My immediate thoughts were "double decker", "black and decker", rhymes with "pecker", or... someone who likes to hit people. I'm sorry I don't have any suggestions for you, I think we probably don't have the same taste in names.
There as a character on General Hospital years ago with this name, although I can't remember if it was his given name or his last name. He was the misunderstood rebel character. But it's definitely a soap opera name and not a name for real life.
Haha, I wasn't sure how this name would go over on BNB, thanks for your opinions. Declan is on our list, but I don't LOVE it because the -Lynn ending sounds feminine. I arrived at Decker and DH actually liked it so I was seeking your thoughts. Our other name is Hudson, which I love.
Haha, I wasn't sure how this name would go over on BNB, thanks for your opinions. Declan is on our list, but I don't LOVE it because the -Lynn ending sounds feminine.
To my ears it has more of a -luhn ending, and is a decidedly masculine name
Didn't mean to offend anyone, that was just my opinion. I love the meaning behind Declan and don't think it's a feminine name - just wasn't loving how the ending sounded for my child. I like the Dec- start though which is why it's on our list. Again, thanks for offering your opinions and its okay that these names aren't many of your styles. I still like to get feedback since we keep them secret to family and friends.
Re: Decker?
TTC since September 2012
Sounds like "deck her."
Precious baby boy "HC" born May 2013.
TTC since September 2012
Decker is just "please god no"
Declan is certainly not feminine sounding and is nice.