Baby Names

Lorenzo ___

Ok, so you calmed my fears about Lorenzo and now I am thinking we can make it work! We now need a middle name!! It needs to be a family name or at least an elaboration on a family name. Ex: Anne=Anastasia. So here are all the male family names we can use.

Joe- do not like Joesph



Virgil Norman (my grandpa and I would really like to use it but I am not sure)



Wayne (not a fan of this but hoping you ladies can pull off something great!)

Donald (^^^^)

Hugh (not sure with our last name sounds like Box)


Oscar (DH is not a fan but I think he would consider it)

Re: Lorenzo ___

  • Joel

    Charles is good, Jeffrey is nms, but not bad.

    Virgil just makes me think of virgin.

    Wayne and Donald aren't great. Even if you did a variation of the names, it would seem pointless if they're family names.

    Love Hugh. I don't think it's a big deal with a long fn like Lorenzo.

    Woodrow is awesome, but doesn't sound great after Lorenzo. It's a mouthful and possible tongue twister.

    Love Oscar.
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  • Von Matterhorn
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  • Joe - Angelo
    Charles - Harley
    Jeffrey - Jett
    Virgil - Vincent
    Marshall - Dashiell
    Wayne - Wyatt
    Donald - Ronald
    Hugh - Harold?
    Woodrow - Andrew or Drew or Rowan
    Oscar - Orion or Carson
  • Lorenzo Charles or Lorenzo Carl

    Lorenzo Woodrow, the flow isn't great, but that is a great MN.
    Married 9-4-04

    ***PM me for my IF history***

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  • Maybe look at behindthenames . Com to look at those names (Joseph and Charles had the most options) for similar names in various languages. That might be a nice way to tie in one of these names with Lorenzo!

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  • I personally like Lorenzo Hugh or Lorenzo Oscar. 

    They sound so elegant to me....I am a big fan of older names though too. 
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  • I personally like Lorenzo Hugh or Lorenzo Oscar. 

    They sound so elegant to me....I am a big fan of older names though too. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Lorenzo Charles
  • I love you guys! You totally got where I was going! So I like Lorenzo Hugo a lot but I don't know if the double O ending sounds to choppy. I am glad to see some love for Virgil because initially that was my first choice as a middle but I wasn't sure if it was just way to old fashioned to work.
  • I like Lorenzo Joe-- Fancy first name simple (yet nice) middle name.  I am biased though...  DD middle name is Jo.

    Lorenzo is an awesome name!
  • I like Lorenzo Charles, I think it sounds the best!!
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