I thought I would ask here if anyone has any tips that made moving a little less stressful?


Edited for spelling error

Re: Moving tips?

  • luxannie said:

    As much as you have time for, purge, purge, purge. Take the opportunity to get rid of as much stuff as possible. Just tackle one defined space each day.

    Also, are you hiring movers? And if so, have you gotten a quote for them to pack your whole house too? That's what we ended up doing this summer. It was a chunk of money but not as much as I had feared it would be. And it saved me SO MUCH time and stress.

    Thank you! I purged so much yesterday and it felt great but we have a lot more to go.

    We are hiring movers but I think I might be too much of a control freak to let them pack it. I don't like people touching my stuff lol
  • mcbenny said:

    I moved like this:

    Packed things from kitchen that you know you are not going to need before then. For me, this was serving platters and huge gumbo pot I only use for holidays.

    Packed all things from bathroom I knew I wouldn't need.

    Kids rooms the same. This was off season clothes and toys like stuffed animals.

    Same with our room and closet.

    I labeled and staged boxes in dining room. I also had a notebook log Mia #1 winter clothes for example this was a life saver.

    As you are doing this, you purge. If you wouldn't pay to take it then don't pack it.

    Also pack a first night box essentials. Bathroom cleaner, toilet paper, box cutter, paper plates, etc.

    I had my kids help and pack what they loved and wanted to bring. They don't really have a lot of toys anyway and that helped get rid of some more.

    If you pack one box a day that's one less that needs to be done. Good luck.

    Thank you so much!

    I packed the whole dining room first since now that xmas is over we won't be using it again. I also took everything off the walls on the first floor. I'll definitely go room to room and pack whatever is not essential.
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  • chickie03 said:

    I kept a spreadsheet of the boxes and what was in them. Then color-coded based on what room they would go into. Our movers were thankful for it, too.

    And definitely do what mbenny said with the first night box. I packed an overnight bag with essentials, PJs, extra set of clothes, etc and that was a huge help. 
    Oh that is a really good idea, I'm not that great with spreadsheets but I may have to try this.

    First night box sounds like GOLD!
  • I find with big tasks lists are important. I also echo the others and purge. If you do one box a day that should seem doable and not scary

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  • Thanks everyone! Awesome tips!
  • We just moved this summer. First I purged and organized. Everything in storage was in giant clear plastic totes.

    I wish I would've paid someone to pack my kitchen. It's the number one thing I hate to do.

    The little stuff will get you - it takes so much longer than you think and at the end, it's the last thing you want to do.

    Set up the kids' rooms first when you get to the new house. Pack an overnight bag, as pp said, to get you through.

  • We use packers and movers, but I still end up packing some. I can't completely relinquish control. I don't want packers in all my stuff, but skipping it really wasn't an option.

    I've use small strips of colored duct tape instead of writing on boxes. It's quicker and there's no confusion or needing to cross out previous writing. green=kitchen, red=great room etc 
  • I recommend labeling every box very specifically with contents and where it goes in your new place. It'll make unpacking so much easier. It's great you're starting early. The last time we moved I had to pack in a week, by myself, with a 1yr old and 3yr old at home (DH was training for his new job).
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  • We have been purging for months - I'm glad DH is stepping up this time, he's such a packrat but he's trying to be better.

    We've cleared out one room and things we will move ourselves or large items we are going to donate are getting put in that room.  Salvation army will schedule a pick-up for large items.

    Definitely watch the movers carefully and make sure the contents of each box are accurately recorded.  Write the room it will go in on the box, and at the new place label each room with a sign so they don't have to keep asking you where it goes.

    Our movers come next week - good luck!
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  • Everyone gave good tips. I just want to say that moving sucks almost any way you cut it so don't stress about feeling unorganized and whatnot. It always feels that way. Like you don't realize how much crap you have until you have to move it.

    It's so crazy. I totally feel like a hoarder now that we're going through everything. Like, going through my clothes and I'm like "oh look I have size 2 Abercrombie jeans that haven't fit since we got engaged and I'm a size 8 now, sure lets keep these". Which is insane because I have weeded through my clothes many times since then but always kept these things that I haven't worn or don't fit. Lol I have no idea what was going through my head
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